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Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 5:01 am
by KS-90
30 August 2016 - Tuesday

Warm up: Limber Eleven and a walk to the track

Intervals (400m)
Interval One: 1 minute 20 seconds run; 20 Pushups, 20 Sit ups
Rest 2 minutes

Interval two: 1 minute 18 seconds run; 20 Pushups, 20 Sit ups
rest 2 minutes

Interval three: 1 minute 20 seconds run; 20 Squats, 20 Mountain Climbers
rest 2 minutes

Interval four: 1 minute 21 seconds run; 20 Squats, 20 Mountain Climbers
rest 2 minutes

Interval five: 1 minute 24 seconds run; 20 Walking Lunges, 20 Pushups
rest 2 minutes

Interval six: 1 minute 21 seconds run; 20 Walking Lunges, 20 Pushups


Then 30 minutes Hip Mobility/Yoga Followed by
Glute Activation: 3x10 Single leg Glute Bridge, 3x10 Bird-Dog, and 3x10 Side leg lifts.

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 5:30 am
by KS-90
31 August 2016 - Wednesday

Core Circuit (45s x2)
Prone Cobra
Side Plank

Hold each for 45 seconds; no rest between exercises, run through twice.

30 minutes of mobility/yoga to end.

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 12:37 am
by KS-90
1 September 2016 - Thursday

Warm up: Limber Eleven

Fighter Template (week 5 - 80%)

Bench press: 150 for 5 sets of 5
Weighted Pull ups: +10 for 5 sets of 5
Deadlift: 255 for 5 sets of 5

Core Circuit (20 reps, 2 Circuits)

Bird Dog
Mountain Climber
Lying Leg Raise
Roll Out
Straight Leg Crunch

30 minutes Hip Mobility

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 5:42 pm
by KS-90
2 September 2016 - Friday

Warm up: Limber Eleven

Tempo Run (8 or 9 RPE)

20 minute tempo run made it just shy of 5k
Heart rate averaged 175 Bpm; felt like an 8 the first 15 minutes or so, picked it up at the end and was a solid 9

cool down stretch

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 1:21 am
by KS-90
5 September 2016 - Monday

Fighter Template ( Week 6 - 90% )

Bench Press: 165 for 3 sets of 3
Weighted Pullups: +25 for 3 sets of 3
Deadlift: 285 for 3 sets of 3

Travelling. Quick in out.

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:31 am
by Green2Blue
KS-90 wrote:26 August 2016 - Friday

Mile Repeats
Interval one 6:30
Interval two 6:30
Interval three 6:35
Interval four : 6:12

Did these with a buddy who is a bit faster then me. We ran the first 3 on our own then for the last one we ran together. Going to try and do this workout with a partner from now on.
You are FAST!

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:27 pm
by KS-90
Green2Blue wrote: You are FAST!
Thanks man. My buddy was still faster though lol.

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 5:53 am
by KS-90
7 September 2016- Wednesday

Warm up: Limber Eleven

Intervals (400m)

Interval One: 1 minute 24 seconds
Interval Two: 1 minute 16 seconds
Interval Three: 1 minute 17 seconds
Interval Four: 1 minute 19 seconds
Interval Five: 1 minute 22 seconds
Interval Six: 1 minute 19 seconds

Rest to Work ratio was 2:1

Cool down stretch

Scaled this one back a bit tonight (cut out the bodyweight exercises); did not hit the track until 11pm. Schedule/travelling over the long weekend got in the way yesterday as well

I would like to get all Intervals sub 1:20; need to work on pacing a bit more.

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:43 am
by KS-90
8 September 2016 - Thursday

Fighter Template ( Week 6 - 90% )

Bench Press: 165 for 5 sets of 3
Weighted Pull-ups: +25 for 3 sets of 3
Deadlift: 285 for 3 sets of 3

Core Circuit (50s x2)
Prone Cobra
Side Plank

Hold each for 50 seconds; no rest between exercises, run through twice with 2 minute break between circuits.

30 minutes of mobility/yoga

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 5:40 am
by KS-90
10 September 2016 - Saturday

Warm up: Limber Eleven

Tempo Run ( 8 RPE )

20 minutes; Just shy of 5k

Heart rate was around 173-175 going out coming back it was closer to 178-180 ( warm day might have drove it up a bit ). Need to Figure out Max heart rate next week and make sure I am doing these at 90% MHR.

Core Circuit (25 reps, 2 Circuits)

Bird Dog
Mountain Climber
Lying Leg Raise
Straight Leg Crunch