Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training
GMB Rings 1
Week 4 session 1



1. 3x8(Progressed to harder variation)
2. 3x8
3. 3x8
4. 1x8


I am feeling a little bit of a twinge in my right elbow and inside of the forearm. I was able to train but kept it at minimums and cut my 4th exercise two sets shorts. I will give it a couple days and assess. Probably too much computer time lately haha.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's training

Bjj gi 1200-1330
Worked on spider guard and passing same

Side control transition to mount

4x5 min rolls

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

GMB Rings 1
Week 4 Day 3

1. 3x20 sec
2. 3x10
3. 3x8
4. 3x30sec
5. 3x8


Still a little niggle in my elbow but was ok today. The push exercises don't seem to hurt it as much as the pull ones did. Either way it is pretty minor pain at this stage. If it persists after week 5 I might take a short week long break to rest it up before progressing to the next stage. Still enjoying the training and after week 5 the exercises will progress after this "basebuild of sorts" to adjust to the rings.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Couple days off due to being sick. I did do a bjj gi session on Wednesday I forgot to write in. 2xbjj and 2x ring training completed. I have been sick for a few days but only missed the one ring session.

I am getting the itch to go back to tb barbell which is good. I will stay the course and complete rings but I think I just needed a break from back squats and barbells. Looking forward to tb with ring exercises for the upper body movements in my cluster.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

GMB Rings 1
Week 5 Day 1

1. 3x20 sec
2. 3x8
3. 3x8
4. 3x30sec
5. 3x8

First day back after the flu. I kept the volume lighter due still recovering.

This is the last week of phase 1. Next week is an exercise and focus change up.
I wish I had pushed the volume a bit more,but I can defintely feel an improvement. I am also missing the weights and conditioning but have more energy all round instead.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by BlackPyjamas »

Maxrip13 wrote:
BlackPyjamas wrote:
Maxrip13 wrote: I can definitely see why I struggled with a strict muscle up in the past.
Any tips with regards to this?
I am probably strong enough to do the movement for a single rep but I lack the control to do the transition. I have trained with kettlebells and barbells for years and thought I had the instability aspect covered but the rings are a whole different challenge.

There are 2 levels in the program and I started at the lowest level even though I can already do pullups and dips for sets of 10+ on the rings. These reps would get those exercises done, but I am in the complete wrong positions to transition through to other exercises.

I am working on perfecting the technique in the preparatory exercises. This will allow me to build strength in the positions that will enable me to link movements together on the rings and work towards the muscle up. I can do the pieces but I am getting by with brute strength only.

It is just like building a skill with shooting, martial arts or sports. I am basebuilding to start with general strength exercises,progressing to more difficult variants,then will transition to the actual skills practice and that will end with me transitioning through exercises on the rings in a "flow". The strict muscle up just happens to be one of the ways to get above the rings.

I am enjoying the switch in focus and I am definitely feeling the training effect. Even my legs are feeling a training effect from stabilising my body above and below the rings. I will try and stick with the full 12 weeks and see where I end up.

I have always been interested in using the rings for my upper body strength/SE work and barbells for my lower body work. That is what has always had me interested in doing a muscle up, back squat cluster. It is a lot of specific training to work towards one specific exercise, but I think I will enjoy the challenge and the side effect of all the extra stability, strength and control that will be required to achieve this. It's hard to be specific this early on in the training but I will definitely be updating this log as I complete the program.

Hopefully this answers your question in a roundabout way. I just came off night shift and I am waiting for the coffee to kick in.
Copy that thanks. I like the idea of basebuilding the movement, makes a lot of sense with something like a muscle-up.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

BlackPyjamas wrote:
Maxrip13 wrote:
BlackPyjamas wrote:
Any tips with regards to this?
I am probably strong enough to do the movement for a single rep but I lack the control to do the transition. I have trained with kettlebells and barbells for years and thought I had the instability aspect covered but the rings are a whole different challenge.

There are 2 levels in the program and I started at the lowest level even though I can already do pullups and dips for sets of 10+ on the rings. These reps would get those exercises done, but I am in the complete wrong positions to transition through to other exercises.

I am working on perfecting the technique in the preparatory exercises. This will allow me to build strength in the positions that will enable me to link movements together on the rings and work towards the muscle up. I can do the pieces but I am getting by with brute strength only.

It is just like building a skill with shooting, martial arts or sports. I am basebuilding to start with general strength exercises,progressing to more difficult variants,then will transition to the actual skills practice and that will end with me transitioning through exercises on the rings in a "flow". The strict muscle up just happens to be one of the ways to get above the rings.

I am enjoying the switch in focus and I am definitely feeling the training effect. Even my legs are feeling a training effect from stabilising my body above and below the rings. I will try and stick with the full 12 weeks and see where I end up.

I have always been interested in using the rings for my upper body strength/SE work and barbells for my lower body work. That is what has always had me interested in doing a muscle up, back squat cluster. It is a lot of specific training to work towards one specific exercise, but I think I will enjoy the challenge and the side effect of all the extra stability, strength and control that will be required to achieve this. It's hard to be specific this early on in the training but I will definitely be updating this log as I complete the program.

Hopefully this answers your question in a roundabout way. I just came off night shift and I am waiting for the coffee to kick in.
Copy that thanks. I like the idea of basebuilding the movement, makes a lot of sense with something like a muscle-up.
It has been a really well planned program so far. I am in the 5th week which is basically the final week of the "basebuild exercises".
I transition to actual gymnastic movements in the 6th week. I have gotten sick so had to drop a session last week and will probably do the same this week because I had enough strength to do the harder progressions already. I haven't really done any other conditioning besides BJJ but it has allowed some lower limb injuries to heal and I have had no issues in Critical Incidents at work.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training
GMB Rings 1
Week 5 session 3



1. 3x8
2. 3x8
3. 3x8
4. 2x8


Did this workout fasted besides 3x coffees. I got a bit light headed on the final movement so probably should fuel up next time. The set involved inverting so that might have also been why.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s 2nd training

Bjj open mat 5-7pm
Some nice cruise rolls. Hit a lot of single leg x but no sweeps or subs from same.
Time to work it I think.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training
GMB Rings 1
Phase 2 Week 6 Session 1



1. 3x5
2. 3x5 (Hardest exercise easily)
3. 3x10 Sec hold

I am back training after a bit over a week off. I had a bit of a scare with an ACL injury at BJJ, but it was just a muscular strain at this stage.

Moved onto phase 2 and some more difficult exercises. The stability on the rings is not completely there at the moment for L sit type exercises, but I am sure I will get there. I will begin adding in squats and hamstring exercises as directed by the physio over the next two weeks. I am not sure whether that will be bodyweight or weighted at this stage.

I am going to do a bit of work on my diet in the coming weeks also. I am lacking some nutrients and I need to start focusing on my recovery.

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