OldManAsh stays accountable

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Re: OldManAsh stays accountable

Post by OldManAsh »

2 mile time trial
9:05 pace
154 bpm avg
164 bpm max

Definitely had more in the tank and could have gone sub-18. Legs were feeling it, but I was barely breathing heavy, even with my HR jacked up...base works.

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Re: OldManAsh stays accountable

Post by Barkadion »

OldManAsh wrote:I can honestly say that sitting just shy of 40, I feel better than I ever did when I was 20.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: OldManAsh stays accountable

Post by OldManAsh »

Op I/A #3 - 75%
SQ 210 3x5
BP 170 5x5
DL 225 3x5

Going away for the weekend so decided to get a little extra deadlift volume in.

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Re: OldManAsh stays accountable

Post by OldManAsh »

Op I/A #4 - 80%
SQ 225 4x5
BP 185 5x5
KB swings 25kg 4x20

Normal session, nice and smooth

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Re: OldManAsh stays accountable

Post by OldManAsh »

Phase 1:
Treadmill 15% incline + 35lb sandbag
1.36 miles
32 min
23:32 pace
156 max hr

Phase 2:
200m row, 45lb x2 farmer carry x 30s, pullups x3
4 rounds

Walking up to a bar and doing pullups is one thing. Walking up and doing them immediately after rowing and carries is something else.

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Re: OldManAsh stays accountable

Post by OldManAsh »

Op I/A #5 - 80%
SQ 225 3x5
BP 185 5x5

Lifts feel smooth and strong.

Jeet Kune Do
1 hour
Low intensity skill work

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Re: OldManAsh stays accountable

Post by OldManAsh »

Fartlek Run
3.1 miles
11:41 avg pace
151 bpm avg
169 bpm max
343' elevation gain

Aerobic pace / sprint intervals, pushing past threshold on the sprints. Purposely chose a hilly route to mimic the conditions of upcoming races later this summer and fall. Had to walk more than I would have liked to bring my heart rate back into the aerobic zone.

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Re: OldManAsh stays accountable

Post by OldManAsh »

Fri June 23

Op I/A #6 - 80%
SQ 225 3x5
BP 185 4x5
DL 245 1x4

Maybe it was a combination of not sleeping well and nasty heat/humidity, but the weights just felt heavy. Felt a pop in my lower back after 4th DL rep (my own fault, I let form slip), so stopped the set there. Walked it off and it feels slightly tender this morning, but not too bad. Given a history of back injuries, I think I got lucky.

1 hour
Worked some easy routes on the climbing wall, low intensity

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Re: OldManAsh stays accountable

Post by OldManAsh »

Trail Run
5.8 miles
14:38 avg pace
144 bpm avg
158 bpm max
345' elevation gain

I haven't done a trail run in a very long time. Wanted to stay in the aerobic zone, so walked or power-hiked when necessary. Surprisingly technical course; many false steps and ankle twists, totally face planted on one downhill. Will be back next weekend for round 2.

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Re: OldManAsh stays accountable

Post by OldManAsh »

Op I/A #6 - 85%
SQ 235 4x3
BP 195 5x3
DL 255 3x3

Night and day compared to my last lifting session. Weights felt just right, reps were smooth. Added some deadlift volume to make up for last time, back felt totally fine.

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