Back to Base (ic)

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Barkadion »

Seabassius wrote:Oct 31
Unplanned rest day. Spent the day getting the Boo-ze Bike ready for halloween.

IMG_1640 (1).jpg
Nov 1
SQ 155 5x4 reps
BP 155 5x4 reps
PU 20lbs assist 5x4 reps (last rep of the 4th set was technically a .85 rep)

Finished with 2x 1 minute planks and then 1 mile of sprint 110 yds, walk 110 yds (1/16th indoor track).

Also took the dog on 4 mile walk this morning. Tomorrow plan is for a little bit of a ruck and think i'm going to start ROMWOD. Tired of being so stiff in the calves and thoracic spine area. I'll try anything to get that to abate, especially in the morning.
Awesome :D
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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Nov 5th
Rest, plus a lot of yard work

Nov 6th
Did a short 3.5 mile hike with 35lbs backpack. Took the dog up a Bergen Peak. I haven't been backpacking prior to the surgery (>2 years). Planning on doing a little solo overnighter through Great Sand Dunes later this week and just wanted to make sure there was nothing egregious under weight. Hike felt very strong but came down with a little food poisoning about 2/3 of the way in. Gambled that I could make it back to the crapper at the trail head instead of dropping trou in the woods.

I lost.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Nov 7th -no work out

Nov 8th
Short two mile back through Great Sand Dunes NP with a ~35lbs pack and a lot walking in soft sand and up hills for some photography.

Nov 9th
Same hike, just in reverse the next morning. ... 699-XL.jpg ... 699-XL.jpg

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Barkadion »

Seabassius wrote:Nov 7th -no work out

Nov 8th
Short two mile back through Great Sand Dunes NP with a ~35lbs pack and a lot walking in soft sand and up hills for some photography.

Nov 9th
Same hike, just in reverse the next morning. ... 699-XL.jpg ... 699-XL.jpg
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Nov 10th
Strength 75% Week
Squat 130lbs
Bench 130lbs
Pull Ups, 30lbs assist

Did a set of pull ups today with no assist just to see where I was at. 5 total, first 2 were strict dead hang, next two was some kipping, last one was a double kip... still can't remember the last time I was able to do 5, kipping or not.

Also worked in some shoulder work (TRX Ys, Cable Crossover Ws) and leg curls 80lbs during rest periods.

Finished 3 rounds of
10X 20lbs ball slams, catch it on the rebound from a squat stance and take it back overhead for the next slam
10X 24inch box jumps
1 min rest

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Nov 11
3 rounds for time
20 KB Swings 16kg
10 Burpee with 15lbs dumbbells with a one arm row before the push up at the bottom (no jump due to basement ceiling)
500M Row

Time 21:34

The burpee/renegade man maker was my limiter on this one.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Nov 12 & 13
Rest (no motivation)

Nov 14th
Still no motivation but forced myself to go do a short cluster. I got in and the weights were feeling really good so i decided to test how much I could do for real instead of guessing.

Squats - 45lbs X 5, 95lbs x 5, 135x 5, 155lbs X 5, 185 x 5, 205 X 3 (last set was not quite parallel)
Bench - 95lbs X 5, 135lbs X 5, 175lbs X 5, 195lbs X 2 (might have been able to get 1 more, but didn't have a spotter)
Pull Ups BW X3 stopped because my shoulder was hurting. Tweaked it somehow yesterday doing something innocuous, literally I think I was wiping my ass when I noticed it first. Typical going on 46 injury.

So... dropping my squat to 200 since I didn't go completely parallel my 1 rep max would be 215 and Bench would be 205. Never tested those before and are a little higher than what I was anticipating. Benching right at my bodyweight.

Heading on vacation tomorrow. Taking the family to Disney World for 4 days and then spending Thanksgiving in Florida for the rest of my sabbatical. Not sure how much lifting I'll get in but should be able to squeeze in some beach fun runs a butt ton of walking.

See you in 2 weeks.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Last several days walking around Disney Workd parks averaging 17k steps a day.

Nov 21
Got restless and hit the hotel gym. Largest dumbbell they had was 50lbs so did some 1 arm bench press alternating and some rows.

Went for a run. 10 min out and then 8 rounds back of:
25 sec sprint, 35 sec walk rest
5 min cool down and stretch. Anxious to get back into the gym.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Managed to get a guest pass to my parents LA Fitness

Turkey Day workout
75% Week
Squat 160lbs 3x 5 after warmup
Bench 150lbs 3x 5 after warmup
Pull ups 3, 2, 2, 1, 1
Was going from memory for Pavel’s Fighter pull up program and did one extra set of two I think.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Back home from 9 days away. Not motivated but forced myself to hit the gym.

Strength 75%
Squat 160lbs 3 x 5 felt hard
Bench 150lbs 3 x 5 felt more hard than 75%
Quick 2 sets of 3’pullups since short on time.
Did some shoulder prehab and TRX Ys in between sets.

Not motivated today.

Back at work on Monday and getting ready for ski season so flexing the program a little.
Going to switch gyms and using a CrossFit box to save some money and a Y for family.
Fighter with modified Bangkok template
2 x week stick with a 3 - 4 exercise cluster
2 x week CrossFit Wod 30 min (more metcon oriented)
1 x week either CrossFit strength oriented or SE (dealers choice, I’m the dealer)
Depending on how the 45 year old body is feeling E or rest. E will be cross country skiing, bike, or swim.

Starting ROMWOD/Yoga and want to shoot for 15k steps and 10 flights of stairs 4 days of week.

Open to any thoughts.

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