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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 6:14 pm
by Moz69
After 3 hours sleep did

5x rounds of 10x 32kg kb swings and 10 sandbag burpee’s 25kg bag
Plank and shank, wheel roll outs.
Animal walks
50m bear crawls
50m side monkey runs
25m crab crawl

Impromptu training session.

Rope climbing hands only approx. 20 feet
Mixture of bear crawls and side monkey runs.


The rope climbing left me wasted the next day with a slight shoulder twinge

Warm up
10 mins cross trainer, mobility drills

FP 92.5kg 4x5 1x4
Ring Pull ups 5x3
Suitcase squat 110kg (55k on each oly bar)
Nordic hamstring curl 5x5
10min walk 105 pound bag
100m bear hug
50m shoulder carry alternate sides
Rinse and repeat

Felt stronger on the finisher. Good increase in rep range on the floor press and an as expected decrease in reps on the pulls ups after the rope climbing on the 29th. It has been a long time since i've been able to climb a rope without using my feet. Possibly looking at a deload week next week.

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 1:31 pm
by Moz69
2nd 3rd /5/17

Warm up
Accessory & Core day

Wheel roll out progressions
Band saw sliders 10x2
Plank walk sliders 1 set
Slider press ups alternating arm forward 3x10
Ring dips 2x10
Suitcase squat 48kg 3x10
Plate pinch
Wrist roller

Coming down with man flu so just ran through the motions, overall though feeling stronger in all movements.
Made a free standing wrist roller (thnks ross) see how this goes.

I did plan to have a deload week but will move this back to next week due to work commitments. I've also not been getting the GPP in after the heavy strength as planned so will have to adjust the training days.

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 4:11 pm
by Seabassius
Moz69 wrote:28/4/17
After 3 hours sleep did

5x rounds of 10x 32kg kb swings and 10 sandbag burpee’s 25kg bag
Plank and shank, wheel roll outs.
Animal walks
50m bear crawls
50m side monkey runs
25m crab crawl

Impromptu training session.

Rope climbing hands only approx. 20 feet
Mixture of bear crawls and side monkey runs.


The rope climbing left me wasted the next day with a slight shoulder twinge

Warm up
10 mins cross trainer, mobility drills

FP 92.5kg 4x5 1x4
Ring Pull ups 5x3
Suitcase squat 110kg (55k on each oly bar)
Nordic hamstring curl 5x5
10min walk 105 pound bag
100m bear hug
50m shoulder carry alternate sides
Rinse and repeat

Felt stronger on the finisher. Good increase in rep range on the floor press and an as expected decrease in reps on the pulls ups after the rope climbing on the 29th. It has been a long time since i've been able to climb a rope without using my feet. Possibly looking at a deload week next week.

I like these. I was hurting for some ideas today and would have like to incorporate some of these. I need to find a rope climb is my only problem.

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 10:10 am
by Moz69
Seabassius wrote:
Moz69 wrote:

I like these. I was hurting for some ideas today and would have like to incorporate some of these. I need to find a rope climb is my only problem.

I just hang a rope from the garage roof sit on the floor and pull myself up, only about 10ft but its kicking my ass. Ross enamait has some great ideas on rope climbing which can be incorporated into a routine and manila rope is pretty cheap.

The animal walks are great little finishers and good to get the kids involved in races.

My favorite tool at the moment is the sandbag as a finisher it rocks. I'm seeing improvements in functional strength and I think a cross over into my lifts but I do find I need a few days off to recover, ist only at 105 pounds but its kicking my butt; however I am seeing improvements i.e able to walk bear hugging before shouldering.

I also want to bring sand bag shouldering and press into my strength day at some point but just on my heavy strength day.

Another new toy is the free standing wrist roller (cheers again ross).

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 6:30 pm
by Moz69
Taking it easy till Thursday so today


mobility drills. shoulder rehab work with clubs
inverted KB press 16kg, combination of wrist curls and plate curls

plank 2x 60 secs standard position.
then worked on extended arm plan, nearly fully out stretched arms for ten 3x10 secs
Shank 3x 60 secs

Plan till Thursday mobility and ROMWOD.

Still getting over man flu so good excuse to have a deload week.

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 11:45 am
by Moz69
8th 9th 10th


Warm up mobility drills wrist and shoulder

FP 70% 80kg 5x5
Ring pull up bw 5x5
Rope pull ups 1x5
Suitcase squat 45kg each oly bar 70% 5x5
Nordic hamstring curl 5x4

10 min walk 105 pound sand bag

Pretty burned out from a hard week studying and working long shifts. Cold and chest thing going on feeling pretty weak so decided to drop back onto a operator routine for percentages.

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 1:09 pm
by Moz69
Mini circuit (away from home so did session in the room)
Press-ups 20
BW squats 50
Roll ups 20
Plank walks 10 ft

Plank n shank to finish 30secs x 3


Warm up mobility drills wrist, shoulder hip.
Rope work 5 mins freestyle
Kb warm up. Cleans, snatches, presses with 16 and 24kg bells
Press ups.
Slow burpees 3x10

Strength Assistance work

Rope pull ups 2x5
Weighted rope negatives 10kg 2x5
Assisted one arm lock off on rings
25kg sandbag clean and press 3x10 (5 each side)
Fighting stance squats 25kg sandbag 2x10 alternating foot forward
Goblet squat alternating foot forward 2x16kg kb’s 1x10 each side
Ring dips 3x10
Floor slider press ups alternating arms out 3x10
AB wheel roll out
25m bear crawl to finish

Still not a 100% and slight niggle in L shoulder

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 8:48 pm
by Moz69
LSS 30 mins heart rate 50-70%


Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 4:17 pm
by Moz69
Main strength workout
Warm up, mobility and kb drills. Cleans, snatches, swings, tgu’s and dble clean and press 16kg kb’s
Round the worlds
Shadow Boxing
Running operator percentages @ 80% on FP and Suitcase Squat

FP 92.5kg 5x5
Suitcase squat 110kg 5x5 (55kg each bar)
Nordic hamstring curl 5x5
Rope climb/pull up 4x4 (seated off the floor hands only)

120lb sandbag carry 10 minutes

The whole routine felt pretty intensive and the finisher… it been a while since I’ve had to dig that deep.

The plan with the finisher next strength session is to increase the weight again but decrease the time to 7.5 minutes.

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 11:49 am
by Moz69
22nd 23rd
LSS 30 mins

LSS 30 mins

Mobilisation drills, shadow boxing
Wrist strengthening.
Plate curls, inverted KB holds 16kg, weighted club drills

Accessory strength routine
FSQ 3x5 50kg
KB swings 2x10 @ 42kg 1x10 32kg
Ring Pull ups 3x6 BW
Ring dips 2x6 slow secs down 1x6 weighted 5kg
Sand bag clean and press 28kg 3x4

Farmers walks 88kg 40m

Going to be a running aerobic base building for the next 5 weeks. Keeping the LSS to 30 mins in the 50=70% heart range. A slight twinge in my left wrist so kept the finisher to one round.