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Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:22 pm
by TBPenguin
DeskJockey wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 4:11 am
From a cardiovascular perspective, I felt fine. Sweaty and breathing heavily, but that's to be expected, and nothing I couldn't handle. But my feet hurt during the running part. I'd feel like I really wanted to stop running, but toughed it out until it was time to walk. Then they'd feel better during the walking, and then worse during the running. Felt worse towards the front of the feet. Maybe I was putting too much stress on my forefeet by toe-striking? I made a conscious effort to strike with my heel during some of the running parts, but it didn't seem to help. My feet weren't just hurting, they were getting numb and tingly. Maybe my shoes are too tight? I haven't had a problem with this pair before. I'll try loosening the laces for the next run.
No experience with this. Sounds weird. Different socks? Your idea of too tight laces? You didn't change your running style for this workout, right?

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:53 am
by DeskJockey
Day 33:

**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W5D5**

Empty bar (45lbs) for all, except sit-ups (bodyweight only). 60s rest between each set.

3 circuits of:

* OHP x20
* Bent-over row x20
* Squat x20
* RDL x20
* Situps x20

Went surprisingly well. My sleep has been crap lately, and I wasn't feeling great going into the workout, but somehow everything came together in the middle of the first set. I ended up completing the entire workout 10 minutes faster than last time, mainly due to stopping to rest/catch my breath fewer times.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:58 am
by DeskJockey
TBPenguin wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:22 pm
DeskJockey wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 4:11 am
From a cardiovascular perspective, I felt fine. Sweaty and breathing heavily, but that's to be expected, and nothing I couldn't handle. But my feet hurt during the running part. I'd feel like I really wanted to stop running, but toughed it out until it was time to walk. Then they'd feel better during the walking, and then worse during the running. Felt worse towards the front of the feet. Maybe I was putting too much stress on my forefeet by toe-striking? I made a conscious effort to strike with my heel during some of the running parts, but it didn't seem to help. My feet weren't just hurting, they were getting numb and tingly. Maybe my shoes are too tight? I haven't had a problem with this pair before. I'll try loosening the laces for the next run.
No experience with this. Sounds weird. Different socks? Your idea of too tight laces? You didn't change your running style for this workout, right?
I have no experience with it either! Same socks, same shoes, same gait (unless it somehow changed subconsciously). I'll adjust the laces tomorrow. My feet felt fine today, so I think it's a footwear issue and not anything too serious. Unless my feet somehow grew, and I have to buy new shoes :roll: .

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:58 am
by DeskJockey
Day 34:

**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W5D6**

5 min warmup walk

12 rounds of:

* 90s run
* 60s walk

Felt good overall. Challenging, but not crushing. Even a tad invigorating. Tried lacing my shoes a bit looser, and my feet felt fine. First few intervals of running, no problem. About halfway through, a slight ache in the feet, but I think that was my feet getting tired. Or maybe my calves getting tired, and then my stride deteriorating as a result. Anyway, it was a lot better than last time.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 6:09 am
by DeskJockey
**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W6D1**

Empty bar (45lbs) for all, except sit-ups (bodyweight only). 60s rest between each set.

3 circuits of:

* OHP x30
* Bent-over row x30
* Squat x30
* RDL x30
* Situps x30

Kind of a slog, but I got through it.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 5:04 am
by DeskJockey
Day 36:

**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building W6D2**

5 min warmup walk

12 rounds of:

* 90s run
* 60s walk

Had been feeling crappy all day, but convinced myself to get to work. It went OK. A bit of a struggle, but my feet felt fine.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:16 pm
by TBPenguin
If the feet don't hurt, call it a win.

No matter how long you do this, there are always days that you won't feel like training, or that you are not at your best, or even that the workout sucks. You are doing a really good job now of making the training a habit, and getting it done no matter what. That's all any of us can do.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 5:34 am
by DeskJockey
TBPenguin wrote: Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:16 pm If the feet don't hurt, call it a win.

No matter how long you do this, there are always days that you won't feel like training, or that you are not at your best, or even that the workout sucks. You are doing a really good job now of making the training a habit, and getting it done no matter what. That's all any of us can do.
Thank you! I appreciate the encouragement :) .

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 5:34 am
by DeskJockey
**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building**

I only had 30 minutes to work out, and I knew I needed at least an hour to do the full SE routine, so I just did some circuits as a "better than nothing" workout.

Empty bar

* OHP x10
* Bent-over row x10
* Squat x10
* RDL x10
* Situps x10

I got through 5.4 circuits. Felt OK doing it.

Re: Diary of a Desk Jockey

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 7:05 pm
by DeskJockey
Day 38:

**Tactical Barbell Pre-Base Building**

What a crappy week. Finally got into the gym, but didn't have much time.

Empty bar (45lbs) for all, except sit-ups (bodyweight only). 60s rest between each set.

2 circuits of:

* OHP x30
* Bent-over row x30
* Squat x30
* RDL x30
* Situps x30

Only 2/3 of the workout I had planned, but 0.66>0, so I guess that's something.