Likes TB log

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Wed - >Strength

Sq 4x3x140kg
Bench 4x3x100kg
WPU +30kg 4x3

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Thur - Hic
600m resets x4
2:30 on/off. Didn't feel like I died afterwards

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Fri - Strength
Sq 3x3x140kg
Bench 3x3x100kg
Sumo DL 5x3x150kg should've switched to sumo ages ago

Diet is going good, doesn't seem to impact performance. Might even be losing weigth too fast

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Sat - E
60 min LSS run.

Didn't feel very recovered, HR shot up and stayed up. Not a good run.

Sun - Rest

Week 6
Mon - Strength

Squat 1/0/1/1x155kg. Felt like I had 2 reps in me the first set but didn't go for it. Now I'm mad I didn't
Bench 4x1x115kg
WPU 4x1xBW+45kg

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Tues - Rest
Skipped HIC. Felt really tired/drained all day.

Wed - Strength
Sq 3x1x155kg
Bench 1/0 x 115kg
WPU +45kg 3x1

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Thur - HIC
ME 2 x5 easy week
bit sore from yesterday

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Fri - Strength
Skipped squats
Bench 0/1/0 x 115kg
Sumo DL 3x1x165kg

Sat - Rest

Sun - E
60 min LSS run

Started a new Op cycle
Week 1
Mon - Strength
Sq 5x5x115kg
Bench 5x5x85kg
WPU 5x5xBW+5kg

Tues - Hic
GC 1
Half-assed it, but better then skipping it

Wed - Strength
Sq 3x5x115kg
Bench 4x5x85kg
WPU 5x5xBW +5kg

Felt pretty beat before and during training. Didn't feel great on monday either. I probably should've taken a rest week, so I'll feel how friday goes

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Yesterday at 7 in the evening I fell asleep on the couch again. This has become a daily occurrence when I'm at home. Getting in bed earlier and sleeping longer hasn't seem to help. Motivation to train has been down as well.

So I decided to skip the rest of training this week and turn it into a rest week. Just hoping this will be long enough

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Week 1
Mon - Strength
Sq 5x5x115kg
Bench 5x5x85kg
WPU 5x5xBW+5kg

Tues - HIC
600m resets x3
2m30 on/off

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Wed + Strength
Sq 4x5x115kg
Bench 4x5x85kg
WPU Bw+5kg 5x5

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