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Re: Josh's log

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 9:31 am
by Josh

"Fast" 5 - 31:24

I did a parkrun while over here in London. I started out at what I thought was a comfortable 9:30 pace, but halfway in I found I couldn't keep that speed. I took maybe a half dozen short walking breaks in the second half. It was faster than any run I've done in the past year or so, so I'll take it. I'm going to run another 5k in November, so now I have a baseline for improvement.

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:04 am
by Josh
Texas Zulu
Week 1 Day 1
Intensity Press 115x5, 95x5
Deadlifts 240x5x3
Neutral Pull-ups 5,5,5

Long Run - 55 minutes - 4.4 miles
Still doing 10:2 for run:walking, I will probably progress it to 13:2 once I hit 6 miles

I'm doing a hybrid cycle: Texas Method for both presses, and Zulu for squats and deads. I'm also adding pull-ups and dips as accessories. So the week will look like:

Intensity Day Press: 5rm and a backoff set
Zulu Deadlifts
3 sets of neutral grip pull-ups to failure -1
Long Run

Zulu Squats
Intensity Day Bench 5 singles and a backoff set
Dipsx3 to failure - 1
Intervals - 600 resets

Volume Press 5x5@85% of M's 5rm
Zulu Deadlifts
More pull-ups
Tempo Run

Zulu squats
Volume Bench 5x5@85% of W

So it is written and so shall it be.
My goals are to lower that 5k time to sub 30 with a stretch goal of 27:00 and
To press 135 and bench 225 by the end of the 6 week cycle.
Also not lose too much ground on squats and deads

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 4:16 am
by Josh
Texas Zulu
Week 1 MS day 2
Squats 185x5x4
Vol bench 165x5x5
Dips 7,4,5

Getting sicker. Squats seemed hard. I randomly paused some of the bench press, including set 3. I failed a fifth rep of dips on the second set. I'm holding off intervals until tomorrow

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 4:01 pm
by Josh
Texas Zulu
Week 1 Day 3 9/29

Press 100x5x5 - played with heel distance
2 chins EMOM x 11=22
20 minute tempo run - 1.9 mi
Deadlifts 240x5x3
Superset with hammer curlsx15

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 1:06 pm
by Josh
Didn't log Tz week 1 Day4 or Week 2 Day 1

-Squats at 185 were inexplicably hard. I'm not sure if I like lifting periodized submaximal volume. I feel like I detrain too quickly. Perhaps because I'm still a lifting n00b.
-Everybody in my house has been running a fever or vomitting since seemingly forever.
-Missed a rep on my top set of 5 on Press. Switching to 2 sets of 3

Last night:
EMOM chinups 10 minutes 3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2=25
600 resets
1 warm up round, 4 quality rounds
1-2:36 - 4min rest
2-2:32 - 4::30 rest
3-2:40 - 5 min rest
mile jog cool down

With regards to 600 reset recovery, my breathing was normal, but my heart rate was still elevated.
September summary:
10 running workouts, 13 lifting workouts.
October Goals - I have 16 lifting workouts and 13 running Workouts on my plan. I would like to try to make them all no matter what.