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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

M 7 Aug 17
E: 30 min LSS run outdoors

Got a run in before the forecast deluge arrives. Nice and cool out, so it was a very pleasant run. And I got to break in my new running hat.

I often see other folks running early in the morning. Most of the men I encounter will give me the "Hey" wave or even say "Good morning." It makes me feel a little like I've joined a semi-secret club. That said, the women who are out running never give the wave or even reply when I say "good morning." Maybe they don't want dudes in their Women's Early Runners club.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by Barkadion »

B71 wrote:M 7 Aug 17
E: 30 min LSS run outdoors

Got a run in before the forecast deluge arrives. Nice and cool out, so it was a very pleasant run. And I got to break in my new running hat.

I often see other folks running early in the morning. Most of the men I encounter will give me the "Hey" wave or even say "Good morning." It makes me feel a little like I've joined a semi-secret club. That said, the women who are out running never give the wave or even reply when I say "good morning." Maybe they don't want dudes in their Women's Early Runners club.
I have been running around 4:30AM lately. I see old man running every single time I run. Really old, skinny and grumpy. He is always on the road with any weather no matter what. Never says "hi". Never smiles. :D
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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

Tu 8 Aug 17
Max Strength 90%

Squat 3 * 3 @ 300 - went a little too wide in the stance initially and I wasn't quite prepared for the strain on the hammies. It was a good reminder not to rush.

Bench 3 * 3 @ 200 - I felt strong on this. I could have gone heavier, for sure.

Pull-up 5, 4, 4 @ BW - felt not bad. I think I feel another rep coming on soon. I look forward to when I can crank these out in double digits.

Deadlift 1 * 3 @ 305 - felt good. I felt like I could have lifted heavier.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

Th 10 Aug 17
Max Strength 75%

Bench Press 3 * 5 @ 165 - this felt light.

Squat 3 * 5 @ 265 - no issues here, which was good. Yesterday, I felt a little twinge in my knee when I was carting one of my daughters around in a backpack carrier. I was afraid I'd be sore today but it went well.

Pull-ups 6, 4, 4 @ BW - got an extra rep on the first set and I can feel a fifth rep in the second set that wants out.

Deadlift 1 * 5 @ 265 - easy.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

F 11 Aug 17
E: 30 min LSS run outdoors

Today's run had a bit of a slow start. I felt slightly stiff initially but I loosened up after a few minutes of stomping along the sidewalk. Otherwise, it was a decent little run.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

Su 13 Aug 17
E: 30 min LSS run outdoors

I wasn't feeling like getting up to go on the run this morning but I did it anyway, so that was a minor victory over sloth this morning.

I started slow and creaky but everything was working well after a few minutes in.

After I got back, I took the dog for a walk in a nearby forest/dog park. We got lost (I'm new to the neighbourhood), so we ended up wandering around for about an hour, which was twice as long as I intended. Still, it was a lovely walk and the dog loved it.

This coming week is week 5, I think. I'm going to have to start SE sessions soon, which terrifies me.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

Sunday night ran long because we hosted some dear friends that we hadn't seen in too damn long. So Monday morning at the gym didn't happen.

Tu 15 Aug 17
Max Strength 75%

Bench 3 x 5 @ 165. No problem here.

Squat 3 x 5 @ 255. Good. Trying to get nice and low. Monitoring the knees for any pain.

Pull-ups 6, 5, 4 with BW. Decent.

Deadlift 1 x 5 @ 255. Felt like I could pull more.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

Th 17 Aug 17
E: 30 min LSS outdoor run

I felt a little stiff initially but everything loosened up after a few minutes. Another enjoyable run at an easy slow pace, nose-breathing the whole time.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by B71 »

M 21 Aug 17
SE: Alpha - BW cluster

I did my first 5 weeks of BBSF, so it's time to move on to SE sessions. I was sort of dreading this and realizing that I was starting to make excuses not to do the SE circuits("I can't get a circuit in a the gym I use [actually true]", I don't have a pull-up bar at home", "I don't have a good hip-hinge exercise") but I decided that the perfect is the enemy of the good and I got started this morning.

Air Squats
Stair dips (I will dig out my wife's TRX set and hang it off a tree or a fence post so I can do reverse rows or face-pulls or something. I need a back-focused exercise)
"Air" Good Mornings
Flutter kicks

I tried to focus on the "endurance" part - that is, not worrying about how much/little I was actually moving and not try to go so fast that I torched my lungs. I tried to focus on just doing the reps. And it actually felt pretty good. I could still use a chin-up bar, though.

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Re: B71 Base Building

Post by Barkadion »

B71 wrote:(I will dig out my wife's TRX set and hang it off a tree or a fence post so I can do reverse rows or face-pulls or something. I need a back-focused exercise)
TRX is awesome. I remember doing TRX only cluster with dips, inverted rows, trx pistols, and trx roll-outs.

TRX Inverted rows/face pulls is still "must do" for me.. Good luck!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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