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Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 5:30 pm
by DeskJockey
Day 15:

**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W3D??**

Short on time, so I just went for a run.

5 min warmup walk

10 rounds of:

* 60s run
* 90s walk

A pleasant run overall. Felt great, but then I slept poorly the night after. Woke up feeling *worse* than when I went to bed. Limbs kind of sore.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 5:36 am
by DeskJockey
Day 16:

**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W3D1 (take two)**

Empty bar (45lbs) for all, except sit-ups (bodyweight only). 90s rest between each set.

3 circuits of:

* OHP x30
* Bent-over row x30
* Squat x30
* RDL x30

You'll notice the situps are missing. I in the first circuit, I felt a spasm(?) in my abs around rep 25. I kept going, and felt it again with rep 29. It didn't feel good. So, I decided to just drop the situps and finish the rest. It was a long workout, and tiring, but I felt good afterwards. Endorphins?

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 5:49 am
by DeskJockey
Day 17:

**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W3D2**

5 min warmup walk

10 rounds of:

* 60s run
* 90s walk

A nice run. Not much else to say.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2021 5:32 am
by DeskJockey
Day 18:

**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W3D3**

Empty bar (45lbs) for all, except sit-ups (bodyweight only). 90s rest between each set.

3 circuits of:

* OHP x30
* Bent-over row x30
* Squat x30
* RDL x30
* Situps x10

Abs still felt a bit iffy when doing situps, so I kept the reps low. Otherwise, it was OK. Just kind of grinded my way through the workout.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 5:11 am
by DeskJockey
Day 19:

**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W3D2**

5 min warmup walk

10 rounds of:

* 60s run
* 90s walk

A nice run. Not much else to say.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 5:19 am
by DeskJockey
Day 20:

**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W3D5**

Empty bar (45lbs) for all, except sit-ups (bodyweight only). 90s rest between each set.

3 circuits of:

* OHP x30
* Bent-over row x30
* Squat x30
* RDL x30
* Situps x15

Still playing it safe with the situps, but trying to progress as well. Overall, it was an OK workout. I wouldn't say it was easy, but I also wouldn't call it grueling either.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 12:57 pm
by DeskJockey
Day 21:

**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W3D6**

5 min warmup walk

*12* rounds of:

* 60s run
* 90s walk

A good run. Would have liked to do more, but I was short on time, so I had to stop it there.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 12:45 pm
by DeskJockey
Day 22:

**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W4D1**

Empty bar (45lbs) for all, except sit-ups (bodyweight only). 60s rest between each set.

3 circuits of:

* OHP x10
* Bent-over row x10
* Squat x10
* RDL x10
* Situps x10

Went smoothly. Quick and easy (even with reduced rest time) after the previous workout.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 5:48 am
by DeskJockey
**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W4D2**

5 min warmup walk

12 rounds of:

* 60s run
* 90s walk

It went well overall. Felt kind of reluctant starting out, but got into the flow of things by the mid-point, and the rest of the run just flew by.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 5:04 am
by DeskJockey
**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W4D3**

Empty bar (45lbs) for all, except sit-ups (bodyweight only). 60s rest between each set.

3 circuits of:

* OHP x10
* Bent-over row x10
* Squat x10
* RDL x10
* Situps x10

Back after a few days out of the gym. Felt good to return to things. Workout went smoothly, so I guess my gains (such as they are) didn't evaporate.