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Re: Jon's Training Log

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2021 2:04 am
by motelshower
M, W, F: Operator, week 6.

T: HIC: Fobbit Intervals... 24kg swing and snatch.

Th: E: Ruck, 60 minutes w/30 lbs.

Off Saturday and Sunday.

Moving onto Mass Template this week. Very excited.

Re: Jon's Training Log

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 9:07 pm
by motelshower
Started Mass Template. Wow.

Monday and Wednesday were MT week 1. Bench, squat, and bodyweight pull-ups. Tuesday I went for a ruck, 30 lbs. for 60 minutes. Wasn't pushing it and averaged 17 minute miles.

Two observations so far:
  1. DOMS. I was expecting this but not to the degree that I felt. I was pretty dang sore yesterday and early this morning, though I feel a lot better today post-work out.
  2. I'm using the standard formula from Mass Protocol for nutrition but my appetite has been insatiable. I've had to stop myself both Monday and yesterday from blowing my total calories out. I can feel it again today, too.

Re: Jon's Training Log

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 3:56 am
by motelshower
Wrapped up the first week of MT. Very happy with this training so far. Hit a 30 minute LSS jog for my conditioning session on Thursday and got quite a bit of walking in over the weekend. My insatiability finally subsided on Thursday. I haven't had any issues getting the calories in, so far, though I am trying very hard to keep my whey protein powder reliance as minimal as possible because (I think) it's been causing some bloating. Sleep has been fine. Had dinner with some family last night and had 4 drinks.

Re: Jon's Training Log

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 3:50 pm
by motelshower
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday was MT week 2.

Tuesday I got in a 30 minute recovery run. Thursday I got in a 40 minute ruck.

My diet has continued to dial in. I'm down to a 1-2 scoops of whey a day now.

Weight is starting to move. I'm up 1.4 lbs. over the last 2 weeks. I was expecting it to raise somewhere in the .5-1 lbs. per week range, so I am happy with this.

Re: Jon's Training Log

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 6:20 pm
by motelshower
Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday was MT week 3.

AMRAP sets on squat and bench, peaking on DL.

It was nice to hit AMRAP sets this week. I left ~2 reps in the tank on both of those AMRAP sets. Crushed the squat (14 reps) and bench (11 reps), though, and was very happy with the results. I will be using the AMRAP set to determine my 1RM / TM going into the next 3 week block.

Peaking was a lot of fun, as well. After the work set, I added 20 lbs. for a triple, 20 lbs. for a double, 10 lbs. for a double, and then tried an additional 10 lbs. for a single. My grip was starting to go on the 2nd set of heavy doubles. One the single, I couldn't get the bar past my knees. It's crazy how fatigue sets in with DLs, I felt pretty confident going into that set but it wasn't there today. Still very happy with the session overall.

Had a very busy work week so conditioning took a back seat this week. I got in 3 walks for about 2 hours in total.

Put on too much weight this week. The holiday season is definitely in full swing now. I am on a cheat day today but I'm keeping it pretty low key. But... My pants still fit fine in the waist, so I guess it's not all bad. My arms are noticeably gaining size from about 6 weeks ago. I credit that to re-orienting my diet and using the Mass Protocol nutrition guidelines (plus all of the weighted and now volume body weight chin-ups).

Going to stick with my original plan for OMS. 1 more 3 week cycle of Mass Template and then moving on to Specificity Alpha using the Bulgarian cluster / template.

Re: Jon's Training Log

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 5:10 pm
by motelshower
Last week was solid, training wise. Week 1 of MT, ruck and recovery run for conditioning. Nutrition was a bit of a train wreck but I made sure to hit my protein numbers (almost) every day. All things considered, I'm content with how it went. This week should be fairly regular, hopefully.

We all came down with a cold last week before Christmas. Thankfully we all tested negative for covid-19 and it's been mild, but annoying, and not impacting training or recovery.

Re: Jon's Training Log

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:38 pm
by motelshower
Training on Monday morning was fine but by Monday night I was feeling sick as a dog. Bad cough, bad congestion, sore throat, a very bad headache that I couldn't shake. I woke up Tuesday and progressively lost my sense of taste and smell. Had another negative covid test on Tuesday afternoon. I took all of this week off as a result, to rest and recuperate. I am feeling better today. I still have some lingering head cold symptoms but the worst of it is definitely behind me. Sense of taste started returning yesterday, though it's still a bit dulled, and sense of smell is returning today. I figure that I'll be back in the saddle on Monday and will re-started week 2 of MT.

Re: Jon's Training Log

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:38 am
by motelshower
MT week 2. Completed the week but Wednesday was rough. Thankfully by Friday I felt fully recovered. Being sick sucks, glad that it's behind us now. Looking forward to next week, I'm planning to run peaking for bench and squat. Conditioning this week was a ruck and a 30 minute jog.

Re: Jon's Training Log

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:25 pm
by motelshower
Peaking this week has been great. I set out with a goal of setting PRs. I worked up to a 275 lbs. squat for 1 rep and 190 lbs. bench for 2, the second rep was shaky with a sticking point around halfway but came through. I don't think that I will push DL into PR range tomorrow. Nothing Earth shattering here but I am very happy with these numbers, especially considering that I only started barbell training a year ago.

Conditioning has been light this week. 1 30 minutes LSS jog and some recovery walks. Rucking tomorrow afternoon will be interesting.

I'm going to move into Specificity with Bulgarian next week. I originally set out to run 2 cycles for 6 weeks total but now that I have the numbers in front of me I am going to have to play it by ear and see how my recovery holds up against this beast of a template. I'm thinking that, if I don't feel confident about 6 weeks of Bulgarian, I may run a single 3 week cycle and then take a bridge week before going into Operator.

Re: Jon's Training Log

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 7:27 pm
by motelshower
I bit off more than I can chew with the Bulgarian Specificity template. I finished the work on days 1 and 2, but just barely on day 2, and I don't believe that I have the work capacity to maintain this for another 2.5 weeks. I'm going to pivot to another 6 weeks of MT, since the MP book, when discussing the Standard Cycle, recommends MT for 12 weeks for first-timers. I'll be pulling in RDLs in place of pull-ups for these next 6 weeks, however, to give my elbow some reprieve.