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Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:09 pm
by grouchyjarhead
Some days you feel like you're just going through the motions. The most important thing is going through the motions and getting it done. Nice work.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 3:33 am
by malander93
grouchyjarhead wrote:Some days you feel like you're just going through the motions. The most important thing is going through the motions and getting it done. Nice work.
Appreciate it

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 3:37 am
by malander93
11/26/18 FBG + FPP, Week 2, Day 1 MS, FPP, E

Deadlift 3x5 @285#
Bench 3x5 @165#
Pull Ups 6,5,4,3,2

Run 4.6 miles, 45 min

Crazy to think I hardly touched 275 in my deadlift last cycle and here I am getting comfortable with 285. Really can't explain that one. Bench felt decent enough. Pull ups are good. Easy run.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 3:40 am
by malander93
11/27/18 FBG+FPP, Week 2, Day 2 E, FPP

Pull ups 6,5,4,3,3

Run 3.2 miles, 30 minutes. Started off real easy and built to a 8min/mile pace for the last 3 or so minutes.
Assault bike, 10 minutes

Got a pretty good runners high for the day which helped immensely with a busy work day. Thinking about getting my food situation squared away. I used to be really good at meal prep but have slipped quite a bit. Might take the easy way out and grab a bunch of frozen stuff from trader joes and mix it up. Didn't realize how affordable they are in comparison to my other local options.

Also got my US masters swimming registration paid for. Grabbing a new suit and goggles tomorrow so hopefully I can make the Thursday morning practice.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:15 pm
by malander93
11/28/18 FBG + FPP

Hex DL 3x5 @285#
Bench 3x5 @165#
Pull Ups 6,5,4,4,3

Hit the stair master for 20 minutes, HR around 140-150.

Going on a ride along with flight paramedics dec. 23rd. Just found out they have a weight limit of 200# with a flight suit and boots. Got myself at 207.6 this morning after breakfast. I’ll start keeping track of this closely from here on out. Diet will have to change a bit but that is a good thing. I work with wrestlers so I’ve consulted a bit with them about weight loss strategies a little closer to the big day. Shitty part is I have two weddings in December, and one is two days before!

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 1:56 pm
by malander93
11/29/18 FBG, Week 2, Day 4 E + FPP

First day of swim practice. Real pants kicker.

250 yd warm up
6x50 yd drill/swim on :50

14x100 yd free, easy are on 1:40, fast on 1:20
1 easy
1 fast
1 easy
2 fast
1 easy
3 fast
1 easy
2 fast
1 easy
1 fast

6x50yd kick/swim, choice stroke

8x75 yd free, easy are on 1:15, fast on 1:00
1 easy
1 fast
2 easy
2 fast
1 easy
1 fast

6x50yd easy on :50

3150 yds total. Felt good to get back in the water but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get my HR up to 200 at some point. Not sure if I'd call this an E or HIC, but it did take 1:30 to complete the whole thing. Fun morning.

Weighed in at 207.2 after practice.

Pull ups later today....


Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:09 pm
by malander93
11/30/18 FBG + FPP, SE + FPP

205.6# this morning

Push up x32
G Squat (25#) x32
Row x32
Sit up x39
Kb swing (55#) x32


Last round I switched kb snatches with a 35# bell for the swings. I really like snatches over swings.

Pull ups

Due to time constraints I won’t be able to fit in an E session today. Kinda frustrated with that but tomorrow I will be working medical for a wrestling tournament all day...not really E but sort of an exercise in mental toughness as I won’t be able to eat for about 10 hours and will be running around all over the place taking care of people.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:05 pm
by malander93
12/3/18 FBG Week 3, Day 1 MS, E, FPP. 204.8# this morning.

Hex DL 3x3 @320#
Bench 3x3 @180#
Pull Ups 7,6,5,4,3

Run 4 miles, 40 minutes

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 4:02 pm
by malander93
12/4/18 FBG, W3, D2 - E+FPP

Swim practice this morning. Honestly forgot the whole workout, but I'd guess around 3000 yards total again. 1.5 hours. Going to take a couple weeks to really get back into swimming shape but I can hang on through the practice and still lead my own lane.

Pull Ups

12/5/18 FBG, W3, D3 MS + FPP + E, 202.6#

Hex DL 3x3 @ 320#
Bench 3x3@ 180#
Pull Ups 7,6,5,5,4

5 mile run, 50 minutes

12/6/18 FBG W3, D4 - Rest, 202.0#

Feeling the accumulation of fatigue this week. Going to take today off and go through some recovery/stretching and move the rest of the weeks work to Friday/Saturday. Overall feel like I'm making pretty good progress in all areas, including my weight.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 10:31 pm
by malander93
12/7/18 FBG + FPP

6.1 mile run, 60 minutes

Pull ups 7,6,6,5,4