Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training

Midday BJJ session

Worked on leg drag pass, bicep ride, regaining guard and torreando pass.
Through in the omoplata from buicep ride also.
5x5 mins of rolling.

I was told I need to focus on moving more in transitions. I need to fight more to escape which is definitely true. The aim is to fight to my knees and empoly a more wrestling orientated type game. Definitely makes sense for a LEO. It was good to be back on the mat for the first time in two weeks. I have roughly 3-4 weeks to go on my current program and then I am looking forward to jumping back over to TB OP I/A. I was going to stay at it for a few more months but I want to focus more on mat time. My current program doesn't really allow this when combined with shift work.

I think I will employ OP I/A with a run interval based conditioning session directly after to maintain my current fitness improvements. I will be looking at black with some longer interval runs between 800m -1500m. I will then do the occasional LSD run/ruck because I genuinely miss doing those.

One thing I did notice is I recovered very quickly between rounds and barely gassed out. That is due to my current training so I have achieved what I wanted. Now to take that basebuild/ strength endurance and maintain and continue to improve.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

Warmup 3 rounds
3 x pull to explode
3 x hang clean
3 x push press
1x Hang clean and Push press
10x Hand release Push ups
5x chinups

3 rounds
3 x 45kg clean and push press
3x drop and punch

3 rounds
2x 55kg clean and Push press
3x drop and punch

3 rounds
1x 65kg Clean and push press
3x drop and punch

3 rounds, 4mins easy(5/10) 1 min hard (8-9/10)
300m run
5 pullups
10 pushups
10 situps

3 rounds as above
40 step ups with 25 lb clubbell
10 lunges total
10 squats
10 stand and base

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training

Warmup 3 rounds
8x backsquat
5x kb deadlift
10x pushups
Lunge complex

5 rounds
Backsquat 100kg,105kg x5

5 rounds
Benchpress 75kg,80kg x 5
10x kroc rows 16kg each side

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training

Bjj Mid day session

Working on pulling guard, closed guard and williams guard.
Also did triangles and omoplatas from williams guard.

5 x min mins rolling from closed guard.
15 min off rolling until lost dominant position from mount and side control.

Focused today on moving from the bottom and trying to escape a bit more. It worked out really well and I was able to create some really fun scrambles. I also finally found an attack from side control and mount and will be using the kimura grip to set up submissions from this position. I am not sure why I forgot about this option and the awesome grip control it offers.

I will try and do some conditioning tomorrow but I am feeling really saw from today.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Just as an update. I am a little over half way through my 30 session cycle. I did this to change things up. See below for my session type totals I have completed since March 13:

Endurance(including Aerobic and Strength together)- 8
BJJ -4

I am pretty happy with my results besides the BJJ. I am not sure if I missed recording some sessions but I do know I have had periods were I have missed up to two weeks so it makes sense. The goal of this cycle was too build my strength endurance and move out of that 3-5 rep range with 2+mins rest. I feel that I need to occasionally push out of that zone and train to deal with the higher reps and fatigue of shorter rest intervals.

I am starting to switch back into that 3-5 rep strength range and will be doing higher intensity interval work also. It will be interesting too see how it converts over and what I can maintain from this hybrid base build.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Full day of rest today.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training

Midday BJJ

Working on defending the under hook from shin through pass, Williams guard and Omoplata from same.

No time to roll due to work but it was good to get the second session in for the week. I might try and go saturday so I can get some more rolling in. I will sneak in another conditioning session at some point also.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Full rest day today.

Plan is to do some conditioning before work.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training

M.O Session 18
Endurance work & Intervals

Lower body Movement Prep

15 mins 5/10 effort
300m run
8x push pulls 15lb clubbells
8x curls 20 kg bar
8x ohp 2x15lb clubbells
4x tricep extension overhead , 15 lb clubbells

10 rounds 8-9/10 effort
20 sec 10 m shuttle sprints
40 sec rest

15 mins 5/10 effort
300m run
8 x weighted situps, 10 kg weight plate overhead
8x seated russian twist, 10 kg weight plate
8x face down back extensions

Skipped the shoulder mob at the end.

Pretty good training session overall. The idea was to continue straigght through the training session with minimal rest and to recover in that second 15 min period.

I did the first 2 rounds of sprints and felt fine. It almost felt like 40 secs rest was way to long.... the it hit me and suddenly that 40 secs was just enough to get some decent pace up for the first few before I felt like I was running in quick sand. I definitely need to work on that type of fitness and embracing the suck a bit more.

I have another week or two of this type of training and it finishes with me retesting my maxes and the starting test. Depending on my results will decide which way I go and whether I return to OP I/A paired with black for a while. I am looking at steppping up my BJJ and miss the abilty to adjust volume that I get with OP I/A.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training

Retest maxes and plan for next cycle.

I have decided to return a bit earlier to TB a little earlier than originally intended. While I have had some excellent results, I find that nothing beats the easy strength progression of TB training and while my work capacity is way up, I am having a lot of trouble getting to BJJ and recovery for work.

I decided to test my maxes after a cycle focused on aerobic, strength endurance a little bit of high volume strength/hypertophy.
I had the following results:


Bodyweight Pullups -15 perfect reps.( I probably had a few more in me, but I really wanted to maintain good form)

Benchpress-100kg( This seems to have stayed exactly the same, however my ability to do multiple sets of 5 reps has gone up)

Back Squat
Previous-140kg (Conservative Max)
Current-150 kg ( I hit the double bodyweight squat and it felt quite easy, but its looks like I may have been a touch high)

See below video of the above maxes.

I have some idea where I will go from here, but I may have a day or so to think about it a little bit more.

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