antlas log

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Re: antlas log

Post by K.B. »

Great log. Do you test your weighted pullups incorporating bodyweight?

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Re: antlas log

Post by antlas »

Yes, I just use a pull up bar, a dip belt, and some plates.

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Re: antlas log

Post by antlas »

Last day at 70%.

SQ 100 x 5 x 5
BP 65 x 5 x 5
DL working up to 175.

Going to play with incorporating deadlifts more than once a week instead of WPU every workout.

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Re: antlas log

Post by antlas »

400m repeats x 8, 1:30-1:45 each. Running app shows my pace was pretty uneven though.

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Re: antlas log

Post by antlas »

Day 1 of 80%

SQ 115 x 5 x 5 (Actually did one of those sets at 130 due to bad math, and was relieved to realize my mistake.)
BP 75 x 5 x 5
5 each of neutral grip, wide grip, and chinups with +10

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Re: antlas log

Post by antlas »

6 miles in 1:04. Mile splits 9:25, 9:42, 12:27, 13:18, 9:54, 9:40.

Bit too much excitement on this one. I was running on some new (to me) trails near my house. About 3 miles in I lost the trail and spent some time poking around in the woods. Ended up bailing out on the back of a horse farm, far down a private drive. That was a bit awkward. Had to do a mile on two lane highway before getting back to my area.

In the end it was a mild and quickly resolved drama, but I was glad I had on plenty of high viz gear, and a fully charged cell phone. But mostly I was pleased that even though I was lost and a bit stressed 4 miles from home (it ended up being less than that, but I didn't know it at the time), I felt confident I still had enough gas in the tank to get home.

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Re: antlas log

Post by antlas »

Only had 30 minutes this morning, so cut my workout a bit short.

BP 75 x 5 x 5
DL 3 each of 135, 145, 155, then the power rack opened so I left to do squats
SQ 115 x 3 x 5 out of time

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Re: antlas log

Post by antlas »

On travel this week, so I've had to be flexible.

Tue - sprints, 10 reps of 15-30 seconds
Wed - planned rest
Thurs - 3 miles in 26 minutes

I'm a bit disappointed my 5k time still is still thoroughly mediocre. But I looked back at when I started base building, and I clocked in at 2.9 miles in 36 minutes so clearly I'm headed in the right direction.

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Re: antlas log

Post by antlas »

Restarting 80% today. My schedule got messed up and I took an unplanned rest day yesterday due to travel.

SQ 115 x 5 x 5
BP 75 x 5 x 5
5 each of pullups, chinups and neutral grip with +5 lbs.

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Re: antlas log

Post by antlas »

6.5 miles in 1:07 minutes today. Splits were 10:07, 9:38, 10:00, 10:05, 11:39 (trail), 11:20 (trail), 10:11.

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