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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 10:28 am
by grouchyjarhead
Max strength.

Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 9:27 pm
by grouchyjarhead
Fast paced warm up run, hill sprints, cool down jog. Static core work and mobility later on.

Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 3:28 pm
by grouchyjarhead
Max strength.

7 mile ruck in 2:06, 35#in ruck plates, nice and hilly.

Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 11:51 am
by grouchyjarhead
One month into the new programming, endurance results so far are great. Between my two 5 mile runs, I shaved 40 seconds off of my average pace on my second 5 mile run despite the first run only having mild (~100ft) of elevation and the second run having a good bit (over 600ft). Definitely happy with that.

Brief calisthenics circuit with the wife, it was fun.

Nice and easy 40 minute run around the neighborhood, just over 3 miles.

Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:53 am
by grouchyjarhead
Max strength.

40 minute run.

Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:50 pm
by grouchyjarhead
Max strength.

Army Physical Fitness Test. Under 250 so a failure, both push-ups and sit-ups felt weak. I probably should have rested a bit more. Going to try again sometime soon.

I then knocked out some rucking miles.

1 mile fast run to warm up, 8x200m (no more than 2 minutes rest in between each set), 1 mile recovery run.

Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 8:19 pm
by grouchyjarhead
Max strength. Rushed today so a bit lackluster.

Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 5:31 pm
by grouchyjarhead
60 minute run, 5.2 miles.

Max strength.

Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:34 am
by grouchyjarhead
90 min elevation ruck with 35#, just 4.76 miles. Tired and sore, the hills felt brutal.

Ruck PT. In just over 30 minutes - 150 jumping jacks, 25 ruck push ups, 50 ruck swings, 50 ruck mountain climbers, 25 ruck presses, 25 ruck squats, 100 ruck step ups (24”), 50 elevated push ups (no ruck), and 15 man makers.

Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 1:11 pm
by grouchyjarhead
Spent last week tapering and then Saturday night into Sunday morning I completed the GORUCK Tun Tavern Tough in Philadelphia. 13 hours, maybe 15 miles or so (not sure), lots of PT (a few dozen times up and down the Rocky steps included with the same), and carrying a ton of stuff (lots of sandbags and logs).

Physically I did great for a while until I ran out of water. Hard PT plus lots of running up and down the stairs, I hung in there as best as I could (everyone gets wrecked after a while, nature of the beast). Kept jumping in on everything I could carry, then I was out on water and didn't have any electrolyte chews or anything like that so I began to get dizzy. Fortunately we got water at about 5am and I used my electrolyte mix to get back with it. Back to business for a while, then my left shoulder popped and for a while I was one armed and not having a great time. So many hard chargers though I couldn't justify trying to coast through the rest of the event, and once I got back into rotating on some of the logs my shoulder ended up getting knocked back into place and getting functional again (definitely does not feel awesome today though). Finished up with some more PT and celebrating at the best estimate for the sight of Tun Tavern with Jarheads everywhere, hell of a weekend to be sure.