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Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 3:11 pm
by close_fox
Block 3A
Black Pro + Operator
(3 week mini-block)

Week 2

2.1, 2.3, 2.5
Max Strength: SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
*Should have been 3x3, not 3x5. I noticed this error after BP on day 2.5. So basically I ran 3x5 the entire week except for SQ on day 2.5. This is the second time I have made this error. Just like the last time, it cost me some HIC training quality. I'm willing to bet the extra SQ volume contributed to my hip flexor flaring up during my IPI rowing. Either way, I'm going to associate the two. Pain is a great motivator for following simple instructions.

Plank/Shank/Rest (sec)
30/30/60 x2
(Note: skipped on day 2.5 due to time constraints)

Shoulder dislocates (PVC) 2x10

Notes: Solid week of lifting, other than my rep oversight.

Standard Issue Stairs

6 reps
1:45 rest after each rep


Note: One more rep. Little faster. Little less rest. Nothing earth shattering. Progress.

Indoor Power Intervals
C2 Rower - Level 10

2min max effort
5min rest

(rep 5 canx)

Reverse hyper 2x10
10min total body stretch

Notes: Hip flexor flared up again during rowing. Frustrating. Had to decrease effort a little on reps 2/3/4 and canx rep 5.

LSS Run - 40min
Notes: Including easy push-ups and sit-ups just like last week.

Reverse Hyper 3x10
TRX Row 4x10


Week 2 wrap-up: Frustrated with myself about the lifting rep oversight. Driving on.

Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:51 pm
by close_fox
Block 3A
Black Pro + Operator
(3 week mini-block)

Week 3

3.1, 3.3, 3.5
Max Strength: SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)

Plank/Shank/Rest 30/30/60sec x3
Shoulder dislocate 3x10

Notes: Lifts felt great. Strong sets of 2 reps. Was really temped to load up the bar, but I dialed back my motivation. 3rd set of PU on 3.1 sucked. Bad grip, everything felt unbalanced, just a bad set. First time that has happened since I started TB. Overall, I really felt the 95%TM weights dragging down my PU numbers.

HIC: Standard Issue Stairs (easy)

Notes: Usual early AM session did not happen. Woke up groggy and seriously dragging ass. Wife said I was tossing/turning most of the night. Guess I didn't sleep much. My energy levels did not improve during the day, so I canx today's session. Not sweating it. This is an Rx easy week for conditioning anyway.

HIC (easy)
Standard Issue Stairs
2min rest after each rep

Times (sec)

Notes: Day 4 has been IPI on the C2, but today I ran stairs instead. If I'm only getting one HIC this week, it's gonna be stairs. Today's easy version was fewer, but faster, reps with more rest in between.

LSS (easy)
30min run + push-ups

Reverse hyper 3x10
TRX row 3x10
Shoulder dislocate 3x10
Total body stretch

Notes: Knocked the time down to 30min to arrive at the easy version. Low back was tight, so I canx the sit-ups. I want to reiterate that I am running slow during these sessions. Just a little faster than BB pace. Well within conversation pace.


Week 3 wrap-up: Thus endeth this mini block. I enjoyed Black Pro. I will have more comments in my wrap-up post for this block. The next three weeks (mini block 3B) will be SE focused in the form of PFT prep.

Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:28 pm
by close_fox
Block 3B
PFT prep
(3 week mini-block)

I saved this block for one big post. Didn't see the point in updating weekly, because I wasn't doing TB programming per se. Anyway, what follows is three weeks of PFT prep.

Push-up / Sit-up / Pull-up : "Triple Double" drill...meaning three sets totaling double your max reps
Easy "max" set (more reps than a training set, but no failure)
5min rest
1/2 of set 1 reps
5min rest
1/2 of set 1 reps
Notes: This session is a good way to push your max #s without burning out. I typically do the push-ups and sit-ups as supersets. Then I run through with pull-ups separately. Doing all three turns into a max effort upper body circuit, which is not the point.

2 mile run negative split...2nd mile faster than the 1st
Notes: Using a negative split is a great PFT strategy. Leaves gas in the tank to ensure you at least finish, and hopefully can push hard for the last 1/4 of the test. Including an all out sprint for the final 200m or so.

Reverse hyper
Hip flexor stretch
Deep squat stretch
PVC shoulder dislocates

KB swing
10 reps @ 20kg
1min rest

Quarterdeck Core
Plank Push-ups x10
Back Extensions x10
V-Ups x10
Ab wheel x5
Rest 1min

Total body stretch

Notes: Really enjoyed this session. My rationale for doing some mid to heavy-ish swing sessions was to keep some kind of strength training going during this mini-block. And the QDC to balance out all the sit-ups I am doing. I'm not sure how well I accomplished those goals, but the session felt good.

20min treadmill walk
Total body stretch

Notes: I don't do these "zero" sessions enough. ("Zero" as in, not an actual work session.) The goal is not to exercise, but to get the blood flowing and stretch.

PT Ladders (pull-up x1, push-up x2, sit-ups x3)
Ladder 1
Rest 3min
Ladder 2
Rest 2min
Ladder 3
Rest 1min
Ladder 4

A PT Ladder is just the front half of a PT Pyramid. This graphic by Stew Smith explains PT Pyramids better than I can type it. Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules by posting it:

I typically do ladders instead of pyramids when a PFT is coming up. Pyramids are a lot more volume. I decrease the rest in between each ladder and stop short of failure. When the current ladder "breaks" during pull-ups (meaning you can't complete the Rx rep count), do the push-ups and sit-ups. Then move on to rest and the next ladder.

600m Resets
5min rest.
Notes: Scaled down the rep count. Goal is to stay sharp for the upcoming PFT.


Standard Issue Stairs
45sec, 5min rest
Notes: Banged out on this one. My usual stairs are only high enough for a roughly 20sec max effort sprint. I was in a different building for this training session (no hight limitation). I sprinted hard for 45sec. Had to increase rest to 5min, or else I could not have maintained speed. Great session, but came close to a true max effort. Not something I would do weekly.


Push/Sit Pyramid
1-10/Rest 3min/10-1
Push-up x1 / Sit-up x2 (3 air squats after each set on front half of pyramid)

DB swing

1 Arm Row

Notes: Legs still recovering from stairs two days ago. So no impact today. No pull-up bar available. 50s were the heaviest DBs available.


3 mile run
Push-ups & ab exercises during run

Notes: Great for approximating a PFT run - moving at speed while fatigued.


Basically a repeat of Day 1

Standard issue stairs x8
1:45 rest

PVC dislocates

Notes: Back to my usual 20sec stairwell. Got under 20sec for some of the reps.

Repeat of Day 4 (PT Ladders, etc.)




Notes: 15/16/17 were not rest days by choice. Would have preferred to get in at least one session.

Push-ups / Sit-ups x10 training sets (good # of reps with no failure)

Rest 5min

Pull-ups "on the minute" (5min running clock. Do one set on each minute. Rest remainder of the minute.)

2 mile run - negative split

Shoulder dislocates 2x10




PFT: CANX for a scheduling conflict!!! :roll: After I spent three weeks doing prep I didn't want to do! Oh well. Driving on.

3B mini-block Wrap-up
A little frustrating to have put in work for three weeks and have the test canceled. I am going to count this block as my dedicated PFT/SE work, maybe for the rest of this calendar year. I will maintain whatever progress I made (and hopefully improve on it) by doing weekly-ish Fobbits and Fun Runs. I am moving on to Block 4, which will be Black (most likely Black Pro).

3A mini-block Wrap-up (just realized I neglected to post this when I finished 3A...)

BP: Feels good. Reps are snapping. I didn't really feel the 10lbs force progress I used for this mini-block. That's a good thing.

SQ: I'm back in the groove. This is historically my best lift, and I look forward to progressing when the time is right.

Next block max numbers: I plan to stay with my notional max #s of 260 BP and 315 SQ for another six weeks. This three week mini-block was great, but I want two solid six-week blocks with these weights before I retest and move on.

PU: Time for a recap here. Over my first 1.5 blocks of Black+Op (Blocks 2 and 3A, so nine weeks), I have progressed from 3/3/3 to 10/10/10 bodyweight pull-ups. This has been nowhere near a max effort. I'm talking about slow, controlled, 100% perfect form pull-ups. I stopped every set before failure. I could have ripped off a lot more pull-ups, but that wasn't my intent. I wanted to rebuild the movement, just like my BP and SQ work. Now that I'm at 10/10/10, I am going to move on to WPU. I don't have a lot of history with WPU. I have done them at times, but never really paid attention to progression. Certainly nothing as detailed as TB. I have always increased pull-ups by simply doing more pull-ups. We'll see how it goes.

Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 10:47 pm
by close_fox
Block 4 Look Ahead; Week 4.1

Block 4
Black Pro + Operator

Lift cluster: BP/SQ/PU
BP and SQ: Staying at notional max #s of 260 and 315, with a training max. I want six more weeks of "owning" those numbers before I move up.
PU: Reversing myself here. After further reflection, I am going to stay with bodyweight pull-ups for this block. I will be exercising at a few different facilities during this block. Adding weight to put the W in WPU presents logistical variables I am not willing to deal with right now. I would have to either buy a dip belt, lug a vest/plate carrier to the gym, or buy a backpack I don't need. None of that is happening. I'm going to increase BW PU to five sets. I found a program online that is very similar to one I have done in the past. Starting very sub-max and slowly adding reps.

HIC "A": 600m Resets
Notes: Advanced = 10 reps @ 10mph (if on treadmill), 3min rest

HIC "B: "Standard Issue Stairs"
Notes: Advanced = 15 reps, under 20sec, no rest

E: SE Fobbits
2min jog
10 push-ups
10 sit-ups
Repeat for at least 30min, add time as needed

Plank + Shank "A": 1 x max hold in each position (stop short of failure). Rest 2min between positions.
Plank + Shank "B": For each position, multiple reps of 1/3 to 1/2 of the time I got during session A. Alternate between positions with minimal (hopefully no) rest.
Notes: Doing a little experimentation here. This is one of my favorite strategies for increasing pull-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups. I am curious how it will work with Plank + Shank.

Weekly schedule

Max Strength
Plank + Shank A

600m Resets

Max Strength
Plank + Shank B

Standard Issue Stairs

Max Strength

E: SE Fobbit


Week 4.1

Max Strength
SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
BP: 165
SQ: 200
PU: 4, 3, 2, 4, 5 (interspersed)

Plank+Shank "A"
Plank: 1:11
Shank: 1:16

Shoulder dislocate 3x10


Notes: Felt good to lift again. BP was nothing. SQ felt really solid...deep stretch, good extension.

600m Resets
Treadmill 8mph @ 1% incline
5min rest

Notes: I stopped at four reps because my back tightened up. Probably from Shank yesterday.

Max Strength
SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
BP: 165
SQ: 200
PU: 4, 3, 3, 4, 5 (interspersed)

Plank+Shank "B"
Plank: :24 / Shank: :26

Shoulder dislocate 3x10


Standard Issue Stairs
1:30 rest


Notes: I typically don't keep track of the hundredths/sec, but I did today. Went about 90% effort today. My goal is to either decrease rest or add reps each workout. Along with getting a minimum of six reps per workout.

Max Strength
SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
BP: 165
SQ: 200
PU: 4, 4, 4, 3, (8*) (Straight sets today, not interspersed)
* "Max" set. Stopped once the reps started to feel approximately as difficult as the SQ reps I did today. Well short of failure.

Stretch: Got a really good stretch in between PU sets. Spent extra time on my legs.

Notes: Reps felt really good today, especially SQ. I had time, so I did PU as straight sets.

E: SE Fobbit
2min jog
10 push-ups + 10 sit-ups
Repeat for 35min. Approximately 16 rounds. I lost count of rounds, but I know I went a for 35min.

Shoulder dislocates



Week 1 wrap-up: Weights felt good this week. I am starting to think about options for the end of this block. Including force progress vs. retest. Thinking I will retest, but reserve the "right" to force progress by a lesser amount if my retest max seems unsustainable. I don't want to commit to using a weight I can't sustain along with running HIC and E.

Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 11:19 pm
by close_fox
Block 4
Black Pro + Operator
Week 2

Max Strength
SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
BP: 190
SQ: 230
PU: 5, 4, 3, 4, 5

Plank+Shank "A"
1:13 (Rest 2min) 1:19

Shoulder dislocates 3x10

Notes: 5min RIs for BP and SQ as usual. Had time, so did PU as straight sets. Only 3min RIs between PU sets.

HIC: "Standard Issue Stairs" x8
Rest 1:30
Times: 7x:19, 1x:20

Notes: Early AM session on low sleep. Didn't push very hard.

Max Strength
SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
BP: 190
SQ: 230
PU: 4, 4, 3, 4, 6

Plank+Shank "B"
Plank :25 / Shank :27

Shoulder dislocates 3x10

Notes: 5min RI for BP and SQ. 3+min RI for PU.

HIC: Tempo Run

Notes: Due to training location, I did not have anywhere to run my Rx 600m Resets. I did a PFT-distance tempo run instead.

Max Strength
SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
BP: 190
SQ: 230
PU: 4, 4, 4, 4, (7)

Shoulder dislocates 3x10

E: Fobbit

Notes: As discussed below, I am pretty wasted after this week. I am going to take this week's 3xMS and 2xHIC and move on.


Week 2 wrap-up: I am feeling well below 100% after this week. No symptoms of illness, but I am watching for it. I think my Standard Issue Stairs experiment has come to an end. My legs feel far more dead than they should at the end of the week. I am looking at SIS, because I am still running with my notional max of 315 on SQ. I think the stairs' steep incline is putting too much on my legs on top of 3xSQ/week, and I see little point in pushing through for the rest of this block. SIS was an experiment, and I have my answer. I will probably replace SIS with Fast 5. I might return to SIS during SE phases (when I am not carrying a MS load).

Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:32 am
by close_fox
Block 4: Black Pro + Operator
Week 3

3.1, 3.3
Max Strength
SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
BP: 210
SQ: 255
6, 5, 4, 5, 6
6, 5, 6, 5, 6

Shoulder dislocates: 3x10

Notes: BP+SQ early AM. PU PM. I did not really enjoy dividing the work like this. For some reason, it made PU feel more difficult. Plank+Shank canx due to time constraints.

HIC (easy)
Mat room @ work

[END WEEK due to injury]

Week 3 wrap-up: This week was going good until I got in the mat room and injured my foot. Feels like a sprain. It has responded well to RICE over the past four days, so I don't think it is too serious. I don't have a "lesson learned" story, because I didn't do anything stupid. I don't even know exactly how I injured it. There was no sharp pain or obvious incident. I probably just tweaked it several times and didn't notice due to adrenaline. I could train as normal tomorrow if I had to, but obviously that makes no sense. I am examining options for training around this injury. I might have to limit my training to BP, PU, and non-impact HIC for a couple weeks. If this goes on too long, I will look at options for unilaterally training the healthy leg.

Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:45 pm
by close_fox
Block 4: Black Pro + Operator
Week 3(con't)

Max Strength
SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
BP: 210
SQ: 255
PU6, 5, 4, 5, 6

Shoulder dislocates: 3x10

IPI (easy, non-impact)
1min max row
5min rest
Repeat for 5 reps

Distances (m)

[END WEEK for TB purposes; foot in orthopedic boot per doc's orders until specialist can review x-rays.]


Non-TB session (foot in boot)
Mountain Tactical Institute leg injury program workout. I pulled a work capacity session from the free "sample training" section online. It...worked my capacity. :D MTI is legit; I have used it a lot in the past. The programs are goal oriented. Some of MTI's stuff gets a little long, high volume, and technical/complicated (just IMO). I'm obviously team TB right now (and for the foreseeable future). But I encourage anyone to look at MTI if it might fit a specific need (especially specific school prep and/or the programs that train around an injured arm/leg). I could definitely see layering a focused MTI prep plan on top of a solid TB foundation.

Notes: Went to see another doctor on what would have been 3.5. Good news: I'm cleared to train. Outstanding news. Doc asked me to rest for two days before getting back into training, so I am. Then I will move on to Block 4, Week 4. I'm calling Week 3 good because I got all three Week 3 lifts in, along with two HICS, over about 10 days. Driving on.

Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:08 pm
by close_fox
Block 4: Black Pro + Operator
Week 4

MS: SWAT Cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
3x5@75% of TM
BP: 175
SQ: 215
PU: 5, 4, 5, 6, 7

1:15.11 (Rest 2min) 1:16:86

Shoulder dislocates 3x10

HIC: 20min tempo run (negative split)

MS: SWAT Cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
3x5@75% of TM
BP: 175
SQ: 215
PU: 7, 6, 5, 6, 7*
*Last rep was dirty. Had to force it.

Shoulder dislocates 3x10

Notes: Should have eaten more during the day. Felt it during my workout. PU was a grind.

HIC: 10min tempo run (negative split)

Notes: Strictly a "better than nothing" workout today. I had 20min to exercise. 5min warm-up, 10min hard run, 5min cool-down. Not ideal, especially because it was my second tempo run of the week. I wanted to do 600m Resets, but no time.

MS: SWAT Cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
3x5@75% of TM
BP: 175
SQ: 215
PU: 8, 6, 5, 4, 8

Shoulder dislocates 3x10

E: 30min run + sets of 10 push-ups & 10 sit-ups interspersed

Notes: Didn't count sets of push/sit. Probably 10 of each.


Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 5:07 pm
by fazer681
Great stuff, Close_fox!

Little did i know, but im following a modified Fighter Bangkok version of the 17 week LE protocol.

I just started week 2 of my continuation, which will be running for 9 weeks (because i want to get my SE Alpha's up to 3x30... 3rd/easy week, kinda hinders the linear progressions of that :P )

and I TOO liked GC10...i just havent figured where to plug it in...maybe ill throw it in every 4 weeks, so i get to do it twice during my 9 week block.

Stay frosty, man!

Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 5:15 pm
by close_fox
Block 4: Black Pro + Operator
Week 5

MS: SWAT Cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
3x3@85% of TM
BP: 200
SQ: 240
PU: 4, 5, 6, 6, 7

1:20 (Rest 2min) 1:20

Shoulder dislocates 3x10

HIC: 1.5 mile tempo run (negative split)

Notes: 1st half was moderate with some elevation gain. 2nd half was max effort. Might have been a mistake going close to 100%. I had hoped to repeat the course a 2nd time, but I was too smoked.

MS: SWAT Cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
3x3@85% of TM
BP: 200
SQ: 240
PU: 8, 7, 8, 7, 6*
*Rx was 8. Failed to get the last two reps. Willing to bet yesterday's max effort run had something to do with it. I tried to one-off the two reps I missed. Not only did I not get them, I reached absolute failure in the attempt. Bad idea.

Shoulder dislocates 3x10

Long day of gear inventory and packing. I was on my feet for 10-12 hours, lifted a bunch of moderately heavy stuff, and broke a sweat several times. No time for HIC afterwards. For scheduling purposes only, I'm counting today as E (meaning 5.6 will be HIC instead of E).

MS: SWAT Cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
3x3@85% of TM
BP: 200
SQ: 240
PU: 4, 5, 6, 6, 7

Shoulder dislocates 3x10

Notes: Repeat of 5.1 PU, because I'm not ready to move on to the next week of the program.

600m Resets x4

Notes: HIC instead of E. 80% effort. I've pushed too hard twice this week. Didn't want to make it three.


Week five wrap-up. Not a great week. Work got in my way a little bit. Got motivated and overextended on my tempo run (5.2). Made a stupid decision to try forcing missed PU reps (5.3).