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Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:11 am
by grouchyjarhead
A half marathon is a great goal. I'm also a fellow Corps Strength fan, I've used it in conjunction with TB in the past.

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:28 pm
by crnewhouse
Missed again yesterday, but I will just shorten today's LSS session to 30 minutes and then hit my SE right after. Goal is to hit a 45:00 LSS tomorrow and another 30:00 LSS along with an SE session on Thursday.

That will give me a total of four LSS sessions and 2 SE sessions for the week. In the past, I would typically restart the week if I didn't hit my exact requirements, but I am going to aim for the TB minimums from here on out. Not only is this a more realistic approach, but it will prevent my 8 week BB from turning into a 16 week block.

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:09 am
by crnewhouse
Date: Tuesday, September 6
Type: LSS
Duration: 30:00:00
Distance: 2.32 miles
Average Pace: 12:56:00
Average HR: 148

Alright let's backtrack, Labor Day was in fact filled with Labor. Had to watch the new pet and get shit done around the house. Wasn't able to make it to the gym for an SE session and it poured rain most of the day.

Tuesday was a new day. Got stuck in traffic so I could only squeeze in a quick session before an evening conference call with my unit. For whatever reason, I wasn't thinking and decided to go for a run, when I knew I needed to so a strength circuit session. Regardless, run was kind of shitty, didn't have time to put down real food during the day and I was groggy all day.

Wednesday, woke up with some kind of bug. Was able to go to work, but I visited the can more times than I would have liked during the day. Decided to skip the days workout since I was dehydrated and unable to give it my best.

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:15 am
by crnewhouse
Date: Thursday, September 08
Type: LSS
Duration: 30:03:00
Distance: 2.48 miles
Average Pace: 12:07:00
Average HR: 145

Type: SE
Duration: 21:04:00
Average HR: 148
Edit: Same SE circuit as before. That will be my go to for all of basebuilding. I will only add reps to pull ups and Glute Ham Raises as those are my weakest links. Once I hit three sets of ten, I will progress to next phase of alpha.

Comments: Because I don't want to repeat this week, I decided to do a double decker. This will be the third LSS for the week, and first SE. I will try to get another SE and a light LSS (maybe some elliptical) tomorrow before a weekend in the field. Otherwise I'll have to find time to PT out there.

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 1:06 am
by crnewhouse
Date: Friday, September 09
Type: Recovery LSS (Elliptical)
Duration: 30:09:00
Distance: 2.85 miles
Pace: 10:35:00
Avetage HR: 138

Type: SE
Duration: 15:48:00
Average HR: 138

Comments: Two double header days completed. Decided to take it a little easier on the cardio and do some elliptical work. No soreness or injury, but I just figured I would get a little more full body work for my cardio. For the SE, I chopped off the last two exercises (face pulls and grip work). I also did lat pull downs instead of pull ups at 60% bodyweight (130#) for ten reps.

Glad I completed week two without having to repeat. I definitely need to get my SE's done in a more spread out manner. I'm going to try the schedule outlined in the book. If I'm feeling frosty I will throw in some additional LSS work.

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 3:47 pm
by crnewhouse
Alright, starting this week a little late due to drill and its after-effects. Here is the game-plan for the remainder of the week:

Tuesday: LSS and SE
Wednesday: LSS
Thursday: LSS and SE
Friday: LSS (Long)
Saturday: Off

This will allow me to get back on schedule beginning Sunday of next week. I think I am going to start hashing out a weekly plan so I can work around busy days.

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 2:50 pm
by crnewhouse
Date: Tuesday 09/13/2016
Type: LSS
Duration: 30:05:00
Distance: 2.11 miles
Average Pace: 14:15:00
Average HR: 136

Comments: Tried to get back into last week's pace, but my HR kept jumping above 150. Turned the session into a run/walk LSS for 30 minutes. Still feeling tired from Drill Weekend and my nutrition has not been on point the past few days. However, I still got the minimum time in for the session.

Going to try and hit LSS for forty minutes for the remaining four sessions. Ultimately I think I will need to slow it down again (12:30:00 per mile) in order to keep my HR steady throughout the workout.

So slight change to the schedule:
Tues: LSS
Wed: LSS + SE
Thurs: LSS
Fri: LSS + SE
Sat: LSS (Long)

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:00 pm
by crnewhouse
Date: Saturday, September 17, 2016
Week: 2 (Restart)
Day: 1

Type: LSS (Elliptical)
Distance: 2.87 miles
Duration: 32:08
Average Pace: 11:12
Average HR: 140

Type: SE (Corps Strength Mission)
Duration: 19:17
Average HR: 145
Cycle 1: Lat Pulldown (3 X 10 @ 120#), alternation with Regular Push-Ups (3 X 10)
Cycle 2: Glute Ham Raises (3 X 10), alternating with Crunches/Flutter Kicks/Elevated Crunches (10 each)
Cycle 3: Bench Press (3 X 10 @ 125#), alternating with Hello Dollies, Leg Lifts, Side Crunches (10 each)
Cycle 4: Grip Work (2 X 10 @ 30#), alternating with Reach Crunches (10)

Comments: Well I fell off this week so I am going back to Week 2 since that was my last completed week. I'm disappointed with myself, but I am going to get back on the horse and adapt my workout schedule to fit into my lifestyle. I'm still on track for a February marathon so there's really not too much to worry about.

I am going to up my SE to three sessions a week with some additional low impact cardio (Elliptical, Row, Stationary Bike) beforehand to better hone my Aerobic System.

I'll go for a run tomorrow, gonna slow it down a little bit but my new minimum will be 45:00 since I was running close to that time prior to this week.

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:34 pm
by crnewhouse
Date: Monday, September 19, 2016
Type: LSS (Running)
Distance: 2.77 miles
Duration: 35:03
Average Pace: 12:39
Average HR: 141

Comments: Squeezed in a morning session for thirty five minutes this morning. Didn't sleep well last night so I wasn't 100%. Also need to leave myself a little more time in the morning to at least run 45:00 and make it to work on time (was a few minutes late this morning).

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 3:05 pm
by crnewhouse
Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Type: LSS (Elliptical)
Distance: 3.00 miles
Duration: 30:01
Average Pace: 10:00
Average HR: 142

Type: SE
Duration: 14:44
Average HR: 145

Comments: Felt good with today's session. Good low-impact LSS and I felt I was able to push myself a little harder while staying in my zone. Was able to cut down the rest intervals on the SE circuit so I should be able to go to Alpha week two next week.