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Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 8:28 pm
by FortyPlusRunner
Block 10: Distance running training
Week 15
Body weight: ??? (no scale in my current location)
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, TRK = track workout, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, SBike = stationary bike, BP = bench press, AHR = average heart rate, KB = kettlebell, TE = total elevation

Day 1: Easy+ Run, very warm, 6.2 mil 47:30
Day 2: Easy Run TM 5.5 mil 45:30 HR1 98
Day 3: BP 1x15x95, pull-ups 4x4xBW, various other exercises
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Easy Run, very warm, undulating, 3.1 mil 24:39
Day 6: 5K race, warm, very humid (96% RH), two small hills, 19:45; 5.1 mil total


Day 7: Light ocean swimming, bodysurfing, etc.; about three hours total

Mileage for the week: 20

96% RH?!? Isn't that, like, fog? In the right conditions, yes; in this case, it was just really thick, really wet air. I was soaked at the finish line, and that's saying a lot for so short a race.

How'd you feel about the race? It went very well in terms of pacing, nutrition, breathing, and the rest. I wasn't surprised at my time given the conditions. There were an amazing number of people running for a mid-July race on a warm, super-humid morning (remember I'm catching up on my back logs)--several hundred at least. I finished in the top 20 and got an age group award. Overall it was a satisfying end to this round of training.

I noticed that you ran in warm conditions a couple times in the days leading up to the race. Yes: my strategy was to do my best to acclimate to the heat so it would be less of a factor on race day. True or full acclimation probably takes longer, but I'm pretty sure the heat and humidity on race day would've hit me harder had I run indoors during the week instead.

Vacation time? You bet. I love swimming in the ocean, so that'll probably be my only exercise for the coming week. Expect the next log entry to be pretty one-dimensional.

Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 8:28 pm
by FortyPlusRunner
Block: Vacation
Body weight: ??? (I don't weigh myself on Vacation)
Notation is Vacation
TM = Vacation

Days 1 - 6: Ocean swimming and bodysurfing twice a day; between 2.5 to 3 hours total daily
Day 7: Rest

You, uh, really like the ocean, huh? Love it. As I've said in the past, if I lived near an ocean I probably wouldn't run at all; I'd simply get my daily exercise swimming and bodysurfing in the ocean. Retirement, anybody...?

I think you must mean something different by "bodysurfing" than what I have in mind. Probably. I covered that topic in some depth about this time last year in this log. But the basic idea is that I go out to where the water is at least up to my chest (and preferably up to my neck) so I can catch longer rides. I wear fins to help me get out there more quickly and to help me catch the waves in water that deep. It's really a blast--and actually a very good workout. Of course, you need to find a beach where waves like that actually occur, which is never really guaranteed. (There were a couple days on this vacation when during the course of an hour or so I caught only three decent waves.)

Are you still FortyPlusRunner, by the way? Yes. When that changes (which will be in the next couple of years) I'll have to think about changing my alias. Then again, "FortyPlus" covers me for the rest of my life, technically.

Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 6:10 pm
by FortyPlusRunner
Block: Vacation, week 2
Body weight: ??? (I don't weigh myself because Vacation)
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, TRK = track workout, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, SBike = stationary bike, BP = bench press, AHR = average heart rate, KB = kettlebell, TE = total elevation, WPU = weighted pull-ups

Day 1: BP 3x5x130, WPU 3x3x(BW+15), various other minor exercises
Day 2: Easy run, undulating, 4.25 mil 33:07
Day 3: SQ 1x3x165, DL 1x1x275, some BW pull-ups
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: Easy pool swimming, some laps; about 1 hour total
Day 7: Rest

Weighted pull-ups? You?? A couple years ago they were impossible, I know--and mine are still very, very basic, obviously. But it's progress for a guy with a pin in his shoulder, right?
As to "why now," simple: I noticed my body weight pull-ups were starting to stagnate. When that happens, you have to shock your system a bit without hurting yourself. Body weight plus 15 pounds did the trick.

Is that a mini 1RM test on day 3? Oh yeah--no better time than vacation to try it, too. I sensed a small tweak in my old abdominal injury when I pulled that DL rep, but otherwise it went fine.
I don't plan on incorporating squats in my running routine, btw--I've addressed that topic before (basically I get enough "anterior chain" work through running, and heavier squat work is just counterproductive in my case).

Hopping in a public pool after a week in the ocean must have been...different. If by "different" you mean completely and utterly deflating to the point of near-nihilistic resignation to the absurd, yes. But I went with my family and tried to enjoy it.

Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 6:03 pm
by FortyPlusRunner
Block 11: Base building
Week 1
Body weight: ??? (no scale in my current location)
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, TRK = track workout, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, SBike = stationary bike, BP = bench press, AHR = average heart rate, KB = kettlebell, TE = total elevation, WPU = weighted pull-ups, SQ = squat, DL = deadlift

Day 1: Rest
Day 2: Easy+ Run, undulating, 4.5 mil 35:05
Day 3: Easy+ Run, one hill, 4.2 mil 32:13
Day 4: SQ 1x5x135, BP 1x5x135, DL 1x3x205, WPU 3x1x(BW+25)
Day 5: Hilly Run, 500 ft. TE, 4.1 mil 32:24
Day 6: Easy+ Run, one hill, 4.2 mil 32:19
Day 7: Rest

Mileage for the week: 17

I thought you weren't doing squats while running? I'm not. (Cough.) Except for day 4 this week, when I tried a lighter set "just in case," and paid for it in unproductive fatigue (specific to the squats) over the next couple days. I really should know better.

How does this first week of base building compare to the past two years'? Let me consult my records...
2017: 13.1 mil, average 10:10 pace
2018: 17.0 mil, average 9:01 pace
2019: 17.0 mil, average 7:46 pace

If you're accustomed to running 30 or 40 miles a week (like you seem to have been in the past few months), why start base building at so low a mileage? Most of the running programs I've seen (McMillan, Hansons, Team Oregon, etc.) start low. I think the general unwritten rule--or realization, or common knowledge--is that runners need a break when starting a new program. We tend to push ourselves pretty hard, and starting a new program slow and easy (including low mileage) is a great way to rest up and make sure you're healthy before getting into more intense training. Even Lydiard, whose base building programs scale up to 100 miles per week, counsels taking age, fitness, etc. into account when beginning a new program and adjusting as necessary.

I'm guessing you're not going to be doing 12 weeks of base building this year. Correct. I was able to do that last year because I started base building so early. I'm not sure about this year yet, but I'll get in at least six weeks--that's the plan, at least.

Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 4:16 pm
by FortyPlusRunner
Block 11: Base building
Week 2
Body weight: 172
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, TRK = track workout, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, SBike = stationary bike, BP = bench press, AHR = average heart rate, KB = kettlebell, TE = total elevation, WPU = weighted pull-ups, SQ = squat, DL = deadlift

Day 1: SE 2x20 with 50-lb KB: swing, row, push-ups
Day 2: Progression Run TM 4.2 mil 30:16 HR1 142; also 2x5xBW pull-ups
Day 3: Easy+ Run, warm, humid, 6.2 mil 47:01
Day 4: Lap swimming (with short breaks as needed), about 35 mins
Day 5: DL 1x3x205, 3x5xBW pull-ups, BP 1x5x145, URRow 1x3x70
Day 6: Fast finish trail run 9.2 mil 1:13:07
Day 7: Recovery Run TM 5.1 mil 43:25 HR1 100

Mileage for the week: 24.7

Dude, you gained some body weight. Yup. When I feast, I feast (e.g., vacation), and when I fast, I fast. Also, I inevitably gain body weight when I start lifting weights; that's always been the case with me. I'm not concerned; I can always go low-carb for a while if necessary.

How do you like the lap swimming? I don't. I miss the ocean. Forgive me if I sound prepubescent.

Comparisons to previous base building cycles, please. You got it:
Week 2, 2017: 16.1 mil, 9:56 average pace
Week 2, 2018: 20.5 mil, 8:58 average pace
Week 2, 2019: 24.7 mil, 7:50 average pace

You're already throwing in some "speed work"? Kinda. Progression runs and "fast finish" runs aren't really speed work per se, but they can break up the monotony of base building. The important thing is to do most of your training in the aerobic zone. Too much anaerobic at this point is counter-productive to base building. Lydiard, for instance, does allow a tempo run every other week during base building if so desired.

Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:39 pm
by FortyPlusRunner
Block 11: Base building
Week 3
Body weight: 172
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, TRK = track workout, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, SBike = stationary bike, BP = bench press, AHR = average heart rate, KB = kettlebell, TE = total elevation, WPU = weighted pull-ups, SQ = squat, DL = deadlift

Day 1: DL 1x3x235, BP 1x5x155, WPU 3x2x(BW+15)
Day 2: Easy+ Run, warm, humid, 5.7 mil 42:51
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Easy+ Run, humid, 7.1 mil 52:03
Day 5: SE 2x25 with 50-lb KB: swing, push-ups, row
Day 6: Long Run, windy, two hills, 10.25 mil 1:18:37
Day 7: Easy Run TM 5.6 mil 45:48 HR1 107

Mileage for the week: 28.6

Looks like you went to 85% on day 1 there? Yes! The workout itself went fine, but DOMS hit me in the form of serious fatigue and soreness on day 3, so it was time for a full rest day.

You mention weather conditions only when they're a significant factor, right? Yes--either for good or for ill. For instance, if I have a tailwind behind me the whole way for a run, I want to note it so that I don't wonder in the future why that run went so well or felt so easy, etc. Obviously the reverse is true for ultra-humid days and the like.

Comparisons with previous years, please? Sure:
Week 3, 2017: 12.1 mil, 9:45 average pace
Week 3, 2018: 24.2 mil, 9:03 average pace
Week 3, 2019: 28.6 mil, 7:40 average pace

Any injuries or such? Remember when I reported on that weird tingling in and around my knee earlier this year? That's been an on-and-off situation for a while now. I've talked to some people about it, and the consensus seems to be that I should try low-drop or zero-drop shoes. I'm open to the idea; I'm just going to have to research it a bit.

Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 4:58 pm
by FortyPlusRunner
Block 11: Base building
Week 4
Body weight: 170
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, TRK = track workout, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, SBike = stationary bike, BP = bench press, AHR = average heart rate, KB = kettlebell, TE = total elevation, WPU = weighted pull-ups, SQ = squat, DL = deadlift

Day 1: BP 1x5x145, DL 1x3x205, 5x3xBW pull-ups; SBike 16 mins
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Easy Run, warm, humid, windy, one hill, 8.25 mil 1:06:43
Day 4: Easy Run TM 6.0 mil 48:39 HR1 106
Day 5: BP 1x4x155, 3x6xBW pull-ups
Day 6: Group Long Run, three hills, 11.2 mil 1:50:29
Day 7: Easy+ Run, rainy, one hill, 6.2 mil 47:20

Mileage for the week: 31.6

Whoa, wait a minute: you went on a group run?! I know: not my style, right? But I know that I get an effective endurance workout even from that much slower of a pace, and more time on my feet is very good for strengthening tendons, ligaments, etc., as long as I don't overdo it. I know the people in this group, and the run seems to go by more quickly with the good conversation being had. Why not.

No DL on day 5? No: I sensed that I was nearing "maximum benefit" from this mini-cycle of strength training, so I'm backing off. Three sets of six reps of pull-ups, however, is a record for me (I think) in terms of that high of reps in multiple sets. Not too long ago my one-rep max for pull-ups was a single set of 7, so I was thankful for three sets of 6.

And...stats from previous years? Here they are:
Week 4, 2017: 22.5 mil, 9:25 average pace
Week 4, 2018: 27.1 mil, 9:03 average pace
Week 4, 2019: 31.6 mil, 8:37 average pace

One more week of base building? Definitely--maybe two weeks. But I'm going to start incorporating workouts next week: easier workouts to start with, of course, while I'm still trying to reach a mileage peak.

Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 4:42 am
by FortyPlusRunner
Block 11: Base building
Week 5
Body weight: 170
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, TRK = track workout, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, SBike = stationary bike, BP = bench press, AHR = average heart rate, KB = kettlebell, TE = total elevation, WPU = weighted pull-ups, SQ = squat, DL = deadlift, ZD= zero-drop shoes

Day 1: BP 1x5x135, Pull-ups 3x3xBW
Day 2: Hill circuit x 6; 5 mil total
Day 3: Easy+ Run, one hill, 8.1 mil 1:00:26
Day 4: SE 2x15 with 50-lb KB: swing, push-ups, row, core
Day 5: TRK 2-mil Tempo in 12:37 (6:17, 6:20); 5 mil total
Day 6: Group Long Run, three hills, 13.1 mil 2:09:25
Day 7: Easy+ Run, ZD, warm, windy, 5.2 mil 38:28

Mileage for the week: 36.4

I'm guessing your day 2 "hill circuit" is different from hill repeats? It's very much like the "advanced" TB version of hill repeats: your recovery is the jog back down--or, in my case, the jog back around, which is what makes it a circuit. Sprint up the hill in 24-26 seconds (it's about a 10% grade hill), then jog around the block (about .35 mil total). Repeat as desired. Warm-up and cool-down are 1.5 miles each.

Why such a short tempo on day 5? Any races early in the season for me are going to be shorter (5K, 10K), so I want to emphasize a slightly faster pace, the choice of which dictates a shorter-distance tempo in order to avoid fatigue or injury. Notice that I couldn't maintain the initial pace throughout the run, which isn't surprising at this point in base building, but which I'll want to work on.

Day 6: Is that the first 2-hour run you've logged on TB? That's correct! Keeping the pace very slow made that easy, of course. I'm wondering, though, whether the pace is just a bit on the slow side in terms of maximizing benefits. One of the things I can do is tack on a "fast finish," which I'm a fan of in general anyway.

ZD? You invested in a pair of zero-drop shoes? I did! And so far I'm a huge fan. I don't want to shill, so I'll simply say that I got the moderately-cushioned version of the most popular brand of zero-drop running shoes. I love running in them. We'll see how my body reacts.

A comparative look at this year's base building finale versus years prior? Indubitably:
Week 5, 2017: 22.4 mil, 8:56 average pace
Week 5, 2018: 28.3 mil, 8:53 average pace
Week 5, 2019: 36.4 mil, 8:26 average pace

Now what? I'll be repeating the basic pattern of this week: two faster workouts; maybe a medium workout (stamina, fast-finish); and the rest easy / recovery runs. I'll probably stick to five days of running per week at first and then try to move up to six.

I'm guessing you're reading something interesting. Auerbach's Mimesis. I missed it in grad school and am very happy I'm catching up with it. The dude knows his Western Lit.

Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:13 pm
by FortyPlusRunner
Block 12: Distance running training
Week 1
Body weight: 170
Notation is sets x reps x weight in lbs
TM = treadmill, TRK = track workout, HR1 = heart rate 1 minute after stopping, BW = body weight, SBike = stationary bike, BP = bench press, AHR = average heart rate, KB = kettlebell, TE = total elevation, WPU = weighted pull-ups, SQ = squat, DL = deadlift, ZD= zero-drop shoes, *BRK* = breakthrough workout

Day 1: Rest
Day 2: Hill circuit x 6; about 5 mil total
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: TRK 2-mile tempo, ZD, 12:33 (6:18, 6:15); 5 mil total
Day 5: Easy+ Run, windy, one hill, 4.2 mil 31:45
Day 6: Fast-finish Long Run, three hills, 10.3 mil 1:34:31 (mile 10: 6:58)
Day 7: *BRK* Easy Run TM, ZD, 5.8 mil 45:37 HR1 111

Throughout the week: A few sets of pull-ups and dips here and there

Mileage for the week: 30.3

What's a "breakthrough workout"? Just my name for the phenomenon you've probably experienced: out of the blue, you have a workout that goes much more easily than you expected, and you think, hey, maybe I should push it today, and you do, and your body keeps responding with "give me more!," so you do, until you're basically intoxicated with "the flow" or with being in "the zone," and you're actually really disappointed when the workout ends, and you say to yourself with some immediate nostalgia, Man, I wish every workout were like that. Because you know another one's not coming for a long time.

So it's like breaking a plateau? It could be, but it doesn't have to be. The one that came this week for me was during a lowly recovery run (day 7). Thing is, it went exponentially better than it had any right to, especially after day 6's fast-finish long run. It's like the speed and the strength just kept coming.

How often do you experience these? As of the past few years, I'd say maybe a handful of times per year. I clearly remember every one of them because the experience leaves a nearly indelible impression. Thinking back over them, I'd venture to say that a breakthrough workout is your body's way of telling you it's ready for the next level, as it were. Of course, one has to approach such increases carefully.

For the fast-finish long run, did you pick up the pace only for the final mile? No: I started increasing the pace around 7.5 miles because I wanted a "fast finish" of at least two miles, and I wanted to give myself time to gradually increase the pace. It was invigorating.

Still liking the zero-drop shoes? Very much. I'm slowly increasing my use of them, as you can see: twice this week, and the plan is to run in them three times next week. So far my legs are adapting well.

Re: FortyP's 9 sets of Deadlift per week log

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 2:16 pm
by godjira1
Re BRK - i get those from time to time, in all fields (endurance, strength or pyjama wrestling). Sometimes it is a false dawn but these are great days!

What do you call the opposite of BRK? The days when the run is crap, weights unnaturally heavy, or when you just plain suck.