Pr3inar’s Log

Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:04 pm

Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

1A: KB C&P x 24 kg
1b: pullups, supinated
X 1-2-3-4-5 x 3 rounds
2: Y-raise: 4x20

9/6-20 - HIC, Ross GPP/Minute drill
1a: Burpees
1b: Jumping jacks
1c: Split jumps
1d: Burpees
1e: Jumping jacks
1f: Alternating between pushups and squats every other round
1 min rest. 4 rounds

Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:04 pm

Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

10/6-20 - HIC, Hill sprints
8 x the whole hill, walk down = rest

Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:04 pm

Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

11/06-20 - HIC, Trail speed run
App 3.22 km: 17:52 min

Tried to push it today. Didn’t beat my all time best on this trail (17:15), but considering I have have trained 3 consecutive days before today, I’m satisified with the result.

Also, it’s hot as hell, felt like an asthma attack during the last km..

Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:04 pm

Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

1a: KB C&P
1b: Pullups (fat grips)
X 1-2-3-4-5, 3 rounds
2: Y-raise: 3x20

Did it outside on the lawn, did pullups in a swing/monkey bar. It was a bit thicker than my oull up-bar, felt it good in the forearms. Got a than while doing it, tho’

Posts: 394
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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

1a: KB C&P
1b: Pullups, FG
X 1-2-3-4-5, 4 rounds
2: Y-raise, 4x20
3: Defranco tricep finisher x 1

Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:04 pm

Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

5k on a forest trail: 30:51

27 deg C and sun. The heat was exhausting (for a northman..)

Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:04 pm

Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

1a: KB C&P x 24 kg
1b: Pullups, supinated
2: Y-raise: 5x20

19/6-20, HIC, Short hills
15 x 8-10 sek sprints, walk down = rest, around 35 seconds

Posts: 394
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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

20/6-20 - HIC
Meat Eater 2
10 rounds, 24 kg.

First time doing this one. Will keep this in rotation!

Did it on the lawn after sunset, 25 degrees celsius, barefeet and only wearing shorts. It was good for the soul!

Edit: this made me think of Ross Enamaits «Magic 50», which is another fine workout I will have to use more

Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:04 pm

Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

Week 3
1a: KB C&P
1b: Pullups
2: y-raise: 4x20

Starting to feel that the volume is starting to be to much. I have been quite consistent the last months, and after this week (heavy strength/easy cond), I will be going away for 2,5 weeks on holiday. Seems like a good time to take some off-time, just hiking in the mountains, swim etc.

The gym opens 15/08, so after the holiday I will take some weeks with Black and some BW strength, bedore starting fighter/black when the gym opens.

Love it when things just line up!

Posts: 394
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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

25/6-20 - E
6 km easy pace run.

Lately, when running longer than 4 km, my eight foot starts getting numb, and my right calf is almost cranping. Everytime at the 4 km mark. I have gotten heavier, my weight is now 97 kg, and I think that has something to do with it. Pullups are also more difficult than they should be.

I have cleaned up my diet, plan meals for the whole week and buy in bulk. Right now my daily kcal intake is between 2500 and 2700.

190-200 gr protein (Eggs, ham, Skyr, an icelandic type of yogurt with 13 gr protein, 4 gr karb and 0,4 gr fat pr serving, ground beef 5% fat, and pork loin
250-300 gr karb (oats, rice, bulgur, some bread)
Fat: some nuts, cooking oil, whats naturally in meat and eggs.

I still have some fine tuning to do on the nutrition, but I think just removing the Cola, fast food and Dorritos will do some wonders..

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