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Re: mikhou's training log

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 6:34 pm
by mikhou
Rest day

Re: mikhou's training log

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 11:04 pm
by StayGrey
J-Madd wrote:I love you training log mikhou. Your a great example of simplicity and consistency in training. Well done!

x 2. This is the very definition of consistency in training, awesome seeing it pay off. Fantastic log, one of the handful I follow regularly.

Re: mikhou's training log

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 10:57 pm
by mikhou
StayGrey wrote:
J-Madd wrote:I love you training log mikhou. Your a great example of simplicity and consistency in training. Well done!

x 2. This is the very definition of consistency in training, awesome seeing it pay off. Fantastic log, one of the handful I follow regularly.
Thanks, StayGrey. I'm boring, but consistent. So for a little update, I started traveling a couple of days ago with no access to equipment so it's looked like this for the last few days.

2 days ago - Travel/Rest
Yesterday - Sprints (5 minute warmup, 10 rounds of 1 minute sprint/30 seconds walking rest/30s second jogging rest, 5 minute cooldown)
Today - Tango circuits 3x through using push-ups, wall squats (facing the wall, not the isometric hold), pull-ups, 1 legged RDL, combo of 1-minute plank/10 T2B)

Re: mikhou's training log

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 11:34 pm
by mikhou
Fun Run - 1 hour. Every 6 minutes alternate between A/B:
A - 20 squats / 20 push-ups
B - 10 pull-ups / 1 minute plank

Re: mikhou's training log

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:19 pm
by mikhou
So after an 8-day layoff due to travel, I'm back at it. I'm usually pretty consistent when I travel for work, but this was for vacation, and it was hard to get my workouts worked in with our family plans.'s workout was:

BP - 5x5 @ 157.5 lbs.
SQ - 5x5 @ 182.5 lbs.
WCU 5x5 @ 158 lbs.
5 rounds of 10-second RKC plank, 12 T2Bs - I like to do one set before starting to BP, one set before starting to SQ, and one set before starting to WCU. Then I do a set after WCUs, 2 minute rest, and then the final set.

Re: mikhou's training log

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:34 pm
by mikhou
HIC #1. Connaught Range 10 to 1s

Re: mikhou's training log

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 1:36 pm
by mikhou
Fobbit Interval / E / Fun Run - I warmed up with an easy half mile and then did some warm-up sets for OHP plus my first working set. Then I repeated another half mile run followed by a set of OHP repeating this up to 5 sets. I then switched to straight-leg deadlift. So I completed:

4 miles @ half mile each
6x5 OHP @ 100 lbs.
6x3 SLDL @ 175 lbs.

Re: mikhou's training log

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 3:40 pm
by mikhou
Rest day

Re: mikhou's training log

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:19 pm
by mikhou
My workout was interrupted today after the 4th set so I'll have to get back to it tomorrow.

Re: mikhou's training log

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 1:44 am
by mikhou
BP - 5x4 @ 167.5 lbs
SQ - 5x4 @ 192.5 lbs
WCU - 5x4 @ 167.9 lbs
5 rounds of 10-second RKC plank, 12 T2Bs - I like to do one set before starting to BP, one set before starting to SQ, and one set before starting to WCU. Then I do a set after WCUs, 2 minute rest, and then the final set.