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Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 6:00 am
by KS-90
Next 6 week block is going to be the same cluster I just ran using Bench Press, Weighted Chin ups, and Deadlifts. This time around I'll be using the "Operator" template. I had thoughts of adding in the Back Squat, but after flaring up my hip missing 265 I figure it can wait another 6 weeks. I am going to add in the "Airborne Lunge" ( ) that Max Shank demos in the link. I tried them out and I have noticed that with my right leg (side with the nagging hip/sciatica) I have a hard time doing these while with my left they are not an issue. I am not going to program them. Just going to do some work on them the same day as I do my lifting.

Also I am going to start adding an LSS session as well. This "Long Run" is going to start off at a fairly conservative 3 miles, and I will adjust from there.

So Ideally the schedule is going to look like

Monday - Lifting + Core Circuit
Tuesday - Intervals (200-800m)
Wednesday - Lifting + Core Circuit
Thursday - Tempo Run
Friday - Lifting + Core Circuit
Saturday - Long run
Sunday - off

Going to continue with the mobility stuff as that was honestly the most effective thing I think I did performance wise the last 6 weeks. Everything feels way better.

Also going to try and add 3-5 pounds bodyweight as well; more-so to ensure I am eating enough as it was an issues last block

This is all in an ideal world, but work may interfere in October. Already have a few ideas if it does.

Starting tomorrow.

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 1:30 pm
by Train_Hard_Live_Easy
Looks great to me - I like Max's work.... his UA book was excellent with the demos / regressions etc.

Look forward to seeing the progress

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 11:06 pm
by KS-90
Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Looks great to me - I like Max's work.... his UA book was excellent with the demos / regressions etc.

Look forward to seeing the progress
Ya man. I watched a youtube video of him getting interviewed. Definitely seems like a smart guy. I never read his book, but just his interview sparked some interest in gymnastics (specifically that L-Sit to Hand Stand).

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 11:22 pm
by KS-90
19 September 2016 - Monday

Started off the morning doing a spinal health test recommended by my PT. Scored really well with good movement in lunging, squatting, toe touches as well as a 3 minute side plank on both sides and a 3 minute back extension; These scores mean my strength and strength-endurance in the core are not causing the issue which is good to hear I guess. Definitely has moved more into the nagging side of things as opposed to 3-4 months ago.

"Operator" Template (Week 1 - 70%)

Bench Press: 145 for 5 sets of 5
Pull ups: 4 sets of 5
Deadlift: 235 for 3 sets of 5

Got a really intense pressure/ give away kind of feeling on the front inside of my knee during deadlifts.. Felt this before at the start of my last block, and also a few years ago when I was just starting deadlifts after a long lay off. Will have to ask PT about it, and see what he thinks it could be from tightness in my hip and around my knee. It seemed my knee felt strained when I had my shins close to the bar, but if I had the bar more over mid-foot it didn't seem to feel as bad. finished the sets.

Then worked the "Airborne Lunge" worked up to 10 reps bodyweight after a few feeler sets. Then grabbed a medicine ball that was only 15 pounds or so and did 3 sets of 5. left was stronger then right. Knee felt fine on these.

Foam Rolling to finish workout

Giving Hot Yoga a go tonight. Should be an hour.

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 1:51 am
by KS-90
20 September 2016 - Tuesday

Did an hour long session with a PT getting a bunch of exercises shown.

Warm up: Limber Eleven

Intervals (400m)
Interval One: 1 minute 20 seconds run; 20 Pushups, 20 Sit ups
Rest 2 minutes

Interval two: 1 minute 20 seconds run; 15 Pushups, 15 Sit ups
rest 2 minutes

Interval three: 1 minute 20 seconds run; 20 Squats, 20 Mountain Climbers
rest 2 minutes

Interval four: 1 minute 21 seconds run; 15 Squats, 15 Mountain Climbers
rest 2 minutes

Interval five: 1 minute 22 seconds run; 20 Pushups, 20 Sit ups
rest 2 minutes

Interval six: 1 minute 19 seconds run; 15 Pushups, 15 Sit ups


Then 30 minutes Hip Mobility

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 3:24 am
by KS-90
21 September 2016 - Wednesday

"Operator" Template (Week 1 - 70%)

Warmed up with Limber 11

Bench Press: 145 for 3 sets of 5
Pull ups: 3 sets of 5
Deadlift: 235 for 3 sets of 5

Got a bit of that pressure/wants to give out feeling on the inside of my knee on the last couple reps of the last set of Deads. Going to just keep monitoring it; hopefully clears up over the weekend.

Core Circuit (60s)

Side Plank

Ran through twice no rest between exercises; couple minutes between circuits.

Hip Mobility

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:33 pm
by Train_Hard_Live_Easy
Maybe reduce the working sets on the deadlift to just one work set??

Or may switch it around..... and do X sets of 3's? In the last instance, you would do 5 sets of 3..... same volume but your allowing you body a bit more 'breathing room' on the actual work set.

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:46 pm
by NathanC77
I like this template. I've thought about pairing some TB strength exercises with bodyweight progressions. Something like what you're doing here with deadlift+airborne lunge for lower body, or maybe weighted chin+LSit-to-handstand for upper. I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes for you.

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:12 am
by KS-90
Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Maybe reduce the working sets on the deadlift to just one work set??

Or may switch it around..... and do X sets of 3's? In the last instance, you would do 5 sets of 3..... same volume but your allowing you body a bit more 'breathing room' on the actual work set.
Ya man I don't think it is recovery. I feel good; it is just from an old injury that seems to act up occasionally (meniscus tear and ligament strain - don't ask how it happened hahaha). It seems when I add bodyweight and am squatting it goes away.. just anecdotal but I think increased muscle mass and strength around my knee supports it way better and keeps it "bulletproof".. It seems to be going away.. Next week will be the decider. I will keep what you said in mind though if I feel beat up.
NathanC77 wrote:I like this template. I've thought about pairing some TB strength exercises with bodyweight progressions. Something like what you're doing here with deadlift+airborne lunge for lower body, or maybe weighted chin+LSit-to-handstand for upper. I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes for you.
Thanks man. Although I am more so just practicing the "Airborne Lunge" I went a little overboard Monday and realized I should just practice the technique. So I have just been doing them throughout the day; might add weight depending on how they go.. definitely won't be an indicator to how they would progress with a TB template though.

Re: KS-90's Log

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:58 am
by KS-90
22 September 2016 - Thursday

Tempo Run (20 minutes)

3.01 Miles

Ran with a buddy; forgot HRM at home.