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Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 12:50 pm
by isotee
Op cycle 2 wk 2

Sat feb 6

Bp 3x5x85kg
Fsq 3x70, 3x80, 2x3x90kg
Pullups 3x6 bw

Low volume workout. Lower back still sore b/c of wed bsq, switched to fsq triples. Easy pullups, slowly progressing.

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:28 am
by isotee
Operator 2nd cycle wk 2 still goes on

Tue feb 9
0500 AM

Bp 5x5x85kg
Goblet sq 3x8x24k
Clean grip DL 5x110kg, 5x120kg, 5x140kg, 4x150kg

Circuit 3x
Kb c&p 24k(1-2-3)
Pullup 3-2-1

Good morning workout. Goblets for mobility and warmup, wanted to save energy for dl's. Seems that 2 days rest between the workouts is good for me.

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 5:53 am
by isotee
Thu Feb 11
0630 AM

Easy E, brisk walk 30 min -26C (-15F). Really enjoyed the true winter feeling.

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:32 pm
by isotee
Operator cycle 2 week 3
Fri feb 12

Bp 3x3x95kg
Bsq 3x3x110kg
Pullups 3x5 bw

Abs w.disc 10kg
Push up planks 60,45,30 sec

Right shoulder feels a bit uncomfy after last session of 5x5x80% bp. Needs to monitor the volume.

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 5:40 am
by isotee
Sun feb 14
0630 AM

1. Light Snatch Complexes, empty bar...up to 30kg
2a. Barbell row 4x6x60kg
2b. Push up 4x6

Slept extremely bad due to tension head ache. Light sn complexes just to move well and release the shoulder girdle. Feels better after the workout.

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 2:43 pm
by isotee
Mon feb 15

Bp 3x90kg, 2x3x95kg, 4x90kg
Bsq 3x3x110kg
3a. Pullup 6,6,4,4
3b Half kneeling press 20kg/6+6×4

Everything feels heavy today. 12th week of strength focus, guess I need to switch on base building, more aerobic stuff soon...

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 10:49 pm
by VenomousCoffee
I see you are having shoulder issues. I've found that doing overhead press rather than bench has really improved my shoulder health. And when I do switch back to bench, it goes bad again.

Just my two cents.

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 8:15 am
by isotee
Thanks for your comment! Yes, after 12 weeks of progressive benching, I'm having some odd feelings in my clavicle/shoulder girdle connection area. Not bad but a bit uncomfy. Considering my age (47) I do feel it's time to change the block after intensive strength focus. OHP might be a good idea. Thanks for your input!

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 1:34 pm
by isotee
Wed feb 17
0600 AM

Easy E, brisk walk 60 min -25C (-13F)

Re: White Collar Forest Worker's Log

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:52 am
by isotee
Thu Feb 18
0700 AM

Easy E, walk 60 min, -30C (-22F). True winter feeling. :D