Grouchyjarhead Training

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

30 minute run, pretty beat today so only managed 2.55 miles.

24 minutes of Incentive Training with 30# ruck (60 reps each of push ups, thrusters, overhead walking lunges, and V-ups) then rucked 4 miles in 1:03:40.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Rucked 3 miles over the course of 2+ hours helping put flags on graves of fallen US service members. Rewarding time.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Rucked a local Memorial Day parade with my sons who got to march in it. 6 miles over 4+ hours, usual load. They hung in there the whole time too, despite doing 7 miles the day before with their mother during a streets festival tour. Did about 3 out, got something to eat, then did 3 back.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

GORUCK Tough D-Day completed. 2100-0830. Took a WWII style fitness test (92 push ups in 2 min; 72 sit ups in 2 min; 1.5 mile run in 11:55; 7 chin ups), negotiated an obstacle course with our rucks on, lots and lots of low crawling, a lot of heavy coupons (I spent most of my time on the 80# sandbags and buddy carrying the 120#) and a ton of PT. We had to do 2000 reps total for the men who died at D-Day, and 135 of those had to be eight count bodybuilders for the Rangers who assaulted Pont du Hoc. Needless to say, even spaced out through the night, that took a while. Sore, scuffed up, sandy, and soaking wet so that means I had a good time. EDIT: Total mileage 15 miles.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

US Army Physical Fitness Test.

Push-ups 80 in 2 minutes, sit-ups 72 in 2 minutes, timed 2 mile run 16:41. Still a bit sore but not bad. 264/300. Also tested max pull-ups, 10 reps.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

50 reps of the following with a 30# ruck: push-ups, thrusters, overhead squats, V-ups. I then rucked 4 miles in 1:03.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Max strength session. Original Strength warm-up. One-arm KB sport snatches with 12kg (2 minute set @ 20RPM). Bodyweight pull-ups x7/5/4 (16). KB front squats 2x22kg for 3x5. Tonight, Turkish get-ups with 16kg and then ROMWOD.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Super busy day, so I just knocked out 100 total swings with the 24kg and did my Original Strength in the evening.

Scheduled day off. I dropped by my friend's gym while on duty and got challenged to swing the 56kg while in uniform. Last time I tried I was in gym clothes and only did 3 reps - this time I knocked out a set of 10. Hard but doable.

Pathfinder Selection Standard Test passed. 75 push ups in 2 minutes (minimum 55), 76 sit ups in 2 minutes (minimum 65), 12 mile timed ruck march with 30# ruck in 2:58:53 (minimum 3:30). It was hot out!

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Max strength session. One arm snatches with 12kg - 2:30 @ 20 RPM. Pull-ups x8/7/3 (new rep goal is now 20 in two sets). Front squats 2x24kg x5/5/5. Turkish get ups later on tonight.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Irritated my back a bit while camping out with my boys so I took it easy last week. I got it adjusted Monday and feel like a million bucks now, so back to work.

Easy 2 mile run in 23:50 to blow the stink off.

4 mile ruck with 30# in 59:54.

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