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Re: TBS Prep Log

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:11 pm
by CelticFrost91
Student teaching started up last week so I didn't get to post. Pretty much had a test week. Ran a PFT and did two days of MS. Previous is in parenthesis. The last PFT I ran was 6 months ago at the end of OCS. I was in great running shape and lost a lot of strength over the 3 months. Crunches stayed at 115.

Weight: 175 (155)

Pullups: 22 (18)
I was very surprised. They felt great. I attribute this to the weighted pullups that I have been doing. One of the best changes I've implemented.

3 mile: 21:40 (18:15)
I would've been happy to get between 20:00-21:00. But that didn't happen. Granted I squatted heavy the day before and was wearing sweats and a hoody, regardless, I was not happy with this runtime. More evidence that BB is needed. However, this drop was expected as my goals for strength were met.

Strength goals:

I ran 5/3/1/ and then Operator with the goal of gaining back the 15 pounds I lost as well as strength. I was very surprised with the results and was even lifting heavier than before I left for OCS. Current numbers followed by my numbers 6 months ago in parenthesis. I lost a lot of strength at OCS. For the 1RM I simply used a calculator.

Bench: 200 5 reps 1RM- 235 (180)
After OCS my bench suffered a lot. It quickly came back. 200 felt very easy and I was very surprised. I felt like I could have gone for more. Had a lot left in the tank.

Squat: 265x5 1RM-310 (215)
Squat was able to come back strong. I felt good but 265 was heavy.

Deadlift: 315x5 1RM-340 (276)
Never deadlifted 315 before so I didn't expect much. Was very surprised to do it for 5. It took a lot out of me but not enough to hurt my form.

Just a note, when I tested my maxes after OCS I am not sure how accurate it was. After not lifting for a few months I was on the more cautious side. Either way, I lifted numbers that I hadn't lifted since I was purely focusing on strength training a few years ago. I wish I could continue the focus on strength but its time to switch back to an endurance focus as I get ready for TBS.

New goals: Maintain strength, get the 3 mile between 20:00-21:00.

Re: TBS Prep Log

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 7:37 pm
by CelticFrost91
BB Week 1

So it begins. Doing BB during the first few weeks of student teaching will help me ease into working out with an incredibly tight schedule. Rest day has moved to Thursday (in class for 3 hours following teaching at a high school). Workouts on the weekend keep me disciplined.

Day 1
SE (KB is 35lbs) RI<1 min. If I feel good, just move on. RI in between circuits 3 min.
Kettlebell Swings
Goblet Squat
Russian Twists w/ KB
Calves 40lbs 100

Felt great. Might have to get a heavier KB.

Day 2
E 40 min. 5 miles
It was snowing pretty heavy, so it made for a great run. Very challenging trudging through the snow and very beautiful.

Day 3
E 40min. 5 miles
There was more snow which made it more challenging. Hoping it doesn't freeze over. I hate treadmills.
Calves 40lbs. 100

Re: TBS Prep Log

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:32 am
by CelticFrost91
BB Week 1
Day 4
SE 2x20
KB Swings
Goblet Squats
KB Russian Twists
RI- Little rest as possible 3 min. in between circuits

Calves 35lbs 100

Re: TBS Prep Log

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:24 am
by CelticFrost91
BB Week 1
Day 5
E LSS 35 min. 4.8 miles

Half of the path was clear of snow and the part that was clear had ice in some parts. A little slow for my liking but I can feel the difference from running in snow to flat ground. Only positive thing about snow. And we're supposed to get a lot more. Felt great after the run, good recovery run.

Re: TBS Prep Log

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:40 am
by CelticFrost91
Update on my diet change:

About a month ago I decided to tighten up my carb intake. Was getting in around 46% and needed to bring down that number a lot. Currently using 30/35/35. It hasn't been a long time but here's what I've noticed. Of course, there are so many variables on the table and some of it could just be in my head.

-My food choices have been much more healthy across the board. Rather than just filling in the remainder of my TDEE with carbs I choose healthy choices based on my percentages. This is the biggest.
- I feel good. Less stuffed after meals.
-Face doesn't break out as much.
-Less gassy.
-Less "fluffy" feeling.
Again. It's only been a month, and it's 10%. Don't take my word as gospel. I'm not advocating to remove carbs, I was just eating too much and a lot of it was not good carb sources.

Re: TBS Prep Log

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 12:23 am
by CelticFrost91
BB Week 1
E 50 min. LSS 6.5 miles

A lot slower than I liked. Snow was melted except for some ice patches. I think it's just the increase in mileage. I expect to feel back in the groove for next weeks run. Supposed to snow. Bring it.

Re: TBS Prep Log

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:09 am
by CelticFrost91
BB Week 2
Day 1
SE 3x30 KB= 35lbs
KB Swings
Goblet Squat
KB Russian Twists
RI- Little as possible, either right away or 10-20 sec. RI between circuits- 3 min.

Calves 100 w/ KB

This one kicked my ass

Day 2
E 45 min. 5.9 miles
Calves 100 w/ KB

Good run. Lots of ice so I had to be careful.

Re: TBS Prep Log

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 6:33 pm
by CelticFrost91
BB Week 2
Day 3
E LSS 40 min. 5.9 miles

Day 4
SE 2x30
Same cluster as before. Felt good.

Day 5
E LSS 37 min. 4.8 miles

Ice glazed over the path and street making running actually dangerous. Ran in the snow instead and it was pretty deep. Difficult but rewarding.

Re: TBS Prep Log

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:25 am
by CelticFrost91
BB Week 2
Day 6
E LSS 1 hour 7.7 miles

Damn. This run sucked. Ice was gone until later on the trail where it got pretty bad. Wasn't a whole lot of room on the side, slowed down to step in dry patches. Threw my groove off a lot. Ice should be clear the next time I go running.