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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

Th 20 Jul 17

Max Strength day
Despite initially forgetting my shoes and having to restart my bus commute and despite a fire alarm in the middle of my workout, the strength session went pretty well.

Bench: 3 x 5 @ 165lbs (~75% of training max)

Squat: tested 1RM 365
I am not sure if I will keep heavy squatting in. My right knee let me know last night that it didn't appreciate the load. I'd switch to a trap bar deadlift but my gym doesn't have one. I'll have to keep an eye on this situation.

Pull-up: 4, 3, 3 @ BW

Deadlift: 1 workset 5 @ 265 (~75% of training max)

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

F 21 Jul 17
E: 30 min LSS run outdoors.
Drove to the start of the trail and ran the entire time on the gravel trail. Very serene. I liked this and I'll keep doing it, I think.
Breathed through nose the entire time and my knee didn't gripe about the run, although I could feel my quads - in a good way.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

Sa 22 Jul 17
E: 30 min LSS run on sidewalk and trail.

Took a different trail today and got further on it than last week. However, it wasn't raining and covered with puddles this time and I knew where the trail went this time, so those factors allowed for a more confident stride.

I enjoyed the run. My knees stayed agreeable and I breathed through my nose throughout.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

M 24 Jul 17
Max Strength 80%

Bench: 3 x 5 @ 175 lbs
Squat: 3 x 5 @ 265 lbs
Pull-ups: 4,4,3 @ BW
Deadlift: 1 x 5 @ 255 lbs

It felt good to lift but I can foresee traffic jams at various pieces of equipment. I am really going to have to consider a garage gym.

Tu 25 Jul 17
E: 30 min LSS run outdoors on trail

Another solid, easy run. Took a different trail today just to scope out the new neighbourhood.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

Th 27 Jul 17
Max Strength (80%)

Bench 3 x 5 @ 175
Squat 3 x 5 @ 265
Pull-ups 4, 4, 4 @ BW
Deadlift 1 x 5 @ 285

F 28 Jul 17
E: 30 min LSS run outdoors

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

Sa 29 Jul 17
E: 30 min LSS run outside

A small moral victory - I woke up after not getting great sleep and figured I wouldn't be going on my morning run. But a couple of hours later, the opportunity was there to get it in, so off I went.

Pace and breathing was pretty much the same, so no big changes in the long, slow running bit.

My wife and I went out and bought a couple of backpack-style child carriers, so now we have the option of carrying the girls when we take the dog out for his walks. We tested them out in the early evening and again on Sunday morning and it's a ton of fun.
Last edited by B71 on Tue Aug 01, 2017 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

M 31 Jul 17
E: 30 min LSS run outdoors on sidewalk and trail

Same ol' same old. It was a good, comfortable run with nose-breathing throughout. I am really enjoying running alone on the trail in the morning.

I decided to run instead of lift on Monday. One, I'm not firing on all cylinders first thing Monday morning and I'm more likely to miss packing something for work (last week, it was my lunch and/or gym shorts). Plus, everyone wants to lift on Monday. I figure if I go on Tuesday, I might see fewer people in the small gym I use and not have to wait around for the one squat rack or the one bench.

I will test this "fewer people in the gym on Tuesdays" hypothesis tomorrow.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

Tu 1 Aug 17
Max Strength 90%

Bench 3 * 3 @ 200 - felt very strong on this.

Squat 3 * 3 @ 300 - felt good on this, too. Last week, my left knee kind of chirped at me to let me know it didn't like it, but this week was fine.

Pull-up 5,4,4 @ BW - I've improved here already - 2 more reps in 3 weeks - which is surprising. Improving strength to weight ratio would be big for me. I have been able to push some pretty decent weights before but I've never been very good against gravity and my own bodyweight.

Deadlift 1 * 3 @ 300 - this felt light.

I work out first thing in the morning (other times of day just do not work for me) and I don't like feeling rushed. This took me about an hour to work through, which is about 15 minutes longer than I want it to be - since I go to work right after the workout, I always feel like I've got one eye on the clock. A shorter workout would make for a more 'zen' experience.

On the other hand, I like the cluster as it is and I wouldn't mind getting in some direct ab work - which would require still more time.

I think maybe I need to get more comfortable with the amount of time this takes and realize that even if I go "over" a little bit, I won't be late for work and there's no reason to rush.

Th 2 Aug 17
E: 30 min LSS run outdoors.

To my continued shock, I am enjoying these comfortable runs outside. I'm still very slow but these runs have turned into 30 minutes of time to clear my head in the morning.

F 4 Aug 17
Max Strength 90%

Didn't happen. Bad night for the baby girls = bad sleep = I'm not ready to push heavy things.

While I know this was the smart thing to do, I still feel like I pussed out.

Sa 7 Aug 17
E: 30 min LSS run outdoors

Another decent run outside. I am consistently amazed at how well my body is accepting this, when I've never been much of a distance guy, and consistently surprised at how good it is for my mind. A couple of years ago, I'd have laughed at the idea of running for ANY length of time (Tabatas are more efficient, bro!).

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by Aelian »

B71 wrote:Tu 1 Aug 17
Max Strength 90%

Bench 3 * 3 @ 200 - felt very strong on this.

Squat 3 * 3 @ 300 - felt good on this, too. Last week, my left knee kind of chirped at me to let me know it didn't like it, but this week was fine.

Pull-up 5,4,4 @ BW - I've improved here already - 2 more reps in 3 weeks - which is surprising. Improving strength to weight ratio would be big for me. I have been able to push some pretty decent weights before but I've never been very good against gravity and my own bodyweight.

Deadlift 1 * 3 @ 300 - this felt light.

I work out first thing in the morning (other times of day just do not work for me) and I don't like feeling rushed. This took me about an hour to work through, which is about 15 minutes longer than I want it to be - since I go to work right after the workout, I always feel like I've got one eye on the clock. A shorter workout would make for a more 'zen' experience.

On the other hand, I like the cluster as it is and I wouldn't mind getting in some direct ab work - which would require still more time.

I think maybe I need to get more comfortable with the amount of time this takes and realize that even if I go "over" a little bit, I won't be late for work and there's no reason to rush.

Th 2 Aug 17
E: 30 min LSS run outdoors.

To my continued shock, I am enjoying these comfortable runs outside. I'm still very slow but these runs have turned into 30 minutes of time to clear my head in the morning.

F 4 Aug 17
Max Strength 90%

Didn't happen. Bad night for the baby girls = bad sleep = I'm not ready to push heavy things.

While I know this was the smart thing to do, I still feel like I pussed out.

Sa 7 Aug 17
E: 30 min LSS run outdoors

Another decent run outside. I am consistently amazed at how well my body is accepting this, when I've never been much of a distance guy, and consistently surprised at how good it is for my mind. A couple of years ago, I'd have laughed at the idea of running for ANY length of time (Tabatas are more efficient, bro!).

Looks like you're progressing really well. 90% weeks are my go-to gauge, when they go well that's a sign that the block went well, and there's almost always a solid improvement in strength that follows.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

Aelian wrote:Looks like you're progressing really well. 90% weeks are my go-to gauge, when they go well that's a sign that the block went well, and there's almost always a solid improvement in strength that follows.
Thanks, Aelian. I was happy to see that I could still lift after a couple of months away from it. I'm proceeding fairly cautiously (using AA principles) and using a 90% 1RM as the training max for calculating the lifts. Easy LSS running and sub-maximal lifting make for pretty manageable workouts as I'm never out of breath - I'm pleased so far, but I'm not impressed.

Soon I'll have to return to SE circuits and they just wreck me, which probably means they're exactly what I should be doing more of. Once I get good at that kind of stuff (circuits and fun runs, etc), then I might impress myself.

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