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Re: Josh's log

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:45 pm
by Josh
Week 4 Day 3
Didn't get home yesterday until 1 so I'm going to double to day

Squats 175x4,5,5,5
Press 87.5x7x4
Deadlifts 255x5x2 beltless

First work set of squats went weird. I hit the rack, and dumped the bar, but I didn't have locks in the sleeve. Oops. I got my proper 3x5 in though. Half way through my deadlift 5 I realized I forgot my belt. I bumped the weight again. It's still totally doable with minimum RI still

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:13 am
by Josh
Base Building?
Week 4 Day 4

Time trial
Mile 10:35 warm up
400 - 2:02
800 - 4:41
Mile jog back

Because I restarted Basebuilding in the middle of the summer, I haven't really done any HIC yet. This was supposed to be my first workout, a timed mile then some 400s.

My phone/stopwatch was insufficiently charged for the task, and my pacing sucked. My warmup jog to the track was a comfortable 10:30 mile, then after walking for 4 minutes I took off for the timed mile at roughly my 200m pace. Bad idea. So I finished the lap, waited some more and tried again. This time my phone wasn't going to make it through the mile, so I stopped after two laps and jogged back home, finishing with 4 strides where I work up to a strong pace and hold for 20 counts. I'm gonna test the mike and maybe the 400 on the 1st of each month, to start tracking improvement. Also, due to me starting to get a feel for the high bar squat and feeling silly putting up such submaximal weight, I'm going to spend the next 2-3 weeks running a linear progression on the big 4 lifts, then test and transition into Zulu set up like

M - squat, press, run intervals
W - tempo run, bench, deads
F - squat, press
S - bench, slow run

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:48 pm
by Josh
Transitioning to continuation

Squat 185x5x3
Bench 185x5x3
Deadlift 265x5

Ye Olde SSLP. Felt good to bench.

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 12:11 pm
by Josh
Back to school stomach virus took the family out for a better part of the week. I'm not sure if I should log the hours spent dry heaving as a core workout or HIC...

Squat 195x5x3
Press 100x5x3
Deadlift 275x5

Run:walk 10:2
34ish min 3ish miles
Phone died on route.

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:53 am
by Josh
Squat 205x5x3
Bench 190z2 stopped due to illness


Treadmill "tempo"
20 minutes starting at 5.0 mph and ramping up to 6.4 - no walking breaks

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 1:51 am
by Josh
Squats 215x5x3
Press 105x5x3
Deadlifts 285x5
Feeling a little better. My students always have the best germs in September.

I like this dispersing LP into a TB protocol. It's like a block periodization thing. I go away to London next week for a show, when I get back I'm going to Zulu.

It's looking like this summer is Katahdin and the knife edge. I may look into stringing together some other peaks in Baxter.

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:13 am
by Josh
My first HIC
More run/walking...
3:1x6 2. 2.1 miles 23 minutes
Interval paces were
1- 8:42
2- 9:07
3- 9:43
4- 10:10
5- 11:03
6- 9:32

Originally I was planning on 8 intervals, but after that 10:10 I figured I would sandbag an interval and do one more full force. My goal for this workout is to run all the intervals at a 5k pace, which probably should be 9:30 pace

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 12:32 pm
by Josh
Squat 225x5x3
Bench 195x2, 185x5, 170x5x3

Press 110x5x3
Deadlift 295x5

Run/walk 10:2
3.6 miles 44:23

The run was easy today, especially after deadlifting. I was able to keep a nice slow pace up and down the hills for 10 minutes at a time. I probably only really needed the first break, but I took them, hoping to ward off injury. This is it for the linear progression for now. I'm going away for a bit next week, and when I get I'm going to start up a Zulu cycle, but with Press and maybe deadlift I'm going to use a Texas Method style intensity/ volume progression, as I think there's room for more easy gains

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 4:20 am
by Josh
"Fast" 2
2 miles 20:30. On treadmill ramping 5 to 6.7 mph .1 emom last 3 @6mph
Treadmill is easier than real life

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 3:35 pm
by Josh
Squat: Worked up to 255x2 as a test for my training max, which gives my calculator 272. I'm gonna use the 260ish max that my last 225x5x3 gave me, instead of using the a 90% training max. I lose strength with too much of a dip in intensity.
Bench 145x10x3 this was just goofing around with bigger sets.

If I can get one run in while I'm away I'll be happy. If I can get two in, I win.