Fat Moz's training log

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

Warm up and mobility drills. KB warm up swings snatches cleans and presses 16kg bells

Main strength workout
FP 102.5 kg (225lbs) 4x3
Suitcase squat 110kg (242lbs) 4x3
Nordic Hamstring curl 5x5 BW
Rope Pull ups 4x4 10kg (22lbs)
32kg kb swings 3x10

Threw in some sandbag bear hug squats worked up to 160lbs 3x10
& a couple of sandbag cleans and presses at 75lbs.

Farmers walks 88kg (194lbs) 2x24kg with a 20kg oly disk tied to each weight


29th & 30th each day
LISS 30 mins HR 50-70%

Pretty chuffed with the FP, it’s been a long time since I’ve pressed over a 100kg’s and with no shoulder pain...
Decided to leave the sandbag finisher as I am feeling a few strains in both hands, maybe next time increase the weight but decrease the time. Not too sure how to progress with this sandbag but think it’s a case of more haste less speed.
I did not increase the suitcase squat as planned, progression using a TB template with % may be too much of an increase especially with holding an Olympic barbell in each hand. So will probably slip back into a triple progression route…. After all not like me to switch about

A few more LSS this week then accessory training @ the weekend looking to incorporate SWAT dips (from reading TB reddit cheers Viking2396) & may introduce some medium to light DL’s. To be followed by a light consisting mainly of LSS and ROMWOD.
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

4th July
Warm up and mobility drills. KB warm up swings snatches cleans and presses 16kg bells

Main strength workout
FP 95kg 5x5
Suitcase squat 110kg (242lbs) 5x5
Nordic Hamstring curl 5x5
Rope Pull ups 5x5 10kg (22lbs)
32kg kb swings 3x10

5th 7 6th
LSS 30 mins

I feel like the hands are taking a battering from this routine, experiencing dull aching and some bad finger joint pain. I’m going away for a few days so LSS is in order with some rehab work on the hands. Wanted to see if I could do 95kg @ 5x5 with perceived effort of around 85%, it all felt smooth with no shoulder problems.

8th 10th 11th 12th
LSS 30-40 mins heart rate 50-70%
A pain fully slow pace @ 13-14mins per mile.

I read Ageless Athlete over the weekend a great read and definitely recommend it. I’ll be incorporating these ideas into my training programme to get some consistency which I admit is currently lacking.
Due to work demands I’ll be using Zulu though with some weeks it may drop into a two days of strength work per week due to some 15+ hour kick ass days coming up. On these days I intend to use a heavy finisher such as 160 pound sandbag bear hug. I have found that this with at least two days recovery has led to some good functional strength gains.
I’ve dropped the suitcase squat due to previously mentioned hand issues. After reading AA decided to ease into back squats at a 90% training max (numbers used from the suitcase squat), all other exercises will used at a percentage of a one rep max.

A four day Zulu week will look like this
Block A
Floor press 3 sets
• SWAT dips 3 sets
Back squat 3sets
• Sandbag squats 3 sets
KB swings- following J-Madds advice for this.

Block B
Sandbag clean and Press 4 sets
• Barbell Power cleans
Ring pull ups 3 sets
• Pull ups 3 sets
Nordic Hamstring Curls
Sandbag bear hug walk. Using a percentage of a max weight for an 80m walk.

Plank n Shank 2-3 time per week.

All with two minute rest intervals.
On a week where this can’t be done the core exercises will be used with a few accessories added depending on percentages used and time permitting.


Warm up
3 mins rope work,
Mobility drills
2 mins light fast bag work
All weights at 70%
FP 80kg 3 sets 3x5
SWAT dips BW 3x5
Back Squats atg 60kg 3x5
Ring Pull Ups BW 3x5
Pull ups BW 3x5
KB swings 24kg 1H. 20,20,15,15
Sand bag bear hug walk 105lbs 4x80m

5 min light jog cooldown.


Due to being away there will be no strength work till the weekend. LSS for the next few days with ROMWOD and plank n Shank.
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »


LSS 30 mins


ROMWOD 40 mins
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

17thth July
Warm up three hours gardening and then some mobility drills
Main strength workout
Unable to train two consecutive days so sticking to the basics.

All weights at 70%
FP 80kg 3 sets 3x5
SWAT dips BW 3x5
Back Squats atg 60kg 3x5
Ring Pull Ups BW 3x5
Pull ups BW 3x5

Wrist and hand strengthening with plate curls and weighted clubs.

Sand bag bear hug walk 105lbs 4x80m
2 min RI

LSS 35 mins HR 50-70%

Hands are feeling better.
Small amount of shoulder niggle on FP
Need to get some swings done in the week to catch up on the missed hip hinge and posterior when I get back home.
No knee or hip pain when squatting, even though it feels incredibly light taking it steady and greasing the groove.
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

Been a while since I've posted so a quick update. The shoulder keeps playing up so have had to curl it right back and move to 5x5 with slow and steady increments. This seems the only way forward.

I've thrown a few challenges in to keep myself interested and apart from the shoulder I feel pretty good. I'm back to a barbell strength routine. Introduced a high rep KB swing day. A mixed bag cardio session for sandbag and crawl work and later dropping in a kb strength session predominantly dble KB clean and press & front squat.

It's all floating about just now but will settle into a routine once work has settled down.
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

Posts: 165
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Location: Derbyshire UK

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »


Ring pull ups 3x5
24kg on one arm press 3x5
42kg on 2H swing 5x5


- [ ] Tabata 20/10 x 8 3 sets 1 minute rest
- [ ] Sand bag shoulders 50lb
- [x] Sprint skipping avg 60-70 skip
- [ ] 106lb sandbag bear hug
AB wheel roll outs. Plank press up far reached out.


FP 5x5 82.5kg
Ring Pull up 10kg 1x5J 1x5 2x4 1x3
Sand bag squat 120lbs 5x5
Hamstring curls 4x5
1H kb swing 29kg need longer


Pull up 5kg. 1x5J. 2x4. 2x3
Kb shoulder press 24kg l shoulder weak
5x5 to carry on until shoulders are equal
Cossack squat 16kg kb 5x5 L knee slightly sore
Kb 2H swings 10x10. To look at increasing the weight.

35 minutes LSS


Leopard crawl spider crawl slow n low
Mace 360+1kg weight
Cossack squat

FP 5x5 85kg increase weight next
RPU 1x5J 4x4
Belt squat 5x5 42kg
Sand bag walk 75+5kg 4x4 1x4 zercher hold
Leopard/spider crawl 40m+
1h kb swing 29kg 30 each hand

LSS 30 mins


Pull up. Made the mistake of using 10kg 1x5J 4x4@5kg
Zercher 5x5 50kg. Increase in small increments. Felt easy on the legs. Really felt the core engaged
Kb shoulder press. Pain in the left shoulder @24kg. Easy and light on the right, drop to 20kg and work up next time
3x5@24kg 2x5@16kg<<v light
1H kb swings 50 each side @ 29kg
2x20 6x10
2mins spider man crawl


Shoulder rehab work
Upside down KB press 16kg 4x4
360 hammer drills 5x5 each side
Side press?? 3x5 each side
Indian club rotations 3x4
TGU 16kg 3 each side
3 mins spider/leopard crawl

Shoulder rehab work
Upside down KB press 16kg 4x4
360 hammer drills 5x5 each side
Side press?? 3x5 each side
Indian club rotations 3x4
TGU 16kg 3 each side
3 mins spider/leopard crawl


FP 5x5 70kg
Ring pull up BW 5x5
Zercher squat 50kg 5x5
2H KB swing 42kg 80 1h 29kg 10 each side
Spider man crawling 2 mins

ROMWOD intro session 1
Spider man crawl 2 mins

15 mins rope/bag work
2x magic 50 24kg bell
Spider man crawl 3 mins
ROMWOD intro 2
4 hours sleep after a night shift

ROMWOD days off

1,000 2H kb swings 24kg 52:30
Wrists felt sore legs died near the end
Ring pull ups 10kg. 1x5J 1x5 2x4 1x2
Spider/leopard crawl 2 mins

24/8/17-- after a night shift. Feeling b sore after yesterday

FP 5x5 80kg. Easy shoulder felt about 80-90% good
Zercher squat 60kg 5x5 good

After second night shift 4hours sleep
As fast as possible while maintaining form.
90lb sandbag bear hug 80m
20m spider man crawl 20m leopard
20 2H kb swings @ 42kg
3 rounds for a time 11:15

Cd 25 1h swings each side. @16kg
Bent over one arm rows 24kg KB
A good way to get some sandbag work in with crawls and heavy 2H kb swings.

Plan to work towards 20 mins non stop

Mixture of 2H and 1h kb swings @24kg total 500 in 16:32

60 1h 402h
36 1h 30 2H then 20 20.


20 1h then 2H 20 20 10 1h F 2H 20 10

1h 10. 2H 30 10 25 25 25

2H 24 20 20 24 then 161h


RI would be 5-10 secs
Grip was failing cardio struggled slight pain left wrist

LSS 25 mins
Dbl clean and press 5x3 @ 24kg
1x4 squat press dbl 16kg


As fast as possible while maintaining form.
90lb sandbag bear hug 80m
20m spider man crawl 20m leopard
20 2H kb swings @ 42kg
3 rounds for a time 11:25

The sandbag felt incredibly light on the first set. Once again the crawls kick my ass and it all went down hill fast. Altogether I'd say less than 30 secs rest total including walking to the bag from the bell. Only rest had was on the crawls
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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