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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:18 am
by Maxrip13
Todays training

Gmb elements
Practice frogger movements

Circuit 30 sec work, 5 exercises, 1 min rest after.
X4 rounds
Banzai frogger,bear,high frogger,monkey,frogger

This was the hardest day of all the movement training i have done.The back to back squat movements were a killer. I felt this one all through my upper back and legs. A nice deep burn.

Typing my last two posts on my phone so excuse my poor writing as usual.

Time to re assess. One more week of fighter and movement or recover and swap back to barbell work.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:52 pm
by Maxrip13
Today's Training

Start of Strength/ Work Cap build up cycle
Session 1

Warmup 3 rounds
Back squat, Bar,60,80 kg x5
Clubbell overhead presses 4 kg, 7kg ea side x8
Pullups x5
Foam roll various body parts

Work up to 5RM Back Squat 100kg (conservative)
Foam roll glutes/hamstrings

Work up to 5RM Overhead press 50kg
Foam chest/front shoulders

Work up to 5RM Weighted Pullup 20kg
Foam Roll Lower back

I have decided to take some time to slowly build up the volume on my barbell work. This decision was partially made due to not being able to sleep tonight haha. I just did a 2am weights session in my garage. During this time I will be adding in work capacity (HIC) and slowly building my total volume over an extended period.

This is not my program, but it should be fun and force me to work on some weaknesses.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 4:45 am
by Maxrip13
Today's training

Bjj midday session
Working on stacking and passing

My recovery is going to struggle in coming days but was unable to sleep at all. As above i did a 2am weight session and then trained again. Not a good way to start this cycle but ill get through it. Sleep tonight will be a huge focus and seeing a doc for sleep issues today.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 3:21 am
by Maxrip13
Today's Training

BJJ Midday Gi

Working on Spider guard and dela riva guard sweep.

20 min shark tank alternating top and bottom starting from spider with grips for both people.
Roll from position until dominant position, pass or sub.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 2:35 am
by Maxrip13
Today's Training

Strength/Work Cap cycle Session 2

Warmup 3 rounds
5x front squat,Bar,30kg,50kg
8x Clubbell Benchpress 4kg,7kg x2
8 x situps
4x Pullups
Foam roll lower back

Work up to 5RM Front Squat
60, 70 kg (conservative 5 RM).
Foam roll lower/upper back

Work up to 5RM Benchpress
Foam roll chest/shoulders

Work up to 5RM RDL
60,80kg Went easy as haven't done these in years

Nice easy 5RM session today with no conditioning. I called each lift a set earlier and will be working with a very conservative 5RM to build some volume for a while. I usually find my 5RM is much lower than my 1 RM and I need to be on the conservative side to prevent burn out. I also want to give BJJ and my conditioning more of a focus in the coming months, so strength can maintain for a while instead.

I am quite sore from BJJ yesterday and will be resting tomorrow. I plan to get into BJJ on saturday again if work permits. I am enjoying just getting in the gym and lifting the sub maximal weights. Hopefully I can get my recovery squared away and make some good improvements in the coming months.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 8:52 am
by Maxrip13
Today's Training

Strength/Hic Build up Session 3

5x Back squat 40,60,70kg
8x Clubbell OHP 4kg x2,7kgx2
5x Pullups
Foam roll back/hips

Squat 5x5 at 80%
5x kroc row ea side 16kg KB
Foam roll glute/ham

OHP 5x5 at 80%
5x Poor mans leg curl ea side
Foam roll chest/shoulder

Weighted Pullup 5x5
5x dips
Foam roll lower/upper back

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 5:19 am
by Maxrip13
Today's Training
Strength/ Hic Session 4

Warmup x3 rounds

5x Front Squat 30,40,50kg
8x Clubbell Bench Press 7kg
8x Situps
2x Pullups
Foam roll upper/lower back

5 rounds
Front Squat, 80%, 55kg
5 x Shoulder Corkscrew 4kg clubbell
Foam Roll Upper/ Lower Back

5 rounds
Benchpress, 80%, 60kg
5x Hip bridge
Foam roll Pec/Shoulder

5 Rounds
RDL, 80%, 60kg
5x Diamond Pushup
Foam roll Uperr/lower Back

I took a couple days between sessions and went into this pretty well recovered. I am still just building volume to a 5x5. I also loaded all these exercises very conservatively to do that. Basically the goal is to just get the work in and rebuild some motivation. I am slacking off both at BJJ and training and need to get that motivation back.

The next couple months will be just ticking boxes and getting work in.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:26 am
by CelticFrost91
Maxrip13 wrote:Today's training

Bjj midday session
Working on stacking and passing

My recovery is going to struggle in coming days but was unable to sleep at all. As above i did a 2am weight session and then trained again. Not a good way to start this cycle but ill get through it. Sleep tonight will be a huge focus and seeing a doc for sleep issues today.

Hope your sleep issues got taken care of, went through some last summer while trying to work on strength. It was hell. Something that helped me a lot was magnesium citrate, specifically Natural Calm which is like a drink mix. I'd do some research and ask your doctor first but it worked a lot better than melatonin supps and I hated the hell out of ambien. Best of luck.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 7:33 am
by Maxrip13
CelticFrost91 wrote:
Maxrip13 wrote:Today's training

Bjj midday session
Working on stacking and passing

My recovery is going to struggle in coming days but was unable to sleep at all. As above i did a 2am weight session and then trained again. Not a good way to start this cycle but ill get through it. Sleep tonight will be a huge focus and seeing a doc for sleep issues today.

Hope your sleep issues got taken care of, went through some last summer while trying to work on strength. It was hell. Something that helped me a lot was magnesium citrate, specifically Natural Calm which is like a drink mix. I'd do some research and ask your doctor first but it worked a lot better than melatonin supps and I hated the hell out of ambien. Best of luck.

Cheers mate. I seem to have it mostly in check, but we will see how I adjust after my next night shift in the coming weeks. The melatonin seems to be working, but training in the am or immediately after I wake up isn't happening with how drowsy I feel.
All my sessions have been pushed to midday/afternoon. I used to train early morning but I just take a long time to get going now after the sleep sups.

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 7:38 am
by Maxrip13
Today's Training

Strength/HIC Session 5
Warmup x 3 rounds

Back Squat 55/65/75kg x5
Clubbell OHP 7kg x2 x 5
Pullup x5
Foam roll glutes/hips

5 rounds
Backsquat x5 85%
renagade row 7 kg clubbells x5 ea side
Foam roll glutes/hams

5 rounds 85%
Military Press 40kgx 6
hamstring hell x5 ea side
Foam roll/chest/shoulders

4 Rounds
Weighted Pullup 10 kg x5
Pushups x5
Foam roll upper/lower back