Ectional's training log

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Re: Tacticool Ectional

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Operator Cycle 2 is a go. W1D1 (70%)
1x5 deadlifts 117.5kg
3x5 squats 110kg
3x5 OHP 45kg

Big surprise were chin-ups where my first set was a set of 6 which came quite easily meaning my ability to do chin-ups has shot up without my knowledge. Taking this into consideration I decided to set the chin-up rep goal in a workout to 20.

For a finisher did two sets of push-ups, 21 reps each set.

Indoor power intervals on a rowing machine tomorrow.

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Re: Ectional's training log

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Did power intervals. Each time I rowed about 580 meters. Felt easier than before. Many things are starting to feel easier, except the weights of course.

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Re: Ectional's training log

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Cycle 2 W1D3
3x5 squats 110kg
3x5 OHP 45kg
15 total chin-ups (4-4-4-3)

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Re: Ectional's training log

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Third strength training session done yesterday. Went as expected although chin-ups have regressed a little. Probably down to feeling weaker due to not eating before working out.

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Re: Ectional's training log

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Some handcuff, pepper spray and telescope truncheon training yesterday along with a few takedowns. Ended it with 120 KB swings, 9 chin-ups, some bicep curls just because I felt like it and tried the plank&shank which I really liked.
Rest day today.

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Re: Ectional's training log

Post by ectional »

December 3rd, 2017. Operator cycle 2 week 2 day 1
Deadlifts 5x 132.5kg
Squats 3x5 120kg
OHP 3x5 50kg
Chin-ups 5-4-3-2 (14)

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Re: Ectional's training log

Post by ectional »

Operator C2W2D2
Indoor power intervals on the rowing machine. 5x 2 minutes

Operator C2W2D3
Squats 3x5 120kg
OHP 3x5 50kg
Chin-ups 5-5-4 (14)

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Re: Ectional's training log

Post by ectional »

Operator C2W2D5 (yesterday)
Squats 3x5 120kg
OHP 3x5 50kg
Chin-ups 5-5-4 (14)

Didn't do much conditioning that week. Might go do some muay thai on Sunday. Been thinking of starting training muay thai again anyway but I'm kind of hesitant as of right now.

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Re: Ectional's training log

Post by ectional »

Operator Cycle 2 W3D1

Deadlifts 3x150kg
Squats 135kg 3x3
OHP 57.5kg 3x3
Chin-ups 5-2-2
Chin-ups really fell off after the first set, don't know why.

1 minute plank
6 ab-wheel roll outs

Had a goal to do a minute shank as well but had to quit earlier.

Next goal is to lose 15-20kg (33-44lbs) in the next three to four months. Just to get into fighting shape for spring's major field exercise Springstorm 2018. Which will begin May 4th.

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Re: Ectional's training log

Post by ectional »

Took most of the week off due to fatigued body. Will repeat W3 from Monday, but calculating training weights from 90% of 1RM.

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