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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 2:17 am
by Karak
Green2Blue wrote: One mile speed test: 6:36

-This was surprisingly fun. I could certainly be more disappointed with my time, especially considering I haven't been training for this specific run recently.
Nice job on that mile, the power of long slow runs! I do the occasional Crossfit WOD for HIC/GC, and they improved significantly after Base. Times are down, work capacity up.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:54 am
by KS-90
Nice work on the mile man.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:23 pm
by Green2Blue
Appreciate it folks. I think now it's time to focus on getting that down under 6:00. I'll be starting black next week.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:32 pm
by Green2Blue
Block 4
Week 4
Day 6

LSS: Run
Distance: 6.75 miles
Time: 74 mins
Average Pace: 11:01
Average RPE: 5

-Finally starting to feel and perform better. Longest run this block, and I had a couple more miles in me. Next week with MS at 85% will be the real challenge.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:17 pm
by Green2Blue
Strength (Operator)
Block 4
Week 5
Day 1

Primary Lifts (85% Training Max)

SQ 3x5@385 lbs
BP 3x5@200 lbs
WPU 3x5@ 85 lbs

Accessory Lifts

Overhead Press 3x8-12
Calf Raises 3x8-12

Farmer's Walks 3x5+
Swings 3x5+

-I was pretty intimidated walking into the gym this morning. I've had some trouble this block with my strength, and week 5 of Operator has always been the most challenging for me. But, I nailed it. Squats were a challenge but I was never unsure that I'd hit a rep. Bench and pull-up were a relative breeze.
-Have I mentioned I love the farmer's walk/swing superset? Because I do.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:12 am
by Train_Hard_Live_Easy
Awesome, matey, well done. 8-)

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:03 am
by Green2Blue
Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Awesome, matey, well done. 8-)

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:53 pm
by nickgoldma
Nice job on the one mile speed test. Looks good.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:09 am
by Green2Blue
nickgoldma wrote:Nice job on the one mile speed test. Looks good.
Thanks man. Gotta get it under 6 minutes!

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:43 am
by Green2Blue
Conditioning (Black)
Block 4
Week 5
Day 2

HIC: Hill Sprints
Reps: x3
Time: ~13 minutes
Average RPE: 10 (I'm pretty sure I died)

-STORY TIME! So I recently decided to switch from Green to Black mid block. Today was my first day of Black. My HRM and watch hadn't yet arrived for my intervals or tempo run do I decided to do hill sprints. There's a GREAT hill for it near my work place. Nice long steep hill with a wide sidewalk, it's perfect. I've been itching to get at it.

So after work today I head out, just jog to the hill as a warmup. I don't know if the distance I ran up the hill was longer than described in TB2, if I ran too fast, or if I'm just a wimp, but this killed me. I intended to run it 5 times because I didn't want to push too hard just starting out, and it's week 5 of Operator which is hard enough. But after the first run up this hill I had my doubts if I could even hit 5. After my second I knew for a fact I couldn't. Walking down I saw a combine (tractor) heading my way. I walked down and got in position to race it up the hill. As it got close I made eye contact with the driver - and we were off! I managed to pull off a clean victory.

I waved at the driver and headed back down the hill. After a few steps my legs just stopped working. I sat down on the sidewalk before I fell. I lay there for a few minutes completely exhausted, like I've never felt before. Things weren't getting any better and I couldn't stand up, so I texted my buddy who swung by and picked me up in a patrol car. It was a short ride. As soon as he dropped me off at the office my stomach decided it was time to empty itself. I've NEVER thrown up from exercise before, and I've pushed myself pretty hard. I sat down and put my head on a table, barely able to move. I called my wife and told her I was in no shape to drive so it'd be a while before I made it home. She told me she was going to pick me up and I was in no position to argue. I pretty much passed out on the table until she arrived.

It took me about an hour to recover. I'm a moderately fit guy, but WOW are hill sprints an ass kicker!!!