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Workout Log

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 10:57 pm
by Adski

Rest Day

Note: this is the 3 week mark of hybrid, I’m recovering better, feeling pretty good, I think I’ll stick with op pro for the next three weeks, do the deload and switch to fighter. It seems like a good fit for me at this point.
Lastly, have been trialing a sauna blanket over the last few days, seems to have a similar effect to a sauna itself, this being said, though I like it, an actual sauna is tough to beat. Anyways, family and recovery work is on the cards for today.

Workout Log

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:11 am
by Adski

Rest Day

Note: took an extra day as basically I wanted to set things up so Sunday can be a rest day for the next round of Op Pro.

Workout Log

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:15 am
by Adski

70kg 3x5

43kg 1x3


DB Farmers Carry
30kg DBs 3 sets until just short of hand failure


Ramp Rollouts
4th notch 3x5

Neck Raises
20kg 3x8

Note: not a bad start to the block. My car will be out of action for a bit so there may be a bit more lss on the cards, at least for this week anyway.

Re: Workout Log

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:23 pm
by TBPenguin
Adski wrote: Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:15 am My car will be out of action for a bit so there may be a bit more lss on the cards, at least for this week anyway.
Time for some big grocery shopping! Ruck it!

Re: Workout Log

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 8:17 pm
by Adski
TBPenguin wrote: Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:23 pm
Adski wrote: Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:15 am My car will be out of action for a bit so there may be a bit more lss on the cards, at least for this week anyway.
Time for some big grocery shopping! Ruck it!
:lol: No problem lol. In one trip too :lol:

Workout Log

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 8:45 pm
by Adski

Apex Hills (bottom of the local hill)
Hill Sprint
T Handle Swings 25kg
Jog down

42/42/43/43/43/42 seconds

Note: ended up sorting out the car situation. I want to try and stick to hybrid as written where possible to see it goes. Squatting after apex should be interesting. Later on in the afternoon/evening I had a slight bit of inner knee pain in both knees. Looking back I haven’t really done any faster paced runs in a while, short hills would have been the better option to reintroduce it.
It would seem I have definitely reached the age as to where jumping straight in doesn’t work.
*Fast forward to the next morning*, knees are much better, but I’ll definitely reconsider how I map things out after a bit of a sprint layoff. Reintroduce things like I would in a regular bb for example. Also, realized my runners need a change out, I’ll sort that out before my next run.

Workout Log

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 8:19 pm
by Adski

105kg 1x2

10kg 3x10


Ramp Rollouts
4th notch 3x5

Note: no problem with the knee at all, pretty good session all around.

Workout Log

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 8:24 pm
by Adski

Shadow boxing
3x3 min rounds

Wrecking ball
3x3 min rds

Jump rope
1x3 min rd

Speed bag
3x3 min rds

Reflex ball
1x3 min rd

Note: feeling a little off today, almost like I have a cold, but without having it. It has been going through the house again, so far I’ve dodged the severe end of it.

Wanted to jump rope more, however my legs just didn’t feel like they were there, and I didn’t want to risk the knees. Surprisingly my hamstrings were still sore from apex hills. Clearly the sprinting legs aren’t where they were. To be fair I haven’t been sprinting. Plenty of LSS work and jump rope/boxing, but not a lot else conditioning wise. I will have to rectify this come the fighter block.

I might treat those first three weeks of the fighter block similar to the last 3 weeks of bb.

Workout Log

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 8:45 am
by Adski

167kg 1x3

10kg 3x10


Later in the evening

Ramp Rollouts
4th notch 1x3
3rd notch 2x3x3 second pause on the last rep/set

Banded neck raises
All directions 3x10

Note: hamstrings were still not fully recovered from the hill session, so I can confirm I’m a bit retrained from faster paced running, however I can do LSS for an hour or more with zero issue, so I find this an interesting puzzle to figure out. I’d be telling lies if I said I didn’t find these little setbacks slightly annoying.

This being said, lifted well today on the TBDL and everything worked out really well. Rollouts felt solid, will either skate or do a long LSS tomorrow.

Workout Log

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 6:37 am
by Adski


A couple of hours

Note: fun afternoon session today.