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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:53 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training
M.O Session 6
Total/Upper body endurance
Effort 6/10

10x Peanut on foam roller
10 x Mantis on ball each side
5 Crocodile pushups each side
10 m Quadraped Crawl
3 Pullups with 3 sec hold at top

20 mins
Approx 15 Sec Push pulls 15lb clubbels (6-8 reps)
Approx 15 sec curls bar (6-8 reps)
6 sec chinup hold
30x stepups

20 mins
8x bent over rows Bar
8 x Overhead press Bar
6 sec Chin up hold
300m Run

3 rounds of
Shoulder 21s with 2.5kg plates
5 x tea cups each side and back and forward
30 sec peanut on foam roller

I weighed myself yesterday after BJJ and I am down to 75 kg... I was 80kg+ at the start of the year and I wasn't carrying to much bodyfat.
I might have to compete while I can hit a lower weight class.

Last session for the week and it was good to get moving to get rid of some soreness. I pulled up pretty sore from the benchpresses the other day. I really feel that my total body endurance is quite low and something I would like to focus on in the future. The hardest part of today was the curls and shoulder presses as they are exercises I never really do. I plan to program in some more strength endurance weighted work in the future depending on how much I improve during this cycle.

Some mild pain on the outer part of my left knee during the step ups and ru, but I have been on my feet for 90% of my last couple shifts and struggling with sleep.

Two days off atleast is p[lanned with some ROMWOD thrown in when I get the time. I am also looking at getting back on the mats for the first time in two weeks. I miss BJJ

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 3:43 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training
M.O Session 7
Lower Body Strength

Warmup:3 Rounds
8 x Back Squat
5 x Kb RDL's 16 kg
10 x KB Swings 16 Kg
1 x Lunge Complex

4 rounds of
8 x Back Squat 85kg
90 seconds rest

After round 4's rest
Max Reps Back Squat 85 kg
Completed 10 Reps

8 rounds, one round every 75 sec
5 RDL's 24kg KB

3 rounds
Tabata Calfs (3x 20 sec work/10 sec static hold up, ea round)
30 secs rest

3 Rounds with 10 kg plate
10 x weighted situps
5x kneel plate half moons each side

Todays session felt much better than last weeks Lower body strength. It was still intense, but I was able to stay on my feet this time for most rest periods. I also don't have instant DOMS, but we will see how I feel tomorrow. My calves will be the main thing affected. I am enjoying my trip into higher volume more intense day to day training, but I really need to get my nutrition under control.

My pre workout meal was snack size mars bars and lollies left over from a birthday party my wife brought home.... While they are delicious there is no way I can maintain this intensity on that sort of food.I think a liquid protein smoothie upon waking up is the way to go. I plan to have protein powder, coconut milk, frozen berries and some cinnamon and see if that gets me started right for the day.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:29 am
by Barkadion
Maxrip13 wrote:Todays Training
M.O Session 7
Lower Body Strength

Warmup:3 Rounds
8 x Back Squat
5 x Kb RDL's 16 kg
10 x KB Swings 16 Kg
1 x Lunge Complex

4 rounds of
8 x Back Squat 85kg
90 seconds rest

After round 4's rest
Max Reps Back Squat 85 kg
Completed 10 Reps

8 rounds, one round every 75 sec
5 RDL's 24kg KB

3 rounds
Tabata Calfs (3x 20 sec work/10 sec static hold up, ea round)
30 secs rest

3 Rounds with 10 kg plate
10 x weighted situps
5x kneel plate half moons each side

Todays session felt much better than last weeks Lower body strength. It was still intense, but I was able to stay on my feet this time for most rest periods. I also don't have instant DOMS, but we will see how I feel tomorrow. My calves will be the main thing affected. I am enjoying my trip into higher volume more intense day to day training, but I really need to get my nutrition under control.

My pre workout meal was snack size mars bars and lollies left over from a birthday party my wife brought home.... While they are delicious there is no way I can maintain this intensity on that sort of food.I think a liquid protein smoothie upon waking up is the way to go. I plan to have protein powder, coconut milk, frozen berries and some cinnamon and see if that gets me started right for the day.
Really interesting to read your new program, Max. Looks a little alien to me but that is even more interesting! Thanks for sharing.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:43 pm
by Maxrip13
Barkadion wrote:
Maxrip13 wrote:Todays Training
M.O Session 7
Lower Body Strength

Warmup:3 Rounds
8 x Back Squat
5 x Kb RDL's 16 kg
10 x KB Swings 16 Kg
1 x Lunge Complex

4 rounds of
8 x Back Squat 85kg
90 seconds rest

After round 4's rest
Max Reps Back Squat 85 kg
Completed 10 Reps

8 rounds, one round every 75 sec
5 RDL's 24kg KB

3 rounds
Tabata Calfs (3x 20 sec work/10 sec static hold up, ea round)
30 secs rest

3 Rounds with 10 kg plate
10 x weighted situps
5x kneel plate half moons each side

Todays session felt much better than last weeks Lower body strength. It was still intense, but I was able to stay on my feet this time for most rest periods. I also don't have instant DOMS, but we will see how I feel tomorrow. My calves will be the main thing affected. I am enjoying my trip into higher volume more intense day to day training, but I really need to get my nutrition under control.

My pre workout meal was snack size mars bars and lollies left over from a birthday party my wife brought home.... While they are delicious there is no way I can maintain this intensity on that sort of food.I think a liquid protein smoothie upon waking up is the way to go. I plan to have protein powder, coconut milk, frozen berries and some cinnamon and see if that gets me started right for the day.
Really interesting to read your new program, Max. Looks a little alien to me but that is even more interesting! Thanks for sharing.
Im following along with a site that offers programming for athletes interested in more intense training. Think crossfit/gymjones but programmed to improve specific attributes and maintain others.

The current goal is similar to a base build, but not in that single mode endurance realm. The idea is to maintain/make small improvements in other areas. I like to do the occasional trip outside of TB to keep things fresh and I also find having something written on paper makes me do some things I would usually avoid like specific core/calf work and higher rep sets. Something as simple as resting 90 secs instead of 2 min has really made a big difference in my ability to recover from barbell work.

TB is my bread and butter programming option, but I like to go outside that comfort zone occasionally and be put into new and challenging situations.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 5:43 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training

BJJ Lunchtime session

Kimura grip to armbar from the back
Breaking the grips to get the armbar in various ways including the RNC choke grip defence.

5x5 min rounds of rolling

Good to be back on the mat and I thoroughly enjoyed training today. I really like the kimura grip for attacking the armbar and will be adding some stuff from this session into my game. I would like to get one more bjj session in this week either friday or sat. I also feel pretty good after yesterdays training session. I find 3 x a week strength/conditioning is more than enough for me take make improvements and actually still be able to enjoying BJJ and similar.

When I return to TB OP I/A i think I will a HIC session in after my strength work and have extra days for recovery/BJJ.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:45 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training

Session 8 M.O
Lower Body Endurance

warm up 1 round
Lower Body movement prep

20 mins
300m Run
10m Duck walk
10 m Broad jump
10 Unweighted Getups

20 mins
15x Step ups
15x Lateral Step up
10 x Squats
5 x Lunges each side
5x jumps Lunges Each side
5x Squat Jumps
10x Sexy Situps

3 rounds
20 sec Russian Twists
20 Sec Toes to Sky
20 Secs Plank Walk
20 Seconds rest

Nice little Lower body endurance session today. I focused on trying to stay with nose breathing but had some issues with the jump lunges and squats. Basically I just plugged away and took it easy and enjoyed a solid 40+ mins of work. I am enjoying the long easy circuits as I haven't done many of them in the past and it's a nice way to get some endurance work in without running too far. See how I pull up tomorrow as my endurance is lacking and I did feel a bit of a burn through the legs from the volume.

Tonight is movies with the wife and some friends before a bit of a lie in before work tomorrow. One thing I have let slip is doing my ROMWOD sessions. I need to get back on that as I already can feel my body tightening up and recovering much worse.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:50 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training


Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:28 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training
BJJ GI midday session

Passing and holding closed guard.
Good solid 45 mins total of rolling with half an hr in round robin style guard retention/passing

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 1:53 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training

M.O Session 9
Total/Upper body Strength

Warmup 3 rounds (Bar only)
3 x Pull to explode
3 x hang power clean
3 x Pushpress
1 x Power clean+ Push press
10 x Hand release push ups
5 x Chinups

8 rounds
2x Power clean + Push press
5 x Drop and Punch
Rounds 1,2,3-40kg

4 Rounds
8 x Benchpress 55kg
10 x Kroc Rows each side-16 kg KB
60 sec rest

Max reps 55kg benchpress-Total reps=10
10 x Kroc rowseach side- 16 kg KB

2 rounds of
150m 1 armed overhead carry 16kg KB
30 secs rest
200m 1 arm front rack carry 16kg KB
30 secs rest
250m 1 arm farmers carry 16 kg KB

Overall a good session to get the body moving and I am gradually loosening up and improving on the Power cleans. I find the over head press pretty easy but my clean technique needs a lot of work still.

The benchpress was much better loaded this time and I had no issues getting the reps done. It shocks me how different my 1-3 rep strength is to anything over 5. I just can't handle the volume. I think I will be upping my reps for my exercises for the next couple rounds of TB Op I/A. I might work add the volume just to work on that higher rep strength for a while because I usually have a high carry over to my 1 rep strength.

I enjoyed the carry complex again and really like the front rack carry. While the farmers carry at 16 kg is pretty light, I find it quite challenging if I try not to switch much on the other carries.

I hope to do some ROMWOD this arvo as I really need to start focusing on my recovery more.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 1:02 am
by Maxrip13
Todays Training

M.O Session 10
Total/Upper body endurance

Warm up
Upper body mobility complex

25 mins
6x Alligator pushups
10 m bear crawl
25 x step ups
25 x lateral step ups

straight after

25 mins
5 x burpee broad jump
5 x technical stand up
300 m run

3 rounds
shoulder 21's with 2.5kg plates
5 x teacups forward/back each side
30 sec foam roll lower back


Two back to back 25 min endurance style circuits. I basically just focused on constantly moving and did my best to minimise any rest. I am enjoying a different approach to improving aerobic ability and like the break from single mode methods like LSD running and cycling. I also feel like it flushed some of the soreness out from my previous session and won't effect me too much at work tonight.

Looking ahead I have one more higher volume squat session and one more lower body session similar to today. The program will then switch to a more traditional strength approach and these types of sessions will increase in intensity.

I now plan to do my ROMWOD work and then relax before heading into work.