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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 10:14 am
by Walker377
Wk 6 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 95%, B 4x2 95kg, S 4x2 132.5kg, WPU 4x2 30kg, 100 24kg KB Swings to finish. (60,40)
T - 10 x Hill Sprints
W - As M
T - 10 x Hill Sprints
F - As M, no finisher.
S - E - 60min LSS Run 6m, 9:59mm.

First 6 week block complete. I plan to contine with Op / Black Professional and the same cluster for the next 6 weeks and retest after that.

I’ve gone back and forwards on whether to keep the weights the same or force progression for the next 6 week block, I’m still being conservative using a 90% TM.

Bench, my 1RM is calculated as 109kg from an 87.5x8 set I did in April pre TB but I’m using a 90%TM at the moment and rounding up to the nearest 2.5kg. The 95kg sets I did this week were hard though I completed max sets and reps on all of them (4x2). I think on the first set this week I could have probably cranked out 4 reps putting my 1RM ~ 106kg. Final set on last MS day I struggled to get the two reps. As I’ve not owned the 95% weights across all sets I will continue the same for the next block.

Squat, I limited my 95% week at 132.5kg due to mobility and form issues. I didn’t have an issue with the weight but I’m still not getting full depth at the higher numbers. I will continue the next 6 week block with the same weights continuing to work on mobility.

WPU, I’ve had zero issues on this one, reps up to 95% have gone smoothly and I think I could have got 4-5 reps at the 95% weights. I will add another 2.5kg to my 1RM on this one for the next block.

Deadlifts, I didn’t deadlift this block due to past proneness to injury and mobility issues. I’m going to start getting used to the movement again as a finisher this block at a much lower weight 50% 1RM and see how it feels before considering adding it to the next block.

Conditioning, continues to improve. My Fast 5 minute mile time in Wk1 of the block was 8:38 and in Wk5 7:56. 60min Endurance run has gone from 10:36mm to 9:59mm. Next block will continue to be run focussed with Fast 5 & hill sprints with ME2 thrown in here and there. Fast 5 I will start to extend out to further distances towards the end of the block. I’ve been using a 24kg KB as a finisher a couple of times a week in lieu of deadlifts . At the moment I’m completing the reps as 60 then 40 swings, I plan to keep pushing the first set up to 100, may or may not get these by the end of this next block.

Weight / diet, I’ve lost 1.7kg since BB. 0.7kg in Wk1-3 and 1kg in Wk4-6. I have fat to lose but need to make sure I’m not impacting my performance.

Re: Walker377 TB Log

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 8:13 am
by Walker377
Wk 1, Block 2 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 70%, B 5x5 70kg, S 5x5 97.5kg, WPU 5x5 2.5kg.
T - Fast 5 1m WU, 3m @ 7:53mm, 1m CD.
W - As M but 3x5
T - Sick
F - Sick
S - Sick

Not a great week, didn’t feel great on Wednesday so cut the volume, came down with a bad cold from Thursday. Assuming I’m feeling ok Monday will restart the week again.

Re: Walker377 TB Log

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:38 am
by Walker377
Wk 1 (repeat) Block 2 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 70%, B 3x5 70kg, S 3x5 97.5kg, WPU 3x5 2.5kg
T - 5 x Hill Sprints
W - As M
T - Rest
F - As M
S - E 48min LSS run 4m 11:52mm
S - 2.5 hours bouldering, cave swimming, climbing.

Still wasn’t feeling 100% and cold went into my chest. Knew on the hill sprints it wasnt right to push cardio so knocked it on the head after 5 and just kept the LSS run on Saturday. Sunday had a couple hours of bouldering through a riverbed, swimming through caves, climbing etc most of it with my 20kg kid on my back. Toughest workout in the week!

Re: Walker377 TB Log

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:46 am
by Walker377
Wk 2 Block 2 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 80%, B 5x5 80kg, S 5x5 110kg, WPU 5x5 15kg. 100 24kg Kettlebell swings to finish.
T - Fast 5, 1m WU, 3m@ 7:58mm, 1m CD.
W - As M, No Finisher
T - Rest
F - As M
S - E 58min LSS run 5.7m 10:10mm

Better week, find the 80% weeks the toughest. Unplanned long work day on Thursday threw my schedule out but did have 200 Kettlebell swings in finishers which I will take s my HIC.

Re: Walker377 TB Log

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:06 pm
by Walker377
Not posted for a few weeks, had a lot on and program has been impacted. Still continuing the block but it’s been sporadic at best.

Wk3 Block 2 Op/BP

M MS 90% B 3x3 90kg, S 3x3 125kg, WPU 3x3 27.5kg.
T HIC single handed 24kg KB swings 15L,15R x2, then 12,10,8,6,4,2.

Had to write the rest of the week off due to work.

Wk3 Block 2 OP/BP repeat

M MS 90% B 3x3 90kg, S 3x3 125kg, WPU 3x3 27.5kg, DL 1x5 90kg.
T rest
W as M, no DL, 100 24kg KB swings to finish.
T rest
F As W no finisher
S 58min run 5.6m @ 10:18mm
S Rest

Doing DL was a mistake. I have injured my back several times in the past doing them up to 147.5kg and after trying them this week I can still feel pain in my lower back 3 weeks later. Not sure what I’m doing wrong but I’m going to give them an extended break. Took some extra rest days but didn’t resolve.

Wk4 block 2 Op/BP

M 75% MS B 5x5 75kg, S 5x5 105kg, WPU 5x5 7.5kg
T HIC single handed 24kg KB swings 15L,15R x2, then 12,10,8,6,4,2.
W As M
T As tues
F As M
S 6 mile walk.
S Rest

Week went ok, no issues apart from lower back so walked instead of running Sat as I know from past experience it will make it worse and I’m prioritising MS.

Wk 5 block 2 OP/BP

Week went to pot at work & worked every day Had to divert all time and energy into it, after I had missed the first three days I decided to keep it as a rest week.

Wk 5 block 2 OP/BP

M MS 85% B 3x3 85kg, S 3x3 117.5kg, WPU 3x3 20kg.
T HIC single handed 24kg KB swings 15L,15R x2, then 12,10,8,6,4,2.
W As M
T HIC as T
F As M
S 6 mile walk

Good week, walked rather than ran the Saturday due to continued lower back issues.

One week left of this block, but will repeat as I’ve not completed as planned. Back pain is odd, I can squat without much discomfort and KB swings are fine but when I sit down in the car or a chair it’s soon uncomfortable, maybe due to inflammation / tightness of some deep lower back muscles. It’s isolated in this area so don’t believe it’s serious but can’t wait for it to be gone.

Re: Walker377 TB Log

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 6:35 pm
by Walker377
Wk 6 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 95%, B 3x2 95kg, S 3x2 132.5kg, WPU 3x2 32.5kg.
T - HIC - 24kg KB swings 15 RH, 15 LH x 2 then 12,10,8,6,4,2. 228 swings total.
W - As M
T - 10 x Hill Sprints
F - As M,
S - E - 58min LSS Run 5.6m 10:28mm.

That completes a very disrupted block.

Next block will be identical on MS though will be going for max sets per session with a view to increasing the weights after this block. Including more KB swings as finishers and getting back into the fast 5 runs. Back has been fine this week except a slight tinge after the sprints HIC.

Re: Walker377 TB Log

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 10:13 am
by Walker377
Block 3

Wk 1 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 70%, B 5x5 70kg, S 5x5 97.5kg, WPU 5x5 2.5kg.
T - HIC - Fast 5, 1mWU, 3m @ 8:15mm, 1mCD.
W - As M
T - HIC - 24kg KB swings 15 RH, 15 LH x 2 then 12,10,8,6,4,2. 228 swings total.
F - As M,
S - E - 59min LSS Run 5.7m 10:20mm.

Good week, all weights felt good and hit the top range of sets. First fast 5 for 6 weeks, pace has dropped 15 seconds a mile but will quickly get that back. No back pain at all this week, hopefully it’s gone.

Re: Walker377 TB Log

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 8:10 am
by Walker377
Block 3

Wk 2 Operator / Black Professional

M - 7m brisk walk.
T - Rest
W - MS 80% B 5x5 80kg, S 5x5 110kg, WPU 5x5 15kg. 100 24kg KB swings.
T - As W but 3x5
F - 10x Hill Sprints
S - As W but 3x5

Away for work M/T so reversed the week. Second and third strength sessions I dropped to 3x5 as lifted 3 times in 4 days.

That’s my 149th Strength workout since 25th November last year when I started training again. Average 2.86 strength workouts a week over a year, more consistent than I thought I had been given a couple of injuries and base building.

Re: Walker377 TB Log

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 9:22 am
by Walker377
Block 3

Wk 3 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 90% B3x3 90kg, S 3x3 125kg, WPU 3x3 27.5kg.
T - Rest
W - As M + 100 24kg KB swings.
T - HIC 10x Hill sprints
F - As M
S - E 60m run 60m 5.7m 10:24mm

Good week, really felt like I owned the weights, see how the 95% week goes before progressing. Kept HIC short as 90% week.

Re: Walker377 TB Log

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:09 am
by Walker377
Block 3

Wk 4 Operator / Black Professional

M - MS 75% B5x5 75%, S 5x5 105kg, WPU 5x5 7.5kg, 2x1min planks
T - HIC - Fast 5 1m WU, 3m @ 8:10mm 172 AHR, 1m CD.
W - As M
T - HIC 24kg KB swings, 15LH, 15RH x2 then 12,10,8,6,4,2 for 228 swings in total.
F - As M
S - E 60m run 60m 5.7m 10:34mm 148 AHR.

Another Good week, block is going well. Took my HR monitor out on the runs for the first time in a while and both the HIC and E runs are hitting the right numbers. Started adding planks as a finisher as it’s quick and I need to work on my core.