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Re: Josh's log

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 3:01 pm
by Seabassius
I decided to do Tango circuits as well. I like them, the only issue is with three sets I've usually spent myself in the first two with some exercises like push ups and rows.
Nice log

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 1:46 pm
by Josh
Week 4 days 2 and 2.5 (maybe 3?)
Mt Hale hike 3:10ish with a 10 minute break on the summit. 4.4 miles and 2300 ft of elevation gain. This is 19 of 48 NH 4K footers.

Vacationing this week with the family.
I couldn't fit my SE in, spent all day pushing the girls in a carriage at Storyland. If I can't get my E in,

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 11:05 pm
by Josh
Basebuilding restart
Week 1 Day 1
Press 85x5x3
Squat 135x5, 165x5, 195x5, 185x5
Deadlift 225x5x2
GTG pull-ups 16

After a week off for camping, instead of trying to get back on track, I am restarting but with the strength first option. Dive been mostly away from the barbell for 6 weeks, and am ready to get cracking.
I went with untested but conservative training maxes for the press and deadlift: 115 and 300 respectively. Squats were a shitshow technique wise, as I'm switching from low bar to high bar due to persisting elbow issues. I think I'm going to do a conservative linear progression with squat, starting super low.

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:43 pm
by Josh
Basebuilding (take 2)
Treadmill run/walk
8+2+8+2+10=30 min 2.5 miles
GTG pull-ups 17
For this version of BB I'm going to do two 30min runs and one progressively longer and optional shorter recovery run.
The focus will be on ditching the walk intervals

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:54 am
by Josh
Week 1 Day 3
Run/walk Treadmill
8+2+8+2+10=30 min 2.5 miles
GTG 18 pull-ups

So much leg DOMS from the little weight I lifted on Wednesday. The running helps, I think

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 12:35 am
by Josh
Week 1 Day 4

Press 85x6x4
Deadlift 225x5x3
GTG pullups 19

I'm leaving squats out of the basebuilding, as my primary goal is building my aerobic base. That and squats bother my elbows, which I'm hoping my pullup volume will help fix.
Press was easy, I didn't even do a warm up. I belted up for the 2nd and 3rd sets of deadlift.

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:39 am
by Josh
Week 1 Day 5
Run/walk around the small block
8+2+8+2+12=32 min 2.7 miles
GTG 18 pull-ups

Grease the groove pull-ups are hurting my elbows, so I'm going to ease up in them by alternating a day of pull-ups and a day of push-ups, considering that number is low too.

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:24 pm
by Seabassius
Sorry, dumb question, but what are grease the groove pull ups? I interpret it as pull ups are so easy for you that you do 19 just to get some movement/warmup (which I'm in awe of having just starting knocking out three).

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:35 am
by Josh
Greasing the groove is basically doing an exercise in submax sets sprinkled through out the day. My rep max doing pull-ups right now is probably 5 or 6, with heinous technique on the last rep. So throughout the day I do sets of 2, which are always technically perfect and generally I recover from them. The increased frequency allows you to get better at doing them. I'm hoping a month of GTG will get pull-up numbers high enough so that I can start adding weight.

Pull-ups, along with squats, are my favorite exercises but both of those exercises have given me golfer's elbow in both arms. Any time I push the reps on my pull-ups my elbows hurt. Ironically Mark Rippetoe, famed misanthropic strength coach and internet cult leader, endorses high sets of low rep chin-ups to fix the elbow problem.

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:33 am
by Josh
Week 1 Day 6
Active Recovery?
45x5rx10s EMoM
205x4, 155x5x2

Supposed to be a no pull-up day but I took the girls to the playground so I did some here and there.

Started as a technique Day for high bar squats
I did 10 sets of 5 with the empty bar every minute in the minute.
I wanted to see if my technique held up to wait so I did fives at 115, 145, 165, and 185 then 4@205, which according to my calculator gives me a max of 230. So I did 2 more sets at 155 and called it a day.

Tomorrow will be a run and day 1 of week 2, then I'm off one last time this summer with my wife for an anniversary trip.