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Re: Dowdela's Log

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 2:23 pm
by Dowdela
7/24 149.2

Knee feels much better. Still a little stiff and sore. Still a little swollen but I can at least walk with out a limp. Gonna take it easy another day or 2 before trying to walk for time again. Gonna wait a good 5 days before trying to lift again. Will ease in.

Re: Dowdela's Log

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 3:12 pm
by Dowdela
godjira1 wrote:Are your knees hurting from the treadmill inclines? Sorry i don’t quite get the speed - is it in mph?

If you do not have a base in running, i recommend running really really slowly (like you could sing a song while doing it) or walking inclines only (same, able to join the choir).

But first, enjoy the week off!
I think it was more or less just me going from zero to daily incline speed walking. I thought I was taking it pretty slow. I could hold a conversation for sure. But I was also doing slow stairs instead of incline walking occasionally.

The speed is mph. At 3.5 I could do 1 mile in 15 mins. Speed walking. Nothing crazy. On stairs I was doing about 40 steps a min.

Thinking I need to... Not do daily movement yet and add that in even slower with more rest.

Re: Dowdela's Log

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 8:27 pm
by Dowdela
7/29 147.6
Back from the wedding. Had a good time.
Put up a tent. It was hot and dry. Didn't put the rain fly on... had 2 hours to kill before bedm we all went into to town for liquor. It started pouring. Soaked our bedding and clothes. Next day went into town used a laundry mat to clean and dry. Put on rain fly staked everything down. Cleaned up and went to wedding. It started raining during the wedding. We all stayed under the canvas waiting for the rain to stop so the reception could proceed. Ended up alright. Got back to tent ... It collapsed the poles splintered from the wind. Put it back together again as best we could and got through one more night. Drove home yesterday and relaxed.

I took today off as recoup from the wedding.
Slept in. Caught up on anime, then got a quick cardio session and pull ups in.

Plan is:
Daniels running formula white. It's 16 Weeks long and 3 days a week.

6 weeks "base building" 3 weeks alpha SE followed by 3 weeks Bravo SE.

1 week "bridge week" testing. Still following 3 days a week on Daniels.

9 weeks fighter Bangkok (tango SE) green continuing the Daniels program through to the end.

Ftr Cluster:
Tb deadlift
Bw: pull ups

SE cluster:
KB Swings
Push up
KB Lunges
Inverted row
Sit up
Hyper extentions

This puts 16 Weeks as a "Base building phase" where at the end I should be able to slow jog for an entire 30 mins straight with no knee problems.

Am using the longer time frame to work on form and ease my tendons and ligaments into the work load.

After I complete the 16 Weeks I will likely switch to OP Black.

Today: Day 1 of Daniels White and pull ups.
30 mins and 3,2,2,2,1

Re: Dowdela's Log

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 3:17 am
by Dowdela
7/30 150.4
2x15 push ups AM

PM work out
10 min warm up walk 6% 3.5 speed
3x10 circuit
KB Swings 25lbs
Push ups
KB squats 25lbs
KB rows lbs
Decline sit ups
Hyper extensions

Pull ups 1,2,2,2,1 blheg note to self pull ups before circuit

10 mins stretching

Re: Dowdela's Log

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 4:52 am
by Dowdela
7/31 148.8
30 mins cardio
5 min walk+ 7x2min jog/1 min walk+4 min walk

Pull up 4,3,2,1,1

Re: Dowdela's Log

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 3:40 pm
by Dowdela
8/3 had a busy couple of days. Got a quick lifting session in today.

Squats 3x5 100
Bench 5x5 75
Sumo dl 1x5 165
Pull ups 5x3,2,2,2,2

Re: Dowdela's Log

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 1:45 pm
by Dowdela
8/4 another day of lifting. Using way lighter weights than normal just to get my body use to the fact that I want to lift again.

Squat 4x5 100
Bench 5x5 75
Hip thrust 3x12 95
Pull up 3,2,2,2,2,1

8/5 cardio 30 mins 5 min warm up, 1 min jog, 1 min walk 5 min walk

Re: Dowdela's Log

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 4:35 pm
by Dowdela
Realized I haven't posted in a bit... Retested maxes last week.

Deadlift 260
Squat 175
Ohp 90
Bench 125
Pull ups 5 reps

Yesterday was the start of a new cycle

Squat 5x5 115
Row 5x5 95
Bench 5x5 85
Hip Thrust 4x12 115
Pull ups 5,3,3,3,3

Core decline sit ups and hyper extentions 3x20/3x15

Running fighter Bangkok until I know I can run for a full 30 mins.

Day 1 is squat bench row and hip thrust
Day 2 E 30 min jog goal
Day 3 is SE Alpha - RDL, Row, Front squat, OHP, Ab wheel
Day 4 3 30 min jog goal
Day 5 is squat bench row deadlift
Day 6 HIC Fobbits being my go-to
Day 7 optional E

Re: Dowdela's Log

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:48 pm
by Dowdela
9/16 tested my run... Turns out I can slow jog for 30 mins... Considering I have been doing 40 mins incline walking that was a surprise.

Re: Dowdela's Log

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 12:10 am
by Dowdela

Since I know I can run 30 mins finally I decided against fighter bankock. Since the point at the time was to improve my cardio.

Instead operator/ black pro.
Day 1,3
Pull up okay time 20 mins
Hip Thrust (done for mass 4x12-4x8)

Day 5
Pull up play ground 20 mins
Sumo DL 3x

Day 2,4 HIC
Day 6 E 30-60 mins