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Re: ML's log

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:48 pm
by ml1985
I was getting nowhere since baby #2 was born. Eating bad stuff, not following the training program. I also tried to add specific training for BJJ, but I didn't know what I was doing. Back in 2012 when I was doing Kyokushin, I bought Joel Jamieson's book (mostly for the scientific stuff), read it cover to cover and left it on my bookshelf. I tried to implement some of its training, but I never figured out how to do it. Since I need to be told what to do, I decided to reach out to a personal trainer in my area who did his conditioning certification. It turns out he's a professionnal fighter and a BJJ practitioner. I've been training with him for the last 2 weeks and I'm feeling great. I still need to work on my nutrition, but at the very least, I'm enjoying the training process.

GPP block, week 3, day 1 - conditioning workout (Tempo)
Goblet squat: 16kg 4x8 (2:0:2:0), 60s rest, RPE 7
DB floor press: 25's 4x8 (2:0:2:0), 60s rest, RPE 7-8
Lat pulldown: 60 4x8 (2:0:2:0), 60s rest, RPE 7-8
Cardiac output: 15 mins @ 132 avgHR

Re: ML's log

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:39 pm
by ml1985
GPP block, week 3, day 2 - strength
Aerobic plyometric (forward and backward pogo jump): BW, 8s ON : 30s OFF, 15 rounds
A1. Back squat: 175 3x3 (6:0:0:0), 30s rest, RPE 8-9
A2. Squat jump: BW 3x5, 3 mins rest
B1. Bench press: 130 3x3 (3:0:0:0), 30s rest, RPE 8
B2. Band-assisted plyo pushup: BW 3x5, 3 mins rest
Explosive repeat (squat jump): BW, 10s ON : 50s OFF, 10 rounds

Good day. Legs felt tired in the last 3-4 rounds, but it was much better than week 1.

Re: ML's log

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 4:53 pm
by ml1985
GPP block, week 3, day 3 - conditioning (HRI/HICT)
HRI (on elliptical): max resistance, 10s sprint, rest until HR=130, 15 rounds
HICT (tire sled drag): 15lbs, 14 mins @ 148 avgHR

Feeling good after this session.

Re: ML's log

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:14 pm
by ml1985
GPP block, week 3, day 4 - strength
Aerobic plyometric (incline plyo pushup): BW, 8s ON : 30s OFF, 15 rounds
Romanian deadlift: 195 5x3 (6:1:0:0), 3 mins rest, RPE 9
A1. Military press: 95 4x3, 30s rest, RPE 8
A2. Band-assisted plyo pushup: BW 4x5, 3 mins rest
Chest supported DB row: 50's 4x5, 60s rest, RPE9
DB curl: 20's 3x10, 1x12, 60s rest, RPE 9

Re: ML's log

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 9:05 pm
by ml1985
GPP block, week 3, day 5 - conditioning (EDT)
A1. Squat: 145x1 for 3.5 minutes
A2. DB RDL: 55'sx1 for 3.5 minutes
B1. Bench press: 105x1 for 3.5 minutes
B2. Seated row: 95x1 for 3.5 minutes
C1. DB split squat: 30'sx1 for 3.5 minutes
C2. Lat pulldown: 85x1 for 3.5 minutes
Cardiac output: 15 mins @ 132 avgHR

Re: ML's log

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:58 pm
by ml1985
GPP block, week 3, day 6 - strength
Aerobic plyometric (square pogo jump): BW, 8s ON : 30s OFF, 20 rounds
DB split squat: 40's 3x3 (3:0:0:0), 3 mins rest, RPE 7-8
DB bench press: 60's 3x3 (3:0:0:0), 3 mins rest, RPE 9
Pullup: BW+35lbs 3x3 (3:0:0:0), 3 mins rest, RPE 9
Explosive repeat (assisted squat jump): BW, 10s ON : 50s OFF, 10 rounds

Feeling less residual fatigue and soreness now. Next week is "deload" week.

Re: ML's log

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 3:59 pm
by ml1985
GPP block, week 4, day 1 - strength
Aerobic plyometric (forward and backward pogo jump): BW, 8s ON : 30s OFF, 10 rounds
A1. Back squat (normal tempo): 205x1 (RPE 7), 215x1 (RPE 7), 225x1 (RPE 7-8), 30s rest
A2. Squat jump: BW 3x3, 3 mins rest
B1. Bench press (normal tempo): 125x1 (RPE less than 7), 135x1 (RPE 7), 145x1 (RPE 7-8), 30s rest
B2. Band-assisted plyo pushup: BW 3x3, 3 mins rest

There's a good drop in overall volume and intensity, but weights are increased because of the normal tempo. Also, since there's no explosive repeats, I'm feeling rather fresh after this session.

Re: ML's log

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:16 am
by ml1985
GPP block, week 4, day 2 - conditioning workout (Tempo)
Goblet squat: 16kg 3x8 (2:0:2:0), 60s rest, RPE 7
DB floor press: 25's 3x8 (2:0:2:0), 60s rest, RPE 7
Lat pulldown: 60 3x8 (2:0:2:0), 60s rest, RPE 7
Cardiac output: 30 mins @ 133 avgHR

Feeling great. Can't wait to see what the next block will be like.

Re: ML's log

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 2:49 pm
by ml1985
GPP block, week 4, day 3 - strength
Aerobic plyometric (incline plyo pushup): BW, 8s ON : 30s OFF, 10 rounds
Romanian deadlift: 205 3x3 (normal tempo), 3 mins rest, RPE 7
A1. Military press: 95x1 (RPE 7), 100x1 (RPE 7), 105x1 (RPE 7-8), 30s rest
A2. Band-assisted plyo pushup: BW 3x3, 3 mins rest
Chest supported DB row: 55's 3x3, 60s rest, RPE 7-8
DB curl: 25'sx5, 30'sx2x5, 60s rest, RPE 7

Re: ML's log

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:00 am
by ml1985
GPP block, week 4, day 4 - conditioning (HRI/HICT)
HRI (on elliptical): max resistance, 10s sprint, rest until HR=140, 10 rounds (around 30-45s rest between sets)
HICT (tire sled drag): 20lbs, 10 mins @ 136 avgHR

I never reached 150 bpm even though I used 5 pounds more than last week.

GPP block, week 4, day 5 - conditioning (EDT)
A1. Squat: 145x1 for 2.5 minutes
A2. DB RDL: 55'sx1 for 2.5 minutes
B1. Bench press: 105x1 for 2.5 minutes
B2. Seated row: 95x1 for 2.5 minutes
C1. DB split squat: 30'sx1 for 2.5 minutes
C2. Lat pulldown: 85x1 for 2.5 minutes
Cardiac output: 10 mins @ 133 avgHR

I decided to get another off day, so I did a two-a-days today. Final day of the first block tomorrow, and then I'm starting block 2 Monday.