Workout Log

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


85kg 4x3

30kg 4x3

15kg 5x3

Note: managed to find time to get the session in. A lot of life stressors that don’t look like settling down anytime soon. Am basically looking to maintain training and a few other things to keep everything together. All the lifts felt very comfortable so there’s positivity in that at least.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


20 Double Unders
10 Push Ups
Repeat as many times as possible in 2 mins
Rest 1 min

Note: a little freestyle practice beforehand. Managed 4 and a bit rounds in the 1st two rounds, then 3 and a bit for the remaining rounds.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


85kg 5x3

30kg 5x3

15kg 5x3


Kneeling Rollouts

Ramp Rollouts
3rd notch 4x3

6.25kg 3x5 p/s

7.5kg 3x5 p/s

Band Neck Raises
3x8 all directions

Note: added pauses on the last set of rollouts, felt pretty solid. Good day for training.

Posts: 2061
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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Posts: 2061
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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


85kg 1x3
90kg 3x3

30kg 1x3
35kg 3x3

15kg 1x3
22kg 3x3

Note: everything moved very well today. Last OP/IA MS session for this part of the block. All things going well, apex tomorrow. I may move to OP/Pro for a bit of fun for the next few weeks. We’ll see.

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Re: Workout Log

Post by Maxrip13 »

Adski wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:37 pm
Maxrip13 wrote: Fri Jan 06, 2023 10:23 am
Adski wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 6:12 am

I did start that way, but due to a few things going on I changed it to OP/IA but allowing 1-4 days between MS sessions. I’m still sprinkling in Ross sessions, I just did one today from his jump rope book which was a bit of fun, definitely got my sweat on in the ol garage gym haha. I’m mixing in hill sprints as well and boxing work (using either my own or from the book of Ross lol).
It’s been working pretty well so far. I might try and do a similar setup with OP PRO or DUP in upcoming blocks, allowing for the extra days between MS sessions.

How are you finding everything running fighter with Ross’s work?
Seems like a good plan. Do you box at a gym or just conditioning work?
I basically just added DB snatches, regular finishers and used a Dumbbell Fighter cluster. It's really just TB.
The only thing I have really done so far is use of Magic 50 as a finisher and stuck with his interval sessions from II.
That interval session is the only one I have tied myself into as a regular addition to my normal TB and sports practice.
It's the perfect dose that I can train again that evening and ticks the distances I need to work on currently.
Man I would love to be back in a boxing gym, just due to the current life setup that’s not a possibility, hopefully that changes this year. So mainly at home for boxing skill and conditioning work.
That still sounds like a good setup with your cluster.
Magic 50 is tough to beat, good session and fairly easy to recover from. I’m looking at adding in some more of the jump rope sessions from Ross’s ebook once or twice a week.
The intervals are always good, gotta love the 50m sprints at the end.
That’s great that ties in well with your bjj.
I have added muay thai after not doing any striking for about 15 years. It's been fun but definitely an adjustment.
I actually prefer dumbells for snatches if I am honest. It actually gives me the feel of an olympic style snatch compared to a kettlebell one.

Ross's stuff is just really well thought out even though he didn't include a heap of LSS work which I think is important.
He explains why in the books but I wish he would bring out an updated one with barbell movements included.

Good luck with the training mate.

Posts: 2061
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Re: Workout Log

Post by Adski »

Maxrip13 wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:00 pm
Adski wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:37 pm
Maxrip13 wrote: Fri Jan 06, 2023 10:23 am

Seems like a good plan. Do you box at a gym or just conditioning work?
I basically just added DB snatches, regular finishers and used a Dumbbell Fighter cluster. It's really just TB.
The only thing I have really done so far is use of Magic 50 as a finisher and stuck with his interval sessions from II.
That interval session is the only one I have tied myself into as a regular addition to my normal TB and sports practice.
It's the perfect dose that I can train again that evening and ticks the distances I need to work on currently.
Man I would love to be back in a boxing gym, just due to the current life setup that’s not a possibility, hopefully that changes this year. So mainly at home for boxing skill and conditioning work.
That still sounds like a good setup with your cluster.
Magic 50 is tough to beat, good session and fairly easy to recover from. I’m looking at adding in some more of the jump rope sessions from Ross’s ebook once or twice a week.
The intervals are always good, gotta love the 50m sprints at the end.
That’s great that ties in well with your bjj.
I have added muay thai after not doing any striking for about 15 years. It's been fun but definitely an adjustment.
I actually prefer dumbells for snatches if I am honest. It actually gives me the feel of an olympic style snatch compared to a kettlebell one.

Ross's stuff is just really well thought out even though he didn't include a heap of LSS work which I think is important.
He explains why in the books but I wish he would bring out an updated one with barbell movements included.

Good luck with the training mate.
True! Do you watch many fights, boxing ufc or otherwise?
And also if you’ve taken up Muay Thai, try not to catch that RMTS!
I have boxing gym envy now.
Once my current life situation adjusts I’m keen to get back into a boxing gym, even if to just be on the pads and work on a few things, truth be told I’d love to coach.
I hope you’re enjoying it, Muay Thai is awesome.
Agreed with dumbbells for snatches, I’ve always preferred them as well.
It would be fantastic to see Ross release another training book, but I dare say training Katie Taylor would be a full time job for him. I agree with the LSS work, even a small dose can be pretty beneficial.
You’ve got me thinking maybe I should give fighter a run for the next block, I’ve really been enjoying squatting lately though, and the temptation to have accessories like snatches etc is always there. I was thinking OP DUP is a good fit to add things like snatches and sandbag lifts in, snatches on the DL speed lift day. So many options out there. I was even thinking running OP/IA like I have, then Pro, then DUP, then the 50 day from II or NG, I’ve always got ideas like that floating around lol.
All the best for the Muay Thai and future training yourself!

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Apex Hills
Hill Sprint
10 T Handle Swings 40kg
Jog down

30/32/31/31/31/31/31/30 seconds


Kneeling Rollouts

Ramp Rollouts
3rd notch 4x3

Neck Raises
20kg 3x5

Grip Circuit
Thick Block Pinch Lifts
20kg 2x5 p/s alternativing
22.5kg 1x5 p/s alternating

Wrist Push Ups

Wrist Roller
20kg 3x5 each way

Note: good way to wrap up this block of OP/IA. I’ll take the weekend off and decide where to go for the next few weeks, I’ll either continue on for a deload week or continue with something else. As always I have a few different ideas that are all pretty workable, just need to make a decision.
Apex felt great, the hip issue I had is really fading, pretty certain it came from being a bit too aggressive with the GHRs and the sandbag lifts during the II block, and probably some of the explosive lifts. The GHR definitely had an impact, that was easy to spot, the other bits and pieces just didn’t help things. Just to be sure I might leave them out of the next block and if everything is going well, maybe look to bring them back in a little slower and easier.

Posts: 2061
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: mobility work mainly today.

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