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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

8,8,7,7,6 Fighter Pullups
75% Week 4
BP 4x5 @120#
DL 3x5 @235

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

9,8,7,6,5 FIghter pullups
BP 5X5 @ 135
SQ 4X5 @ 115

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

9,8,7,6,6 Fighter pullups
BP 3X5 @ 135
SQ 4X5 @ 115

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

9,8,7,7,6 Fighter pullups
BP 6X5 @ 135
SQ 3X5 @ 115
DL 1x5 @ 270

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

95% Day 1

I was supposed to DL for 304 today...
3x2 @300

Then my kids egged me on to lift more...
1 set @ 320
1 set @ 330 - New PR by 10#
1 set @ 350 - New PR by 30#

9 pullups and then had to end workout due to unforseen circumstances, but at least I PR'd. Tomorrow I will do my regular 95% day without the DL.

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

Fighter Pullup Program - 9,8,8,7,6,
Squat (4 total sets) - 1x2 @ 135; 2x2 @145; 3x2 @ 150; 4x2 @ 150;
Bench (4 total sets) - 1x2 @ 150; 2x2 @ 155; 3x2 @165;

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

New Block - Op - Black
Coming off a wicked 72 hour cold. Made my last week more of a Fighter than an Operator. Adding conditioning back in now that I did one block of just strength. Don't want to over abuse the injury and be back on the coach again.

New Training MAXS.
DL - 350
SQ - 150
BP - 185
BW PU- (Plan to do 7, 8, 9 then 8, 9, 10 for the 70%-90% and 75%-95% respectivly- Next Block might do more reps or do WPU - undecided)

BP - 5x5 @ 135
SQ - 3x5 @ 105
BW Pull Ups - 5x7

Max Effort Plank & Shank:45 seconds each - Core is definitely a weak link here, could explain some of my squat issues. This was a good edition to the mix.
J-Madd wrote: Thanks J-Madd

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by J-Madd »

Tym87 wrote:New Block - Op - Black
Coming off a wicked 72 hour cold. Made my last week more of a Fighter than an Operator. Adding conditioning back in now that I did one block of just strength. Don't want to over abuse the injury and be back on the coach again.

New Training MAXS.
DL - 350
SQ - 150
BP - 185
BW PU- (Plan to do 7, 8, 9 then 8, 9, 10 for the 70%-90% and 75%-95% respectivly- Next Block might do more reps or do WPU - undecided)

BP - 5x5 @ 135
SQ - 3x5 @ 105
BW Pull Ups - 5x7

Max Effort Plank & Shank:45 seconds each - Core is definitely a weak link here, could explain some of my squat issues. This was a good edition to the mix.
J-Madd wrote: Thanks J-Madd

Well played!

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

12:40 - Very Easy HIC, testing foot
1M Fobbit
20 KB #35
5 Ring PU
x 3

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

BP - 5x5 @ 135
SQ - 5x5 @ 105
BW Pull Ups - 5x7

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