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Re: Nick's offical log

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 2:28 am
by nickgoldma
Barkadion wrote:
nickgoldma wrote:
Barkadion wrote:
Makes sense. Thanks and good luck!
Thanks, Bark! My plan is to start logging again in a couple weeks when I start a new block. I just don't feel the need to start logging in the middle of a block. The OCD in me!
Sometimes I think that OCD is the thing that keeps me going :D
I feel ya there, brother!

Re: Nick's offical log

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 4:05 am
by nickgoldma

Long Steady State-30 Minutes

Started a new block today: Fighter+Green. MWF-LSS and Tues/Thur-Fighter Template. Cluster: Bench Press/Back Squat on Tuesday and OHP/Trap Bar DL on Thursday. I'll probably throw some "accessory" lifts to hammer out some weak spots or some kettlebell work. Saturdays I might throw in the extra E session but when my rugby season starts, and Saturdays are usually game days, I will be focusing on that.

My goals for this block is to continuously improve my overall aerobic capacity. I'm not considering this a BB block (saving that for summer time/off season) but just a typical green block. My main goal is to increase my LSS time to 45 minutes non stop and without walking. Right now, I can hit 30 minutes easily on the treadmill without too much trouble. I have also have a new found respect for stretching, foam work, and working on my mobility. I have found the carry over to be beneficial and I don't get nearly as sore or that "heavy leg" feeling as I do from running. Anyways, looking forward to hitting weights tomorrow. Cheers.

Re: Nick's offical log

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:45 pm
by nickgoldma

Fighter: BP-130lbs Squat-150lbs

Finisher: Farmers Walk 3x with two 30lbs Dumbbells

Re: Nick's offical log

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:21 am
by nickgoldma

LSS Run: 30 Minutes

Re: Nick's offical log

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:47 am
by nickgoldma

Fighter: OHP- 90lbs 3x5 & Deadlift- 155lbs 3x5

I was going to include this but afterwards I had a rugby practice. We started practice with the ever so popular Beep Test. If you know what that is, no need for an explanation. It was pretty brutal though. If you didn't make it back after a 25 meter run before the whistle/beep, you were done and had to run laps until the last man standing. I need to keep working my cardio. I should maybe consider upping the pace on the treadmill a bit, too. I've been running at a 3.6, maybe ill up the pace a bit while I extend my time overall.

Re: Nick's offical log

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 4:19 am
by nickgoldma

Impromptu off day today. I left my school early to head home as Massachusetts (and what seems like the rest of the north east) got hit with. charming Nor'Easter. I'll try and get an indoor run in tomorrow at some point. Cheers.

Re: Nick's offical log

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:33 pm
by nickgoldma



Last night I went to a rugby practice at a local club that is friends with the the university team I play on. Got a solid work out with a lot of aerobic activity. Also worked on some skills work, scrummaging, etc. Solid practice all around and a lot of fun.

Re: Nick's offical log

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 5:05 am
by nickgoldma

Fighter: Bench Press-140lbs 3x5 Back Squat- 160lbs 3x5

Finisher: I decided to mess around with a Pat Flynn circuit. I forget the official name but it was 2 KB Swings, 1 Push Up, 4 KB Swings, 2 Push ups, and so on until you head 10 KB Swings and 5 Push Ups. I was crunched on time so I did one round but I plan to revisit. My Push up numbers are horrendous and I think this would be a solid way to incorporate that.

Re: Nick's offical log

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 1:09 am
by nickgoldma
Well, things got messed up real quick last week due to a Nor'easter, and some other things. I am also now on spring break so I won't be having a ton of access to a weight room this week but I am going to keep up with my LSS anyway and I will probably throw in some bodyweight work for the hell of it.

Re: Nick's offical log

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 12:39 am
by nickgoldma
So I decided to scrap the last block as spring break and New England weather got in the way. I did do some assessments and decided to run a block that tackled my weaknesses. I purchased a running program from Runner’s World so I had a structured program to work on my running. Alongside that, I decided to work on my strength endurance. That’s what my plan is to work on for the next four to six weeks.

3/19/18- LSS- 1.5 Run