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Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:23 pm
by malander93
F/B(SEx2)/G, Week 6, What day is it again?

Ran 3.1 miles at a 10:17 pace on monday. Felt like absolute shit. Going to finish this week out but looking forward to a deload week.

Monday was also a MS day -

Warm up
Hex DL 4x3 @ 275#
Bench 5x3 @ 150#
Pull Up 5x3 @ 35#

SE today (11/7)
Push up x20
Squat (16kg) x15
Row x20
Sit up x 20


Think I'm only going to get 3xE sessions this week.

Been doing some thinking on what I'll do once this block is over.

I think another round of Fighter/Bangkok/Green would be good, but I will cut it down to 1 SE session (push ups, sit ups, pull ups, KB swings done as a percentage of my max) and add some accessories to my MS days. Will try to be more strict with my E work in terms of keeping it long and "easy", definitely had a few runs that took it out of me for a day or two. Also hoping to get back in the pool twice a week so I'm not wrecking myself running. Might go with a mtntactical CRO/PJ program from there, but too soon to tell.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 4:41 am
by malander93
Week 6 - FB/G

Thursday was MS,
1x20 KB Swing at 55#
8x10 KB Swing at 70#

Hex DL 5x3@275#
Bench 5x3 @150#
Pull Up 3x3@35#

Friday SE
Push Up x25
Squat (35#) x15
Row x25
Sit Up x25


Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:58 pm
by malander93
Been taking the last few days easy. Did a MS workout w/ 50% of my training maxes on Monday and a short 1 mile run as well.

Today I maxed out...

Hex DL 375#
Bench Press 210#

Max Pull Ups 12
Max Push Ups 40
Max Sit Ups 59

I plan on a 1.5 mile run tomorrow..hoping all this snow will melt by then or I might have to go on the treadmill.

My thoughts..

Very pleased with my deadlift and bench considering I never passed 275/150 respectively in training and have focused a lot more on endurance. I also have not benched before this block for about 3-4 years so that felt good.

I think I have been avoiding maxes for my push/pull/sit ups for a while because I was afraid of what I'd find. I knew my pull ups wouldn't be great while training weighted PU 2x/week, so I'm okay with 12. I think I can bump that up to 18-20 if I put the work in. Sit ups were okay considering I was training them 2x/week with reps less than 25. Push ups honestly were pathetic, but I can't say I'm super surprised. They have been an issue for me since I quit swimming, for some reason back then I could get 60 in a minute, probably due to lower bodyweight and much more endurance/work capacity.

Overall, I am very happy I have some concrete numbers to work off of. I know what I am capable of and I just need to put in the reps and mileage to get to the next level.

I've been mulling over what I should do now for a couple of days. I contemplated base building again, but really like to maintain my strength..that said, my SE needs some serious work. I think right now I am planning on running Green from TBII with Fighter/Bangkok and FPP. Subtle difference there between running fighter/bangkok with green (9 weeks with the first 6 essentially the same as fighter/bangkok but with 3 weeks of 3xSE work per week after). My MS cluster will just be deadlift and bench since I will be running FPP for the first 5 weeks. I will run SE as a percentage of my max reps just like I run MS as a percentage. I gave some thought to running something like a fighter push up program or similar, but think that continuing to build endurance and maybe drop a couple pounds will help, and if not I will have 3 weeks of pretty intense SE that will definitely iron that out at the end. Also wouldn't mind throwing in some fun runs for E that would include push ups.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:50 pm
by malander93
The snow didn’t melt until later today so I ran my 1.5 on the treadmill. Not ideal but hey gotta get it done one way or another, and I figured 6” of fresh powder on the track might affect my time a little too much. Got it done in 10:52. Just happy to be under 11. 10 or sub 10 would be preferable in the long run.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 8:05 pm
by malander93
New working max for DL is 355# and 200# for bench. Pull ups are BW for FPP.

11/19/18 (am) Green+FB, Week 1, Day 1

Hex DL 4x5@250#
Bench 5x5@140#
Pull Ups, 5,4,3,2,1

Pm, E

6.38 miles, 1:05, HR avg 157

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:41 pm
by malander93
11/20/18 FBG, Week 1, Day 2

Run 3.1 miles, 34:34, HR avg 149. Felt pretty rough, might need to space out these runs and find another modality to vary up my E. Still shooting for 3-4 runs/week.

FPP 5,4,3,2,2

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:11 pm
by malander93

FBG Week 1, Day 3, MS + FPP

Hex DL 3x5 @250#
Bench 5x5@140#

Pull Up 5,4,3,3,2

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:14 pm
by malander93
11/22/18 FBG, Week 1, Day 4

Turkey trot. More of an HIC (fast 5k) than E...Next year I will probably sign up for the 6 miler if I'm still in town.

24:45. Really wanted to get sub 24, but there was pretty much no way considering it was a few thousand people and more than half were walking and blocking the road. Total shit show. Missed my pull ups this day for family stuff. Not a big deal I will make them up Saturday.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:25 am
by malander93
11/23/18 FBG Week 1, Day 5


Push Up x28
Goblet Squat (30#) x28
Row x28
Sit Up x42
KB Swing (24kg) x28



Ran like a half mile to the pull up bar and back. Will get a long run in tomorrow.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 3:51 pm
by malander93
11/24/18 FBG, Week 1, Day 6 E + missed FPP

Run 5 miles, 55 minutes. Think I was a little sore from the SE the other day as this run felt like dog shit. Oh well, kept the avg HR around 150.



Resting Today