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Re: Tom's Training Log

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:53 pm
by Tom28
J-Madd wrote:
Tom28 wrote:I got so focused on submitting him that I lost pressure on him and he reversed me with a few seconds left. Need to remember to keep the body pressure.

Ha! I used to really struggle with that very problem. So much so, that I would actually avoid mount -- it was almost equivalent to getting sweated! My problem was that I would get to mount and then be hell-bent on finishing the guy, and subsequently get completely sloppy about keeping my position. I started tell myself whenever I got to mount "Slow down Jim, you're winning, there's no hurry." After I learn to chill and keep the dominant position, the submissions started to open up!

You've got a great template set up. Keep up your great work!

Jim! Following your log is one of the reasons I decided to try BJJ at the age of 44. As for the advice, you're correct of course. I get sloppy when I get to the mount, but I'll try to slow down when I get there going forward.

Re: Tom's Training Log

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:04 pm
by Tom28
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Operator, Week 4, Day 1 (75%)
Squat: 180x5x5
Bench: 160x5x5
Pull-ups: BW+1.5lbs. 3x5
Everything felt light and easy so I opted for max sets and reps.

Friday, November 24, 2017
BJJ: Day after Thanksgiving training. Brought my 9 year old son and rolled 1 round against him. Then got smashed by a 200 lb. blue belt. Couldn't get him on his back and couldn't get him off me once he was on top. He submitted me 2 times in 5 minutes and I was on the bottom almost all 5 minutes which I hate. Later watched youtube videos of Marcelo Garcia rolling and man, he's incredible.

Saturday, November 25, 2017
Operator, Week 4, Day 2 (75%)
Squat: 180x3x5
Bench: 160x3x5
Pull-ups: BW+1.5lbs. 3x5
Then: Bas Rutten Thai Boxing CD vs. Wavemaster XXL - 3x2 minute rounds.

Re: Tom's Training Log

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 8:57 pm
by Tom28
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Run 5 miles in 56:59, 11:22 min/mile. Run felt crappy, very low energy.

Monday, November 27, 2017
Operator, Week 4, Day 3 (75%)
Squat: 180x3x5
Bench: 160x3x5
Deadlift: 262.5x5
Then: curls, neck harness, CoC grip work
Squat and bench continue to feel very light. Deadlift felt very heavy, probably because of the 5 mile run.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017
BJJ: work on double leg takedowns. Then very light rolling 2x5 min rounds.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Rest day

Re: Tom's Training Log

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:06 am
by J-Madd
Tom28 wrote:
J-Madd wrote:
Tom28 wrote: Jim! Following your log is one of the reasons I decided to try BJJ at the age of 44. As for the advice, you're correct of course. I get sloppy when I get to the mount, but I'll try to slow down when I get there going forward.
Man, that's such an honor. Thank you.

I don't have much business giving BJJ advice. I'm just a recently minted blue belt. That being said, something that's been really important for me is only to work one thing at a time. It might be my age, but when I started I simply could not learn a new move every week. It's tough to keep up with your instructor's curriculum, which probably moves you through a sequence of techniques every 1-2 weeks. I couldn't keep up. I had to pick something and work on it every time I rolled, whatever else we might be working as group. I figured out very quickly that I had to learn how to defend myself first and foremost, and I figured out that for a guy built like me probably does best to play from half-guard. Thus, every roll I tried to get to and keep half-guard. Every roll, every day, all I did was half guard. Once I went a few weeks like that, I added the old school sweep; every single time I rolled, I worked to half guard, and I tried the old school sweep. At one point I wanted to improve my escapes, so every roll I let the guy pass my guard, so that I could fight my way out of side control. Every time I could get a teammate to come early or stay after practice so that we could drill these moves, I jumped on that opportunity.

This had some great effects. Obviously, it let me build some meat and potato basics on which I could start to develop my game, and it improved my defense. It also transformed my rolls form competitive death matches, to occasions to practice whatever technique I'm working. It become not about "winning" in the gym, but working my game. The first several dozen times you try something new, you will probably "F" it up royally and get submitted. So what? That's the only way to learn. This is what settled me down and let me get serious about learning the art.

A year later, this is still how a approach my training. Right now my big thing is improving my kimura, especially from side control. Every day before practice, I drill that move dozens of times. Every roll, I might setting up and executing the kimura from side control my number one priority. For the few two weeks I didn't hit a single one, and mostly just gave up my position. Now I'm about 50-50 on hitting it, even though my teammates all know exactly what I'm up to.

I think you'll also find that you will eventually start climbing a much steeper learning curve, once you get some basics down in spades. I'm learning much faster than I did a year ago, and I think that it's because I have a higher BJJ IQ now. You start to see things as variations on themes you already know (more or less) rather than a radically new (and complicated!) skill every day.

Well, I'm sorry to ramble on so long, and remember that I'm still really a beginning too, so take all this with a grain salt. There are some pretty experience BJJ players hanging around here, so let's hope they jump in too.

By the way, I found the book Twenty-One Immutable Principles of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu very helpful when I first started.

Re: Tom's Training Log

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:42 pm
by Tom28
J-Madd wrote:
Tom28 wrote:
J-Madd wrote:
Man, that's such an honor. Thank you.

I don't have much business giving BJJ advice. I'm just a recently minted blue belt. That being said, something that's been really important for me is only to work one thing at a time. It might be my age, but when I started I simply could not learn a new move every week. It's tough to keep up with your instructor's curriculum, which probably moves you through a sequence of techniques every 1-2 weeks. I couldn't keep up. I had to pick something and work on it every time I rolled, whatever else we might be working as group. I figured out very quickly that I had to learn how to defend myself first and foremost, and I figured out that for a guy built like me probably does best to play from half-guard. Thus, every roll I tried to get to and keep half-guard. Every roll, every day, all I did was half guard. Once I went a few weeks like that, I added the old school sweep; every single time I rolled, I worked to half guard, and I tried the old school sweep. At one point I wanted to improve my escapes, so every roll I let the guy pass my guard, so that I could fight my way out of side control. Every time I could get a teammate to come early or stay after practice so that we could drill these moves, I jumped on that opportunity.

This had some great effects. Obviously, it let me build some meat and potato basics on which I could start to develop my game, and it improved my defense. It also transformed my rolls form competitive death matches, to occasions to practice whatever technique I'm working. It become not about "winning" in the gym, but working my game. The first several dozen times you try something new, you will probably "F" it up royally and get submitted. So what? That's the only way to learn. This is what settled me down and let me get serious about learning the art.

A year later, this is still how a approach my training. Right now my big thing is improving my kimura, especially from side control. Every day before practice, I drill that move dozens of times. Every roll, I might setting up and executing the kimura from side control my number one priority. For the few two weeks I didn't hit a single one, and mostly just gave up my position. Now I'm about 50-50 on hitting it, even though my teammates all know exactly what I'm up to.

I think you'll also find that you will eventually start climbing a much steeper learning curve, once you get some basics down in spades. I'm learning much faster than I did a year ago, and I think that it's because I have a higher BJJ IQ now. You start to see things as variations on themes you already know (more or less) rather than a radically new (and complicated!) skill every day.

Well, I'm sorry to ramble on so long, and remember that I'm still really a beginning too, so take all this with a grain salt. There are some pretty experience BJJ players hanging around here, so let's hope they jump in too.

By the way, I found the book Twenty-One Immutable Principles of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu very helpful when I first started.
Wow, thanks so much for all the advice. I've often felt overwhelmed by the instruction. Since the classes are often a mix of white belts and higher belts, there are a lot of classes where I can't follow the techniques. I basically just go through the motions and focus on the techniques I know. I will say that recently I'm starting to get a little more comfortable with the new techniques, because I am starting to see them as variations like you said. Also, in recent months, I have stopped the competitive rolling and there are a few guys there where we'll talk during the roll and compliment each other for good sweeps and submissions. Now, I start a roll trying to work on technique, but there are some guys there that just come at you with power and strength and try to submit you as many times in the 5 minutes as they can. That forces me to use strength, and I never learn much in those rolls. Thanks for the tip on focusing on one thing during the rolls. I'll start doing that with a simple technique. Again, your advice is greatly appreciated!

Re: Tom's Training Log

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:16 am
by Tom28
Family visiting from out of town + alcohol and shitty food + work stress = missed workouts

Thursday, November 30, 2017
Operator, Week 5, Day 1 (85%)
Squat: 205x5x3
Bench: 182.5x5x3
Pull-ups: +3.75lbs.x5x3
Notes: everything felt super light and easy

Friday, December 1, 2017
Missed workout

Saturday, December 2, 2017
Missed workout

Sunday, December 3, 2017
Run 4 miles in 44:39, 11:08 min/mile

Re: Tom's Training Log

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 1:30 pm
by Tom28
Monday, December 4, 2017
Operator, Week 5, Day 2 (85%)
Squat: 205x5x3
Bench: 182.5x5x3
Pull-ups: +3.75lbs.x5x3
Then: neck harness (45lbs.x4x25), DB curls

Tuesday, December 5, 2017
BJJ - learned some kind of choke with your own gi around the other guy's neck that I'll never be able to actually use while rolling. Then roll 3x5 minutes and I did learn something useful from a brown belt who told me I'm hesitating too much when trying to get to side control and he helped me work on ways to get around the legs faster.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Rest day

Re: Tom's Training Log

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:25 pm
by Tom28
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Operator, Week 5, Day 3 (85%)
Squat: 205x5x3
Bench: 182.5x5x3
Pull-ups: +3.75lbs.x5x3
Then: neck harness and curls.

Friday, December 8, 2017
BJJ: work Ezekiel choke from half guard. I want this to be my go to submission from side control and half guard. Then rolled a few rounds and was unable to pull it off, but I was close.

Saturday, December 9, 2017
Operator, Week 6, Day 1 (95%)
Squat: 230x4x2
Bench: 205x4x2
Pull-ups: +10lbs.x4x2
Then: neck harness, curls, 3 rounds of Bas Rutten Thai Boxing CD vs. wavemaster XXL

Sunday, December 10, 2017
Run 3 miles in 31:15, 10:23 min/mile
Notes: this was hard, felt like shit. Running once a week is not enough to improve. I'll reassess the running schedule after this block.

Re: Tom's Training Log

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:20 pm
by Tom28
Monday, December 11, 2017
Felt like I needed a rest day, so today was a flex day.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Operator, Week 6, Day 2 (95%)
Squat: 230x4x2
Bench: 205x4x2
WPU: +10lbs.x4x2

Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Ran 2 miles in 22:30, 11:10 min/mile

Thursday, December 14, 2017
Operator, Week 6, Day 3 (95%)
Squat: 230x4x2
Bench: 205x4x2
Deadlift: 332.5x2
Then: Neck harness and curls

Friday, December 15, 2017
BJJ: 3x5 rolls. Didn't push it, because I have operator test day coming up.

Re: Tom's Training Log

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 9:44 pm
by Tom28
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Rest day

Sunday, December 17, 2017
Operator Test Day!
Decided to max rep my training max as my test day weight. Here's what I did:
Squat: Training max 240 --------- 240x7 = New max: 295 lbs.
Bench: Training max 215 --------- 215x3 = New max: 236 lbs.
WPU: Training max - ? ------------ +15lbs.x6
Dead: Training max - 350 -------- 332.5x2* = New max: 355 lbs.
Then ran 5k as fast as I could: 30:18, ~9:45/mile

*After testing on squats and bench, I had nothing left for deads. My 275 warm-up felt like a ton and I couldn't even lift 315. Since I did 332.5x2 last week, I'll use it as my new max. For WPU, I just went by feel this cycle but still managed considerable improvement.

Thoughts on operator: Very happy with the progress I made in just 6 weeks. 240x7 on the squat may be an all time PR. To think that I managed that while doing BJJ and running shows how effective the program is. Same with bench, 215x3 may be an all time PR. I think the WPU helped my bench a lot.

Going forward: I'm tempted to run another cycle of operator but instead of using these new maxes, use my former training maxes and only add 10 pounds to the lower body lifts and 5 pounds to the bench. If I use my new maxes it'll be too much with BJJ and I'm afraid I'll burn out. I may opt for Operator I/A, not sure. I think I would be benefit from a little more flexibility in my schedule and Operator I/A would allow for that. I also want to improve my 5k time so I have to consider that too. Maybe Operator I/A, 2 days of BJJ, and try to sneak in 2-3 runs a week. I don't know, I have to focus on a goal and plan accordingly. Anyway, very happy with the progress I made!