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Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:30 pm
by Longtucky
Finished up last week strong:

Day 4: Fobbit at the gym because of bad weather.

Day 5: MS

Squat: 150lbs x 5 reps x 5 sets
Bench: 140 x 5 reps x 5 sets
Deadlift: 135 x 5 reps x 1 work-set
Pull-up: Pavel’s Fighter Program

Day 6: 30 minute E then played soccer

Day 7: Off, but played soccer

Week 2:

Yesterday, Day 1: MS, 80% of 1RM

Squat: 175lbs x 5 reps x 4 sets
Bench: 160 x 5 reps x 5 sets
Deadlift: 155 x 5 reps x 1 work-set
Pull-up: Pavel’s Fighter Program

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 7:13 pm
by Longtucky
I've not been good at keeping up with my HIC this week...been a really busy week at work.

After lifting Monday I took Tuesday off. I was super fatigued for some reason.

Wednesday, back to MS:

Squat: 175lbs x 5 reps x 5 sets
Bench: 160 x 5 reps x 5 sets
Deadlift: 155 x 5 reps x 1 work-set
Pull-up: Pavel’s Fighter Program
Grip finisher

Thursday: 20min Fobbit due to horrid weather, grip finisher and Pavel's Fighter Pull-ups

Friday: I feel really good today and will be finishing up my last day of the 80% week.

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 4:58 pm
by Longtucky
Week 2 finished up on Saturday:

Friday: final sets of 80%, felt very strong

Saturday: Meat Eater, x 7
- I started out trying to do BOO, but my legs were absolutely toasted after the first 400m I ran. I stopped, rested for 5ish minutes then did Meat Eater instead. I am disappointed I wasn't able to do BOO. Oh well, put in work.

Sunday: off. I did absolutely no strenuous activity aside from taking my dog on a walk and to the park. Felt great.

Week 3 begins today.

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 9:10 pm
by nickgoldma
Hey there,

Welcome to the forum. This is a great log thus far. Nicely done. I'm glad to hear that you achieved some great results during Base Building. I just have one question and what is your diet like or what was it like when you ran BB? I saw you dropped some serious weight which is awesome and I am in the process of trying to do the same thing. I am currently running a Fighter/Green block and I plan to run BB when my rugby season is over and I have the summer off. Cheers mate.

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:34 pm
by Longtucky
nickgoldma wrote:Hey there,

Welcome to the forum. This is a great log thus far. Nicely done. I'm glad to hear that you achieved some great results during Base Building. I just have one question and what is your diet like or what was it like when you ran BB? I saw you dropped some serious weight which is awesome and I am in the process of trying to do the same thing. I am currently running a Fighter/Green block and I plan to run BB when my rugby season is over and I have the summer off. Cheers mate.
Hey, thanks. While I hit a low of 217, I'm now fluctuating between 220 and 225ish. I am around 6'6 so the loss really didn't look like a ton, to be honest.

I drank hardly any alcohol, and if I did, it was only a couple of beers. I ate primarily fresh foods: chicken, lots and lots of eggs, salads and veggies, fruit, rice, some steak and hamburgers, bacon, oatmeal. I honestly ate whatever I wanted when I was hungry, so long as it wasn't junk. If it wasn't the foods I listed I limited it to a partial serving as the calories there are so dense, such as pizza and pasta. My focus was on eating clean, fresh food, usually cooked at home. I didn't do the boring thing of boiling chicken and eating it with rice. I tried to make real meals that were delicious and ate as much as I wanted and didn't worry about macros outside of trying to eat a lot of proteins.

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 5:03 am
by nickgoldma
Longtucky wrote:
nickgoldma wrote:Hey there,

Welcome to the forum. This is a great log thus far. Nicely done. I'm glad to hear that you achieved some great results during Base Building. I just have one question and what is your diet like or what was it like when you ran BB? I saw you dropped some serious weight which is awesome and I am in the process of trying to do the same thing. I am currently running a Fighter/Green block and I plan to run BB when my rugby season is over and I have the summer off. Cheers mate.
Hey, thanks. While I hit a low of 217, I'm now fluctuating between 220 and 225ish. I am around 6'6 so the loss really didn't look like a ton, to be honest.

I drank hardly any alcohol, and if I did, it was only a couple of beers. I ate primarily fresh foods: chicken, lots and lots of eggs, salads and veggies, fruit, rice, some steak and hamburgers, bacon, oatmeal. I honestly ate whatever I wanted when I was hungry, so long as it wasn't junk. If it wasn't the foods I listed I limited it to a partial serving as the calories there are so dense, such as pizza and pasta. My focus was on eating clean, fresh food, usually cooked at home. I didn't do the boring thing of boiling chicken and eating it with rice. I tried to make real meals that were delicious and ate as much as I wanted and didn't worry about macros outside of trying to eat a lot of proteins.
Hey, thats some solid advice and some good work there. Keep it up. I'll be following your log. Cheers.

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 7:41 am
by Longtucky
Dang, I totally forgot to post my log for the week.

Kind of a weird one for me this week. I started my 90% week and I took it very easy on my conditioning protocal as called for with the easy week principle.

Squat: 195 x 4 sets x 4 reps
Bench: 180 x 4 sets x 4 reps
Deadlift: 175 x 1 set x 4 reps
Pullup: Pavel’s Fighter Pull-up

Tuesday: Off

Wednesday: Off

I took these two days off kind of on purpose and kind of on accident. First, I noticed my body had been absolutely dead last week when I tried to do my HIC. Second, I realized that I have been doing only AA for my HIC sessions rather than mixing in General Conditioning sessions. I think that I overloaded the intensity workouts the past couple months and burnt my system out by the time I got to my lifting sessions last week. I decided to give myself a bit of a break this week and do a sort of Operator I/A week as a breather.

Thursday: I did minimum work and cut the deadlift.
Squat: 195 x 3 sets x 4 reps
Bench: 180 x 4 sets x 4 reps
Pullup: Pavel’s Fighter Pull-up

Friday (today): GC #10 basic version: run 2 minutes, 15 burpees, run 2 minutes x 4. Finished with some core work.

Felt great today. While doing the session challenged me, I was able to complete it and was moving the whole time. Big difference when compared to last week.

Plan for remainder: Lift the final 90% reps Saturday and either take Sunday off or run a very light HIC or E session. I’m thinking a fun-run or a hike with my dog.

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:12 pm
by Longtucky
I've been awful at updating the log the last two weeks as I've been super busy at work. However, I've been keeping up with the plan.

I am on my 85% week for my lifts and feeling super strong. Today is Day 2 of 85%. I've been doing a lot of hill sprints for my HIC and just one long E per week.

I've also moved onto the background for a department I applied to. I'm super excited about this!

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:33 pm
by Longtucky
This program has a habit of lulling you into a false sense of supreme fitness then absolutely kicking your ass...

Week 5

Squat: 185 x 5 sets x 3 reps
Bench: 170 x 5 sets x 3 reps
Pull-up: Pavel's Pull-up Program
Deadlift: 165 x 5 x 3

Thursday: I thought to myself, lets do some hills today! Looked through the book and saw the one with 10 plank push-ups, hill spring and 10 burpees at the top. The walk down was your rest. Basic: x4; Advanced x10. Psh, I can do basic no problem! Maybe not advanced, but surely more than wrong I was...

Got to my hill. It's a big bastard. Long, steady tenth of a mile incline. I jogged a half mile there, stretched. Dropped did my 10 plank push-ups, ran up, did 10 burpees, EASY...walked down, did my 10 plank push ups, sprinted up...holy mother of jesus this sucks...did 5 burpees...walked down...hands on knees at the bottom for a couple minutes...5 plank push ups, sprint up...DYING...hands on knees for 3-4 minutes, 5 burpees...walk down..sit for 3 minutes, ponder the existence of hill sprints and self...and thought "hey, I did 3, that's enough! I can be done" and instantly said out-loud, not even kidding, "If you don't finish this last rep you're a fucking quitter." So, did my 5 plank push ups, sprinted up, did 5 burpees then collapsed to the ground, spread eagle, and stared at the blue sky for probably 5-10 minutes. I was gassed. I walked the half mile home on rubber legs and didn't recover once there for another 30 or so minutes.

I thought I was in decent shape....NOPE.

Friday: Finished out the 85% week

Squat: 185 x 3 sets x 3 reps
Bench: 170 x 5 sets x 3 reps
Pull-up: Pavel's Pull-up Program
Deadlift: 165 x 5 x 3

Saturday (today): I'm working, then driving 2 hours to a nearby city to fly back home for the week. I am hoping to hit up an Anytime this evening for a 30 minute Fobbit. Sunday, I'm going to play some indoor soccer, so that'll be my final HIC for the week. Monday, we start week 6!

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:45 pm
by Longtucky
Week 6:

Monday: 95% Lift

Squat: 205 x 2 reps x 3 sets
Bench: 190 x 2 reps x 4 sets
Pull up: Pavel's fighter


Played soccer. A lot.

Tuesday: off

Wednesday: 95% Lift

Squat: 205 x 2 reps x 4 sets
Bench: 190 x 2 reps x 4 sets
Pull up: Pavel's fighter

Thursday: Half HIC
10 minute Fobbit followed by GC 2 starting at 5 Pull-ups, 5 burpees, 5 squat jumps and 5 plyo push-ups rather than 10

Friday: probably just playing soccer, and will lift on Saturday morning for final 95% day