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Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 4:08 pm
by isotee
Sun dec 13

Trail ruck 8km, 2 h

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 3:24 pm
by isotee
Operator wk 3

Mon dec 14

Bp 3x3x90kg
Bsq 3x3x100kg
Pullups 5,4,5,4,5 bw
Planks 3x45"

Bench ok. Sq feels pretty good. R. Hip better.

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 10:25 am
by isotee
Wed dec 16

Rest. Had a really bad sleep the night before.

Thu dec 17

Bp 3x3x90kg
Bsq 3x3x100kg
Pullups 5,4,5,4,5 bw
Abs w. 15kg disc: diagonal-, anterior chains, rotations

Bp still feels good. Sq a bit heavier than Monday.

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 6:08 am
by isotee
Fri dec 18

E, 30 min walk/jog

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 3:15 pm
by isotee
Sun dec 20

E, Forest walk 30'

Bp 3x3x90kg
Bsq 1x3x100kg
Clean grip DL 3x3x140kg
Planks 3x60s.

Took some extra days off during this 90% week.

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 2:25 pm
by isotee
Operator wk 4

Tue dec 22

Bp 3x5x75kg
Bsq 5x70kg stopped, left knee hurts during warmup sets
Pullups 6,4,6,4 bw
Core: planks 30" + suitcase carry 24k/24m x 4 rnds

Bench feels good. Left knee hurts, no work sets today. :(

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 7:29 am
by isotee
Thu dec 24

AM session
Bp 3x5x75kg
Easy DL 1x5x100kg
* sq skipped due to L knee issue
Pullups 6,4,6,4 bw
Abs w. 10kg disc

Bench and pullups feels good. L knee makes me feel sad. :(
Merry Christmas!

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 7:28 pm
by isotee
Operator wk 5

Thu dec 31

Had to take a week off due to holidays, felt like overtrained as well.

Bp 3x3x85kg, 5x90kg - bench feels good
Cln grip DL 5x130kg, 5x140kg, 3x150kg -pulling feels good
Pullups 6,6,4,3 bw
Abs w. Med Ball throws with my daughter

Skipped squats b/c knee pain, pulling feels good tho.
Good session after week off. :)

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 2:01 pm
by isotee
Sat jan 2.

Bp 3x3x85kg
Bsq 3x3x90kg -shy squats, testing the L knee
Pullups 5,3,5,3,5 bw
Abs w. 10kg disc, diagonals + "wrestler's rotations"

Bench still feels good. Tested bsq after knee pain, low volume seems to be ok for now. Need to monitor.

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:28 pm
by isotee
Oper wk 5 still continues

Clean 3x3x50kg, 3x2x70kg, 3x1x80kg
Bsq 2x3x100kg
Pullups 3x3 bw
Push up plank 2 min

Feels stiff after several wks strength cycle so mixed in some olympic lifting moves for mobility and agility.
Easy squats, L knee feels better but needs to monitor.
Happy with easy 2 min plank. :)
Some general small recovery issues.