Ectional's training log

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

No gym till September now because the membership ended. Instead I'm going to begin boxing now and add weightlifting back from September.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

I've forgotten how much of a killer any martial arts classes are. Shoulders are spent, legs are tired and geez it's a killer all around.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

As the hiatus is over I'm back training full time. Still fighter + black.
Monday - lifting
Tuesday - martial arts + running
Wednesday - circuit training (read as SE session)
Thursday - martial arts + running
Friday - lifting
Last two weeks have looked like that, currently weekends are off. I will try to keep this post up-to-date but as I write down everything in my notebook anyway I sometimes just forget about updating the log here as well.
Currently at 113.2kg/249lbs, losing weight quite rapidly due to being on a college student strict budget diet, without even trying.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

Hit the gym this morning.
Bench press 3 sets of 5 reps with 72.5kg
Squat 4 sets of 5 reps with 80kg
And a some chin-ups with negatives. Man the numbers have really regressed in a short time. Also my squat balance seems to be messed up as the right side does not feel the same as the left. Right side of the bar feels more wobbly and like it's out of balance.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

40 minute jog done. Ate lunch and in a few hours will be heading to the self-defense class.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

Did a morning gym session. Deadlifts for 3 sets of 3 with 130kg and OHP for 4 sets of 5 with 42.5kg. And some various back work.
SE session later in the evening.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

Friday's gym session.
Bench press 3 sets of 5 reps with 72.5kg
Squat 4 sets of 5 reps with 80kg
BB row - 4 sets of 5 reps with 60kg
And some accessory bicep work.
Now a weekend of rest.
Going to weigh myself tomorrow morning too.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

Started week 2 of cycle 1 a bit earlier. Today instead of tomorrow.
Bench 3 sets of 5 with 75kg
Squat 3 sets of 5 with 85kg
And some chin-ups with negatives.

Tomorrow will be a rest day, maybe I'll go for a slight run in the evening, but planning on resting.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

Couldn't just sit around after classes and do nothing so I went on a light 40 minute run.

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

Post by ectional »

Alrigthy going to recap a few days off memory since I left my workout notebook in my dorm room.
04.10.2017 - 40 minutes of circuit training SE
05.10.2017 - gym session in the morning. Squats for 3 sets of 5 reps with 85kg. Bench 3x7 with 60kg. Bench just felt really weak and I decided to swap intensity for extra volume at lighter weight. Going to repeat that week of weight training next week.
Also had some self defense classes in the evening
Today 06.10.2017 did some manual labor by carrying a ton of wood briquettes down from outside the house to down into basement 20kg at the time. Sometimes manual labor is the best workout you can have lol.
Tomorrow will be heading out to the field for the day as part of the Estonian Defence League training. A full day of squad live fire exercises.

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