Ectional's training log

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

SE session in the books and it was quite discouraging. It took basically everything out of me, got light headed and cold sweats. Max strength sessions never had that problem. And I'm supposed to do 40 push-ups next week, when today I had trouble reaching 30 in a set? God damn...

EDIT: Never mind. I was supposed to do 3x20 today but I did 3x30 for some reason. Guess my mind played some tricks on me at some point.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

BB end of week 1. I'm going to call tonight's running session Forrest Gump. I got going and didn't feel like stopping. I got to the point where I usually end my session and start with the cool down but felt like nah, I'll go a little further. Same thing at the next mental stop I planned, and so on until I forced myself to stop at 56 minutes.

"That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run. So I ran to the end of the road. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd run to the end of the town. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd just run across Greenbow County. And I figured, since run this far, maybe I'd just run across the great state of Alabama. And that's what I did. I ran clear across Alabama. For no particular reason I just kept on goin'. I ran clear to the ocean. And when I got there, I figured, since I'd gone this far, I might as well turn around, just keep on goin'. When I got to another ocean, I figured, since I'd gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on goin'."

BB week two starting tomorrow.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

Week 2 day 1
SE circuit 3x30: push-ups, one-handed kb swings, sit-ups, goblet squats.

Push-up strength seems to be going down, difficult to get 30. Might have been the fact of a sleepless night... Probably will find a third day on which to do more push-ups since two days isn't enough stimulation.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

Did 45 minute LSS jogs yesterday and today. Nothing really notable to those sessions.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

Week 2 ended as it was supposed to. Nothing really to note besides the fact that E runs are fairly easy, I could probably go for two hours every times.
In other news though. Officially failed to get ready for officer school PT test. Push-ups maxed at 31, needed 39. On the plus side I did manage to get into the Academy of Security Science's College of Justice meaning I have the opportunity to become a senior level prison official. Now I just have to make up my mind if I want to go there, or enlist in the defence forces in fall.
Training will continue according to BB of course.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

Week 3 day 1:
SE session, started progressing by 5 reps each week since that's achievable.

Day 2: 60 minute E session. Running has become a lot easier in a short time.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

W3 D3: Another 60 minute run.
Probably will start using the recovery day as sort of a GPP day. Using it to get in extra push-up work and more importantly, core work in form of farmer's walks, overhead carries and planks. Probably will look something like this - push-ups, kb swings and then the core work I mentioned.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

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Took a day off today because I want to do something I haven't done before, ever. I want to run the whole optional two hours straight. If I get it done it's going to be a huge morale boost because a few weeks ago I didn't even think I'd ever be at that point, but here I am.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

Haven't been logging as frequently recently, mainly had other things on mind but still working out. Today ran for an hour.
Turned 22 about a week ago and only missed one E session to that, which isn't too bad.
Although, stepped on a scale today and it showed 114.4kg which means I've gained weight, but somehow pants that were tight in May are now a bit looser, okay. But more importantly, decided that by the time I turn 23 I have lost my gut, love handles and all the excess weight. I guess my ideal weight will be around 85-95kg as I am 1.93m tall.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

Had to take a few weeks off and kept activity very light because of a sprained knee. No idea on how I got it. Now slowly starting to get back into the training. Going to make the switch to fighter+black.

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