FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

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Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Interesting journal, took me a while to read some of it but I like what I saw.

Have you ever tried eight count bodybuilders instead of burpees? They tend to be a bit more friendly on us higher mileage types.

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Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Post by FortyPlusRunner »

grouchyjarhead wrote:Interesting journal, took me a while to read some of it but I like what I saw.

Have you ever tried eight count bodybuilders instead of burpees? They tend to be a bit more friendly on us higher mileage types.
Hey thanks, GJ; I apologize for my verbosity! :D

I haven't tried eight count bodybuilders, but I will now! Thanks for the tip.

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Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Post by FortyPlusRunner »

Block 9: Winter maintenance
Conditioning: Basic maintenance
Strength: Heavier SE progression
Body weight: 164 lbs
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, KB = kettlebell

Day 1: Recovery Run TM 5.0 mil 40:11 HR1 105
Day 2: SE with 50-lb KB: Swing 2x20, Gob SQ 2x20, Single-arm rows 2x10/10; BW push-ups 2x20
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: SE with 50-lb KB: Swing 2x25, Gob SQ 2x25, URRow 2x12, Two-arm rows 2x25; BW push-ups 3x17
Day 6: Progression Tempo Run TM 4.2 mil 27:48 HR1 137; total 5.2 mil
Day 7: "Long" Run 8.04 mil One Hill 1:00:05

Mileage for the week: 18.2

Seems like the SE progression is going all right. So far, yes, but I sense that I'm getting close to maxing out. The single-arm rows on day 2, for instance, took about all I had, which is why I switched back to normal (two-arm) rows on day 5.

A long run the day after a somewhat intense tempo run? Nine times out of ten I'd do a recovery run the day after an uptempo workout, but given the crazy weather around here, I decided to take advantage of an actual "I can run outdoors!" day (day 7), especially since the forecast looked bleak for the foreseeable future. I'm going to have to be careful, of course, in terms of recovery.

What are you reading nowadays? Dostoevsky's Demons, sometimes translated as The Possessed. It's dense; I'm having to do a lot of background research in Russian history, and especially Russian politics, to "get" a lot of what's going on. Boy does it help illuminate, though, much of the revolution of ideas going on at that time in the world.

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Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Post by FortyPlusRunner »

Block 9: Winter maintenance
Conditioning: Basic maintenance
Strength: Heavier SE progression
Body weight: 163 lbs
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, KB = kettlebell

Day 1: Recovery Run TM 5.7 mil 45:03 HR1 104
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: SE with 50-lb KB: Goblet Squat 1x30, 1x18, 1x12; Swing 1x30, 1x18, 1x12; some push-ups, rows, and reverse crunches
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: "Long" Stamina Run TM 8.3 mil 1:00:00
Day 7: Recovery Run TM 5.7 mil 45:00 HR1 103

Some sets of pull-ups, push-ups, etc. sprinkled in here and there

Mileage for the week: 19.7

Whoa, what happened with your SE? I hit the wall, is what. When I got to those second sets of goblet squats and swings, I was simply dead in the water. So, I did what I could and rounded things out with a reduced third set to add up to 60 reps overall. This kind of hitting the wall can happen if you start any kind of regimen with weight that's just a bit too heavy: the first couple of weeks seem all right, but then you get to the more intense weeks and your body hasn't recovered fully because you started a little too heavy and BOOM: you hit the wall. No problem: take a bit of rest and try again next week.

You also had two more intense runs in a row at the end of last week. Correct--and the increased recovery demands of those days might have contributed to my not being fully ready to attempt 2x30 on day 3. No matter: we'll begin again next week.

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Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Post by FortyPlusRunner »

Block 9: Winter maintenance
Conditioning: Basic maintenance
Strength: Heavier SE progression
Body weight: 165 lbs
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, KB = kettlebell

Day 1 I: SE with 40-lb KB: Swing 2x35, Gob SQ 2x35, Rows 2x36, URRow 2x12, Dips 2x8
Day 1 II: Recovery Run TM 2.0 mil 16:10 HR1 102
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Snow shoveling (basically an SE)
Day 4: SE with 50-lb KB: Swing 2x40, Gob SQ 1x40, Rows 1x40, URRow 2x8, some push-ups
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: "Long" Stamina Run TM 8.4 mil 1:00:05 HR1 130
Day 7: Easy Run TM 6.0 mil 46:45 HR1 107

Mileage for the week: 16.4

Looks like a bounce back to me! Amazing what a little rest will do--that and backing off the weight a bit. I've mentioned before how a deload day, even in the middle of a Max Strength cycle, can do much good, and that's the principle that worked here. I failed at 2x30 with a 50-lb KB last week, so I tried 2x35 with a 40-lb KB, and it went fine. That paved the way for the 2x40 swings with the 50-lb KB.

But you didn't do 2x40 for goblet squats on day 4. True, but that's for a different reason: I was starting to sense the "legs only" fatigue I get when I'm running and doing weighted squats at the same time. The two generally don't mix well for me.
Also, I didn't realize until after the fact that I was moving into "Bravo" territory with this SE progression, which I didn't really want to do. My goal, rather, was to hit 2x30 with the 50-lb KB and then perhaps move up in weight.

Why not 3x30? Maybe it's age, and maybe it's the running focus, but I've found that three sets of SE, especially in the higher rep ranges, are just overkill for me--i.e., more harm than good. You might have noticed, for instance, that I'm gaining some body weight. That's what happens whenever I stimulate my legs with any amount of strength work--even heavier SE, and even just two sets.'re going to try a heavier KB next week? Yes: back to 2x10 or 3x10 depending on how it goes. Traditional KB increments are 8 kg, but I own a 50-lb KB, which is not the standard 24-kg KB (which would be 53 lbs). I'll probably just try to find a 70-lb KB, which is just shy of the standard 32-kg KB.

Wouldn't the running maintenance work better if you ran on day 3 or 4? Yes, definitely, and that's usually my plan, but...winter. I've had to shift things around a lot these past few weeks--make do, more or less, given the conditions of the roads, the sub-zero wind chills, etc.

You like Big Band music, don't you? Very much so. I'm listening to Count Basie right now, in fact. Him, Artie Shaw, Duke Ellington, Glenn doesn't get much better than that.

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Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Post by FortyPlusRunner »

Block 9: Winter maintenance
Conditioning: Basic maintenance
Strength: Heavier SE progression
Body weight: 166 lbs
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, KB = kettlebell, DB = dumbbell, BB = barbell

Day 1: SE with 70-lb KB: Swing 3x10, Gob SQ 2x10; some URRow, pull-ups, dips
Day 2: Rest / some push-ups and air squats
Day 3: Rest / some push-ups and air squats
Day 4: Progressive Tempo Run TM 4.4 mil 30:27 HR1 121; 5.1 mil total
Day 5: Easy Run TM 5.0 mil 38:30 HR1 106
Day 6: SE with 70-lb DB: Swing 4x12, Gob SQ 3x12; BW pull-ups 4x5 (various grips), 3 sets of Farmer Carries (25-DBs); URRow with 50-BB 2x8; some push-ups and air squats
Day 7: Progressive "Long" Run TM 8.3 mil 1:00:09 HR1 123

Mileage for the week: 18.4

Hey, you’re up to the 70-lb kettlebell! Barely. I had some residual soreness even after the minimalist workout on day 1, mostly in my hands (grip) and on one side of my hips. By day 4 it had resolved. But whoa...moving up in standard KB increments takes its toll.

You, uh, kinda overdid it on day 6, didn’t you? Maybe a little. I didn’t have access to a 70-lb KB, so I had to substitute a 70-lb DB, which made things a little strange. The workout was intense but invigorating, and I woke up on day 7 with some “comfortably painful” soreness.
Notice that I’m taking things very slowly with the heavier KB: from 3 sets of 10 to 4 sets of 12, which was more than enough extra stimulation for me. I’m also backing off on the Goblet Squats the moment I sense that my legs have had enough—gotta save them for running.

I added up your running mileage from day 6 of last week to day 5 of this week, and it’s 24.5. Since I’ve gone into this “winter maintenance” mode, I’ve been doing most of my running mileage on the “bookends” of the standard seven-day week, yes. Which days you count as a “week,” in other words, certainly affects your “weekly” mileage, which is why you have to be careful about that number. Especially if you’re flexible with your schedule you have to make sure you’re not inadvertently overdoing it.

That HR1 reading for the day 4 tempo run looks pretty low! Yes, but I’m not going to get too excited about it. The workout was on a treadmill, after all, which made it easier: no wind resistance; the treadmill does a little of the work for you; etc. Now, if I had treadmill readings for other workouts I’d have something to legitimately compare it against, which I currently don’t. But this reading might be helpful in that regard in the future.

No snow shoveling this week? Actually yes, on day 7 in the morning, but it was brief and not worth a mention. We’re predicted to have wind chills in the -15F to -21F range at least once this upcoming week—JOY.

Any opinion on Fallout 76? I'll leave it at this: give me New Vegas any day.

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Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Post by FortyPlusRunner »

Block 9: Winter maintenance
Conditioning: Basic maintenance
Strength: Heavier SE progression
Body weight: 167 lbs
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, KB = kettlebell, DB = dumbbell, BB = barbell

Day 1: Recovery Run TM 6.0 mil 47:37 HR1 103
Day 2: SE with 70-lb DB: Swing 3x15, Gob SQ 3x15; BW pull-ups 3x5, some dips, farmer carries, etc.
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Rest (family sick)
Day 5: Rest (family sick)
Day 6: Stamina Run TM 8.36 mil 60:00 HR1 153
Day 7: Easy Run TM 6.5 mil 50:32 HR1 119

Mileage for the week: 20.8

WHOA, what's with those super-elevated HR1s on days 6 and 7? They're both about 15% higher than usual, which is very significant. I have some theories, but facts first:
1. During both of those workouts I sweated a whole lot more than usual.
2. The gym where I was doing those runs experienced unusual fluctuations in its heating system up to 78F on both those days (American standard during winter is 68-72F).
3. The rest of my family was sick most of this week.
4. I was experiencing allergy-related inflammation in my sinuses most of the week.
Knowing all that, I speculate that the much higher HR1 readings were due to a combination of the higher heat in the gym, my body's fighting something off, and a possible extra diuretic effect from over-the-counter medications I was taking to combat the allergies. All of that together might add up.
I should add here that those two days didn't feel especially more difficult. Thus, the importance of taking such readings. An athlete's perception of how hard s/he's working is important, but of course even experienced athletes can be wrong about what the body's actually up to.
Anyway, it looks like next week will be a flat-out recovery week in any case. If my body's working that much harder, it obviously needs a break.

You were making some decent progress with the 70-DB, though. Slow progress, yes, and I'm happy with that, but we'll have to return to it another time. If you look back, you'll see that I started with similar sets on a 50-lb KB. So I'm definitely satisfied with what's happened--but clear-eyed about the fact that when I start a KB-based block again, I'll most likely start with the 50-lb KB, just to make sure I'm not starting too high.

What's next? A week off: easy recovery. Hopefully Spring will have arrived by then, and I'll be able to go back to more running. It's been a very long winter in these here parts.

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Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Post by FortyPlusRunner »

In between blocks
Recovery week
Body weight: no clue (see below)
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, KB = kettlebell, DB = dumbbell, BB = barbell

Day 1: Rest
Day 2: Easy SE: 60 air squats and 60 push-ups total
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Hospitalized
Day 5: Hospitalized
Day 6: Hospitalized
Day 7: Rest

DUDE, WHAT THE FU*& ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Okay, calm down, it's not that big of a deal. I mean, plenty of folks who frequent this board have actually been shot in the line of duty. Being admitted to the hospital is nothing in comparison.

What happened, then? I'm wary of putting specific information on the Internet, but let's just say that I had a major gastro-intestinal issue. How major, you might ask? Major enough that they gave me fentanyl through an IV. We'll leave it at that.

Are you okay now? Not really. I've eaten almost nothing in several days, but I'm not really hungry because I've been on an IV for most of that time. I'm hoping to start solid foods in a couple days.

How will this setback affect your training? No idea, and right now I don't really care. I need to get healthy again. That's priority #1.

How's the outlook? Not sure. I may be feeling better in a few days, or it may be a couple weeks. These things take time.

Was what happened in any way at all related to your training? That's the maddening thing: we don't know why it happened. There are a few generally accepted causes for what happened, but not one of them is even remotely close to my situation. I have a follow-up later this week; hopefully we'll get some answers.
My instinct, however, is that it's related to my allergies, which have just been getting worse over the past year.

I bet you're reading a book to pass the time. I got an advance copy of the new Dean Koontz novel, The Night Window. I'm really looking forward to seeing how he wraps up this series.

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Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Post by TBK »

Sorry to hear that. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

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Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Post by Tom28 »

I hope you're feeling better soon. Take care.

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