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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 12:17 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training


45 min Warrior Session

(decided to skip the breathing practice at the end as I am not the biggest fan of some of the breathing exercises done)

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:21 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training

Back Squat 120kg x3
Weighted Pullup 30kg x3
Benchpress 85kg x3

x 3 rounds

Romwod 20 min

Last training for this Op I/A as I am calling it a session early. I have been doing some long shifts at odd hours at work and I stuffed up the loading earlier so I was still able to achieve what I wanted to. I was pretty wrecked from work but was still able to hit all my lifts with no major issues besides some instability in the squat.

I am thinking about doing my usual foray into some other type of training just to mix things up to keep tac barbell fresh and exciting. I will be following a variation of some onluine programming I have done in the past. I plan to put it on here in my log but will probably try to be less specific as it is a private paid for program.

I need something to follow as I have just been hitting my barbell work and ignoring my conditioning outside of BJJ.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:49 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training

Bjj Midday

Working on turtle control, seat belt, wrestling style switch and taking the back.
6x5 mins of rolling to finish up spent mostly in bottom turtle.


Really enjoying the break from barbell training and conditioning. I have been getting massages and focusing on recovery. I jhave also been getting kite surfing lessons when the wind is good.

I am looking at getting back into training in the next day or so depending on work. I will be doing a couple of week foray into another websites programming and will probably continue updating my log here. I like to do this occasionally to mix things up and do some higher volume and different style training.

My bread and butter is tactical barbell but sometimes I need someone to do all the thinking for me and to also show me what my body can handle.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 1:31 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training
Bodyweight-77.1kg BF% according to fitbit scale 13%

Session 1 M.O Program
Testing for 10 week cycle

Warmup 4 rounds

10-8-6-4 Back Squat at Bar/40/60/80
10 Hippity Hops each side
10 KB RDL's 16kg
30 sec foam roll

Work up to 1RM Back Squat
140 kg final good form single

30 min AMRAP
50 Step ups -15kg
400m run

x7 rounds complete + 20 extra step ups
Total Score - 720

Just switching over to a different style of training for approximately 3 months just to mix things up a bit.I like to do this once or twice a year. I found I was only ever hitting the minimums in my TB sessions and not doing conditioning besides BJJ.

I just feel like being told what to do and when to do it for a while and pushing myself with a more varied exercise range. I have been plugging away at OP I/A and the squat/bench/pullup cluster for quite a while and feel like mixing things up a bit. I plan to record my sessions on here in minimum detail, but out of respect for the program provider I won't include more than the basic layout for my own personal records.

Looking forward to the change and my inevitable return to TB progressions in the future with a whole lot more conditioning. I will upload my Max squat from today so I can compare at the end of the 10 week block.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:02 am
by Maxrip13 ...

Back squat 140 kg start of new strength cycle

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:59 pm
by Maxrip13
Todays Training

Session 2 M.O Program
Test day upper body lifts

Warmup 3 rounds
3 x Clean pull to explode
3 x Hang power cleans
3 x Push Press
1 x Power clean and push press
10 Hand release Push ups
5 chins

Weight Bar/40/40kg

1 RM Power Clean and Push Press 70 kg

1RM Bench press 100 kg

4 rounds
800m LSD run interval
50 step ups

I went pretty conservative on my lifts as it has been a while since I have done power cleans and push presses. I could probably push to 80 kg, but would rather be smart and wait till later in the cycle to hit my bodyweight + for an overhead press. Benchpress was easy as I have been doing these regularly and I am hoping the future added volume can help tighten up my technique a bit for my return to TB.

The 800m interval and step ups were done at an easy pace just to get the volume in. I havent done much running recently so this was a good way to ease back in to longer distances.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 8:38 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training

Session 3 M.O
First real day

Warmup 3 rounds
Back Squat x8 40/60/80kg
5 KB RDLS 16kg
10 KB Swings 16 Kg
5 x Forward lunges each side
5 x Lateral Lunges each side
5x Backwards Lunge Each side

4 rounds
Back Squat x10 80 kg (was meant to be higher but haven't done anything over 5 in ages)
1;30 min rest between sets

1 round
Max Reps Back squat with weight above
80kg x12

10 rounds EMOM
5x Kb RDL 16 kg

2 rounds of Tabata Calf raises
20 sec calf raises
10 sec hold in up position x3
30 secs rest between each round of 3 sets

3 rounds
weighted sit ups x 8 with 10 kg weight plate
4 x kneeling plate half moons with 10 kg plate each side
Face down back extension x8

This is probably the hardest weight session I have done in a long time and I was not even close to prepared for those 10 rep squat sets.
I was absolutely wrecked and on the ground after them due to being used to longer rest periods and lower volume. It will do me some good to get out of that 5 rep comfort zone for a while.

I went light on the RDLs to work on form and recover after the previous squat sets. The calf raises were new to me also and I reckon my legs will be destroyed tomorrow for work which will be fun:)

The core circuit was a massive struggle due to the previous exercises also, but I don't usually do much out of the squat pullup, bench cluster from TB and some loaded carries.

Overall it was a very good and hard session to start off my foray into a different programming and as I sit here and finally feel like I am not going to throw up I look back and enjoyed the training. I don't think I could train like this year round but for this 10 weeks I am going to see how my body goes and do my best to complete all the sessions.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:10 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training

Dynamic Lower body movement prep
Foam roll
Hip Swivels
Roll overs
Frog stretch
HUG Stretch with Instep

20 min w 15 lb clubbell alt l,r
300m run (approx)
5x lateral step ups
5x Squat Jumps
10 Situps No weight

Total = 6 rounds

20 min
30 Lateral step ups with 10 kg
5x 1 handed kettlebell squats each side with 16 kg
10x Russian Triangle with 10 kg
10 x KB good Mornings with 16 kg

3 rounds
20 sec flutter kicks
20 sec Hello Dolly
20 sec Sit ups
20 sec rest

Today was good just to get my body moving again and flush some blood to the legs. I did my best to treat this as an aerobic training session, but occasionally had to have a quick break to stay in that zone. The last squat strength training session had left me barely able to walk and in particular my calves were destroyed. Usually I would look at this as bad, but it means I have a lot of untapped training potential in some higher volume sessions. This is why I occasionally like to leave that comfort zone of tactical barbell and explore some more intense programming strategies. You always have a tendency to do what you are good at this sort of thing is how I go outside those comfort zones.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:17 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training


Feeling recovered in my calves from that squat session finally. Just in time for some strength work tomorrow. Hopefully this soreness doesn't persist in these sessions as I am keen to get some bjj in also. I have to keep the stretching regular as I know from past experience following ROMWOD is the best way for me to train at a high intensity.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:36 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training
M.O Session 5

Warm up 3 rounds
3x Pull to explode
3x Hang power clean+ride down to parallel\
3x Push press
1x Power Clean+ Push Press
10x Hand Release Push ups
5x Chin ups

8 x3 Power clean + Push press
Rounds 1-3 build up weight, round 4 be at 40 kg (65%)
5x Drop and Punch drill

4 rounds
10x Benchpress 65% of max. (Round ,1/2 at 65 kg, Round 3 at 60 kg and only 7 reps, last round 50 kg and 10 reps)
10 x Kroc Rows 16kg Kettlebell each side
60 sec rest

Right after 60 sec rest
Max reps bench press 50 kg = 8 Reps
10 x Kroc Rows 16 kg Kettlebell

3 rounds Kettlebell carries with 16 Kg kettlebell
100m 1 arm overhead carry each side
30 sec rest
150m 1 armed Front rack carry each side
30 sec rest
200m 1 armed farmers carry
30 sec rest

Good hard training session today and while still sore my calves are much better especially following today's work. I realised today that my power clean and overhead pressing ability have really gone done since I last did these exercises. I also seem to have very limited mobility in my upper and mid back which is not helping either of these exercises at all.

I have also noticed that there is a huge discrepancy and lack of strength when I go anywhere above 5 reps on my bench and squat. Today should have been easy to hit s couple 10 round sets at 65% percent of my max, but I was absolutely destroyed. I was able to do a set at 50% percent, but the damage was already done and I failed my max rep set early. I don't know whether it was the limited 60 sec rest periods, the kroc row superset or just not being ready for the higher reps but it is something I will address on my return to TB style training after I complete this program.

I really enjoyed the carries at the end and this was my favourite part of today. I do a lot of carries in my own training but I tend to load them heavy and keep the distances shorter. For comparison, I usually use a 32 kg for 40m overhead carries and 32-40 kg Kettlebells for my farmers walks. The front rack in particular was surprisingly hard, but enjoyable. I plan to rotate these in with my heavy carries to mix things up in the future.

Still enjoying my break from TB and finding some weaknesses to work on in the future. I like to mix things up occasionally and indulge my masochist tendencies before returning to how I train 90% of the year.