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Re: Ivan178's Road to PFT

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 8:47 am
by ivan178
BlackPyjamas wrote:
ivan178 wrote:
BlackPyjamas wrote:Take this for what it's worth, but if you're training for a PFT you should be doing regular tempo runs. Maybe I'm missing it in your log but it seems like all you're doing are short sprint/track workouts. That's a recipe for poor test times imho. Short sprint workouts should be added on like spice, they shouldn't be the main course.

My 2 cents.... do at least one 3 mile tempo run every week + 1 longer run for distance (30-60 minutes). When you have those out of the way then add in a third track workout like 600m resets or 200m intervals.

Even though your PFT run is a short distance (1km? 1.5mile?) it's still aerobic in nature.
Hello, I'm doing a 3mile run once every other week , 1km is 0,6 mile, do you find useful to add that longer run? (30-60)
What conditioning protocol are you running? Have you read TB2? What you're doing isn't really enough. You should be running Black Professional.

You need one long run every week (45-60 minutes).
You need one middle distance fast run every week, like the Fast5.
You need one anaerobic speed workout every week, like 600m resets, Oxygen Debt or short hill sprints.
Every week, not every other week.

You'll see something like the above recommended on the forum everytime PFT is brought up...and as someone that has to run PFTs regularly I concur.
Unless you can run 1km in 2 minutes or less, it's primarily an aerobic event.
Yeah, I've read TB conditioning and TB 2.
I'm doing black protocol, you can see my schedule at the OP.
I'm doing black professional with a little tweak on the E session per week, as I got told on this thread when I asked about my PFT before starting my training.
So now I'm bit confused :roll: .

Re: Ivan178's Road to PFT

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 9:06 am
by ivan178
By the way, I've just watched this video.

He uses 3 workouts per week.

Workout #1
Sprint 400m
Walk 400m
Sprint 300m
Walk 300m
Sprint 200m
Walk 200m
Sprint 100m
Walk 100m
Sprint 100m
Walk 100m
Sprint 200m
Walk 200m
Sprint 300m
Walk 300m
Sprint 400m

Start timer before first sprint, and stop it at the last sprint, trying to improve it over time.

Workout #2
Sprint 100m
Jog 100m
For a mile.

Workout #3
15min doing
100m Sprint
100m Walk
Try to do as many 100m sprints as possible.

Wondering if any of these would benefit me, regards.

Re: Ivan178's Road to PFT

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 11:55 am
by ivan178
#11 oxygen debt 200m sprints

Re: Ivan178's Road to PFT

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:49 am
by K.B.

BlackPJs, Close-Fox, and others have given you some really good advice. Black-Pyjama's HIC suggestions are bang on when it comes to planning your weekly conditioning; 1 x long/aerobic, 1 x middle distance tempo, 1 x pure speed work. Tempo = fast pace, not LSS.
Additionally, Close-Fox provided you with guidelines for your speed work - reread his recommendations.

Try and stop thinking in terms of distance, and more in terms of what energy systems you're going to draw on for your event.

Your anaerobic system will be engaged - but the 1km is still an aerobic test. I'm simplifying, but the more well-developed your aerobic system is - the longer it takes for your anaerobic system to kick-in (a good thing) and the more aerobic intensity you can apply before it does kick-in (another good thing). The weaker your aerobic system - the more work your anaerobic system will have to do. The anaerobic system fatigues very quickly, so you don't want that.

Re: Ivan178's Road to PFT

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:52 pm
by ivan178
K.B. wrote:Ivan,

BlackPJs, Close-Fox, and others have given you some really good advice...
Hello, I reread what close-fox and some other guys said me on my other post, and is true that they haven't told me to don't do the weekly E session :lol: .
So would be a nice approach to do what Blackpyjamas said me?

Tuesday: #11-Oxygen debt 101/#3-600m resets (Idk which one would be better, maybe the 200m sprints?)
Thursday: #2-5km fast run (maybe change 1 week #3, next week #2 and so on)
Sat: 60m E LSS? on the 135-150bpm

Now I feel a bit bad about missing those 3 weeks on E :lol:

Pd:Oh, and does the order matters on what day I do the running sessions? Cause on monday I'll be more fresh I guess, would be better to do on this order? so the sat I do 60m E (easy thing, not like the sprints)

Re: Ivan178's Road to PFT

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:55 pm
by ivan178
Op day
3x5 BW Pullups
3x5 35 FS
3x5 35 OHP

Today I felt like I was like 5kg lighter on the pull ups, I almost flied. Liked it, wanting to see testing.
Fs bit harder today, got legs sored.
OHP really easy today.
Starting to enjoy a lot more the training sessions!

Re: Ivan178's Road to PFT

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:47 pm
by ivan178
#12 hic

Re: Ivan178's Road to PFT

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:57 am
by ivan178
Operator day:
3x5 BW Pull ups
3x5 35 FS
3x5 35 OHP

Standard day.
Maybe tomorrow I'll switch the 600m resets with 5 fast run, or maybe even 60min LSS.

Re: Ivan178's Road to PFT

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:48 pm
by ivan178
5km fast run

My last 5km fast run was at the end of BB and I did it in 32:00s :D

Re: Ivan178's Road to PFT

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 4:41 pm
by ivan178
Rest day

Went to climb with a friend, first time btw, was funny, but I don't think I've rest a lot, this weeks gonna be hard :lol: