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Re: Lennart's log (critique encouraged)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:29 pm
by Tom28
lennarn wrote:
Tom28 wrote:That last guy was a monster.
He outweighed me by 35 kg (77 lbs) and used to do powerlifting (DL 260 kg/ 573 lbs). My teammate tapped to his straight ankle lock before it was tight, just out of fear. It was a great experience, and I'm sure I won't make the same mistakes again.

After the first fight I got to know the guy that beat me, and he taught me the submission that he got me with. Then I taught him the counter I was working on when he got me. I love the friendliness of the bjj/sw community!
I probably would have faked some kind of cardiac event if I had to face someone that big, especially from stand up (we almost always start from the knees at my BJJ school). I always laugh at how my BJJ teammates and I can go at it so hard, and afterwards, they're always willing to teach me what they did to me to make me better. It really is an incredible community. Who would have thought that trying to choke other people at every opportunity would make them like family?