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Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 1:26 am
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 2, Week 2

Unplanned rest day. I bruised my right heel on a hike, hurts to walk.

Bench Press: 155 x 3 x 5
Scapular Pulls: 3 x 5
Heel feels better, but not well yet. Skipped squats for fear of reinjuring heel

Unplanned rest day - don't have much in the way of low-impact cardio options at the moment, so skipped planned HIC

Squats: 175 x 3 x 5
Bench Press: 155 x 3 x 5
Scapular Pulls: 3 x 5
No foot issues!

Apex Hills: 24kg x 4
Farmer/Suitcase Carry: 24kg x 150 yards R/L

Squats: 175 x 3 x 5
Bench Press: 155 x 3 x 5
Scapular Pulls: 3 x 5

Thoughts on this week: Scapular Pulls are feeling solid, I'll move on to Arch Hangs ( Otherwise, this week was hit-and-miss. Next week is the first heavy (90%) week of this Operator block. I'll respect the Easy Week principle, and plan on working on some light kettlebell skills during my usual HIC time. Light snatches and Cleans, trying to re-learn the movements.

Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 2:51 pm
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 2, Week 3

Arch hang: 5 second hang, 3 x 5
Low Bar Squats: 200 x 3 x 3
Bench Press: 175 x 3 x 3

Unplanned rest day due to heat wave

AM: Hill Sprints x3
Arch hang: 5 second hang, 3 x 5
Low Bar Squats: 200 x 3 x 3
Bench Press: 175 x 3 x 3

AM: Kettlebell practice x 20 minutes

Rest day

Arch hang: 5 second hang, 3 x 5
Low Bar Squats: 200 x 3 x 3
Bench Press: 175 x 3 x 3
PM: LSS Jog x 30 minutes

Thoughts on week:
Started AM/PM split due to really hot afternoons. I can lift in my shaded garage, but HIC in 90+ temps in the sun would not go well. I'm liking the split so far, and will continue next week. Started eating according to Precision Nutrition free plan this week, will assess results in 6 weeks.

Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 4:50 pm
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 2, Week 4

Bodyweight Row 3 x 5
Low Bar Squats: 165 x 3 x 5
Bench Press: 145 x 3 x 5
PM: Outdoor Power Intervals (OPI): 1:30/3:00 x 5

AM: OPI: 1:30/3:00 x 5

Bodyweight row: 3 x 5
Low Bar Squats: 165 x 3 x 5
Bench Press: 145 x 3 x 5

Thoughts on week:
Not the greatest week I've had. Missed 1 MS session, and the end-of-week E session. Working a lot of overtime, that plus a longer commute eats up a lot of my day and makes PM training a challenge. While I like the AM/PM split, I'll cut back to just AM sessions until I cut back on the OT next month. Ideally, I'll do E/HIC in the mornings before work, and lift PM, after I've moved around and loosened everything up. Nutrition plan went to hell, too. Need to get back into making meals for the week on weekends.

Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 3:19 pm
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 2, week 5
Operator/Black: Professional

Bodyweight Row, 3x5
L.B. Squats: 190 x 3 x 3
Bench Press: 165 x 3 x 3

AM: Outdoor Power Intervals (OPI): 1:30/3:00 x 6

BW Row: 3 x 5
L.B. Squats: 190 x 3 x 3
Bench Press: 165 x 3 x 3

AM: OPI 1:30/3:00 x 5

Missed last MS and E for week, decided to re-do this week.

AM: OPI 1:30/3:00 x 5
PM: BW Ring Rows: 3 x 5
LB Squats: 190 x 3 x 3
Bench Press: 165 x 3 x 3

AM: OPI 1:30/3:00 x 5
PM: BW Ring Rows: 3 x 5
LB Squats: 190 x 3 x 3
Bench Press: 165 x 3 x 3

AM: LSS Jog x 30 minutes
PM: BW Ring Rows: 3 x 5
LB Squats: 190 x 3 x 3
Bench Press: 165 x 3 x 3

Thoughts on the week: Working lots of overtime these past two weeks. Combined with a long commute, it had a pretty big impact on my motivation and energy levels, which impacted training. I liked combining my HIC/E in the morning with the MS in the evening, it was an effective split that left me with lots of recovery days. I'll have to experiment with this in future blocks.

Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 7:42 pm
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 2, Week 6 - Easy Week

Assisted Ring Pullups: 3 x 5
L.B. Squats: 210 x 3 x 1
Bench Press: 185 x 3 x 1

Assisted Ring Pullups: 3 x 5
L.B. Squats: 210 x 3 x 1
Bench Press: 185 x 3 x 1 - Left shoulder tweeked

Assisted Ring Pullups: 3 x 5
L.B. Squats: 210 x 3 x 1
Bench Press: SKIPPED - Shoulder still painful

Thoughts on week:
Squat is progressing nicely - weight moving smoothly even on heavy days. Left shoulder felt painful after press on 6/7. Woke up feeling ok on last day, but started to hurt during squats. I'll have to start doing shoulder mobility/prehab work to see if that fixes the problem.

Thoughts on block: I liked it. Operator is pretty simple, and flexible enough to handle a bit of re-arranging due to unplanned overtime, minor injuries, etc. I'm going to increase the volume next block, and keep the weights the same. Maxes will be tested after next block. I'll take a week off to let my shoulder recover, then dive in again next week.